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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:230 题号:8213619

While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the world’s first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher, Will. Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar(化身) that turns up on the students’ desktop, tablet, or smartphone screen when called.

Thanks to a digital camera and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have ,but also picks up non-verbal signals. For example, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way communication not only helps draw the students’ attention, but also allows the program’s developers to monitor their involvement(参与) and make changes if needed.

Vector’s Chief Digital Officer, Nikhil Ravishankar, believes that Will-like avatars could be a novel way to attract the attention of the next generation. He says, “Using a digital human is a very popular method to deliver new information to people, and I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver rich and educational experience in the future.” Greg Cross, the Chief Business Officer for Soul Machines, states that kids who have grown up in this digital time adapt(适应) to new technology quickly, and he hopes to develop the idea of digital humans in the area of educate further.

The program, in place since August 2018, has been a great success so far. However, no matter how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human edueators any time soon. For one, the avatar’s knowledge base is severely limited. But more importantly, even the smartest digital avatars could never predict and react to all the unexpected situations that educators have to deal with on a daily basis. However, it could come in handy as a “personal teacher”, providing kids with one-on-one help on the subjects or even topics.

1. What is mentioned about Will in the first paragraph?
A.He is a human-like robot teacher.
B.He is the first robot teacher in the world.
C.He is a digital teacher teaching in a school.
D.He will walk across the classroom to you when called.
2. In what way does the digital teacher help the students?
A.By taking part in discussion.B.By changing teaching methods.
C.By communicating with students.D.By monitoring students’ behavior.
3. What is Greg Cross’s attitude toward the digital teacher?
4. What can be inferred about the digital teacher from the last paragraph?
A.It has entered many homes as kids’ private teacher.
B.It will teach in class in place of human educators.
C.It’s good at handling unexpected situations.
D.It remains to be improved.


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Every year, students across the U.K.engage in the annual ritual (仪式) of telling college and university admissions officers why they deserve a seat at the school of their choice.However, this task is filled with anxiety and fear.    1     This, of course, leads many to ask the question: How should I write an essay about myself for college? Here are tips to keep in mind.

    2     For example, if all your friends are writing application essays about covid-19, that may be a good reason why you should avoid it.Unless, of course, you’ve had a vivid, life-changing experience that you are burning to share.Admissions counselors say that the best essays help them learn something about the candidate that they would never know from reading the rest of the application.

Keep your individuality in the spotlight.    3     What sets you apart from others? Tell your extraordinary story but remember not to oversell yourself.Your reader wants to see something personal about you, something that makes you stand out among others.Imagine how many applications the admissions committee reads per day, and think twice before writing some general information that doesn’t show your individuality.

Committees value authenticity.They want to hear your voice.This essay may give you the time and space to explain why a particular achievement means too much to you.But resist the urge to exaggerate: admission counselors read thousands of essays each year.    4              

Sound like yourself.Don’t use words you wouldn’t normally use.Don’t use fancy language you wouldn’t use in real life.Imagine yourself reading this essay out loud to a classroom full of people who have never met you.    5     Be on the lookout for words and phrases like ‘maybe’ ‘sort of’ ‘I think’ or anything else.

A.They can spot something unreal.
B.This rule works in all the aspects of your life.
C.Writing about oneself can be highly stressful.
D.Keep a confident tone even if you’re not feeling that way.
E.Remember, it’s all about you rather than a fashionable subject.
F.An informative and powerful essay focuses on the readers’ needs.
G.Experts often recommend looking for something unique of your life story.
2020-11-20更新 | 224次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】School Spirit Week can be held any time throughout the year in America. It is a special time when youthful exuberance (活力) is allowed full expression.

    1    There are spirit band sessions, spirit assemblies and spirit teams that have one primary goal. That goal is to promote school tradition and encourage students to recognize their school as an important part of their life.    2    Some schools will use it as a kick-off for a charity (慈善) event such as collecting food for the local food bank.

A Spirit Week program can include many types of supporting activities. At most events, students like to wear identifying clothing or articles that show they are a unified group and support their school. Spirit week agendas often encourage students to wear fun and modern clothes.    3    Monday might be funny hat day, followed by Tuesday's Hawaiian shirt day and Wednesday's silly T-shirt day. Thursday could be pajama day, rounded off with Friday's school colors day.    4    Students decorate the walls, halls and classrooms with banners, posters and other adornments. Spirit Week posters and banners can reflect the theme of the week, the pride in the school, or show any other creative support of the school.

Parents love this special week as much as students and teachers do because parents have a great interest in the success of their children.    5    

A.Spirit Weeks often have a central theme.
B.Spirit Week is about having loads of fun at school.
C.They can wear a different one for each day of the week.
D.The kids aren't the only ones dressed up for Spirit Week.
E.It makes them very happy to see the kids enthused about school activities.
F.It is also a time to recognize athletic teams competing during that season.
G.The main purpose of Spirit Week is to get the kids supportive of the school.
2020-03-20更新 | 234次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约540词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Let’s face it: homework can be almost as frustrating for parents as it is for kids. Getting kids to do their homework can be a challenge, and when they do sit down to study, a variety of other problems can appear.

Doing homework may not be as fun as playing video games or chatting with friends, but it shouldn’t be something that kids hate. Your children’s assignments should not be busywork, but should help them build a skill or learn something new.

You can offer help by stepping in to answer questions or offer encouragement. This gives you a chance to see what they are learning and how well they understand the material. It helps you understand their learning style and shows you care about their education.

Many kids refuse to study by asking why they have to learn things they’ll never use in real life. If your son or daughter shows little interest in their assignments, you can make them seem more important by pointing out ways you use them in daily life.

Parents who feel that their kids have too much homework can talk about it with the teachers, but they’re in the minority. A 2007 survey showed that 15 percent of parents said their kids had too much homework. About 60 percent said the homework load was just right, and 25 percent thought their children had too little homework.

If you think it takes your child too long to finish homework, try to determine whether the problem lies in having too much work or managing time poorly. One of the things homework is supposed to do is to teach time management.

If your child feels bored while doing homework, consider the following suggestions to make study sessions more enjoyable.

Get help from friends: if your children are struggling with an assignment, let them call a friend for help or invite a friend over to work on it with them. You might also invite neighborhood kids over and let them do homework together. Have them sit around the dining table and help each other.

Add physical activities: set mini-goals for homework and allow time for stretching, jumping around, or a snack after each goal is completed. For a kid who can’t sit still, find active ways to study.

Turn the tables: let your children teach you a lesson. Let them give you a quiz on the things they have just learned.

Title: Help with your child’s homework

The right goal of doing homeworkIt is supposed to help your child     1    a skill or learn new things
Advantages of offering helpYou can see how things are going with your child’s studies.
You can see what your child’s learning style is like.
You can show you are     2     in your child’s education.
    3     that you may faceThe child’s thinking that the assignments are     4    Tell them how you use the knowledge in real life.
Your thinking that your child has too much homework    5     the problem with the teachers.
Your thinking that the assignments    6    your child too much timeFind out whether there are problems with your child’s time     7    .
The child’s thinking doing homework is     8         9    to a friend for help.
Set small goals for the     assignments and allow the child to do physical     10    during breaks.
Let the child teach you something.
2017-11-15更新 | 95次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般