组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 艺术 > 音乐与舞蹈
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:525 题号:8420149

If you ever visit an English village, make sure to look out for morris dancing. Undoubtedly one of the strangest traditions of English culture, morris dancing is a form of folk dancing that dates back to the 15th century. If you ever get the opportunity, you really have to see it.

Men and women wearing old-fashioned, shabby(破烂的)clothing dance in the streets of towns and villages across the country during the holiday periods. Women wear long skirts and men wear short trousers with bells attached to them. They dance to traditional folk music which is often played on traditional musical instruments.

Some groups carry heavy black sticks with which they beat against each other while they dance. Other groups wave handkerchiefs in the air while they perform. The dances are usually performed near a pub so that when they’re over, the dancers and audience can sing some traditional folk songs over beer. The celebrations will often continue long into the night.

Morris dancing is a great English tradition but it’s facing a big crisis. As the years go by, fewer and fewer young people are joining morris dancing groups. The dancers are getting older and older and eventually, if not protected, the tradition will die out within the next few decades.

If you’ve ever had the fortune to see morris dancing, you may understand why teenagers aren’t rushing to sign up. Frankly, it’s not exactly the coolest thing for an 18-year-old to do. Why dress up in bells and funny costumes when you could be going camping, playing sports or doing anything else?

However, it would be a great shame to lose such a fun and lively part of England’s history and culture. So here’s a toast to the next generation of would-be morris dancers! Let’s hope they don’t leave it too late.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The origins of moris dancing.
B.The popularity of morris dancing.
C.The protection of morris dancing.
D.The introduction of morris dancing.
2. What do we know about morris dancers?
A.They dance in pubs late into the night.
B.They perform with sticks or handkerchiefs.
C.They wear long dresses with bells attached.
D.They sing folk music while they dance.
3. What is the present situation of morris dancing?
A.It is losing appeal among young people.
B.It is keeping pace with people's demand.
C.It is witnessing great changes in history.
D.It is being criticized by modern people.
4. What does the author think about morris dancing?
A.It helps stay healthy.
B.It is fun for teenagers.
C.It deserves more attention.
D.It is too old-fashioned.


阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】This is Your Dream Dance

With growing evidence that dancing helps boost brain health and manage symptoms of neurocognitive (神经认知的) and movement disorders, accessible dance programmes and movement therapists are helping improve the lives of millions.     1    .

Dance as brain movement

There’s actually a lot more happening inside the brain when trying to follow even the simplest choreography (舞蹈编排). “In dance class, we have to learn patterns, and remember sequences,” says David Leventhal, a programme director. The effect extends beyond the dance class to the real world.     2    .


In addition to the physical and neurological benefits, dance can also help people living with disease make out what their bodies can and can’t do. Rather than trying to control, or “fix” our body, dance is about developing greater body awareness and moving at our capacity, regardless of physical or cognitive difference.

Dance as community

    4    . Dancing with others not only makes people feel less different in their abilities when dealing with neurological and movement disorders, it also helps to combat the loneliness and social isolation of living with a chronic illness.

Still, researchers say they’re only scratching the surface of understanding how dance can be used therapeutically.     5    . Researchers are also trying to find out the most effective types of dance movements and the optimal length and frequency of classes.

A.Dance as body acceptance
B.Dance as physical exercise
C.The uniqueness of dance as a therapy lies in the following aspects
D.Dancing requires more “brain power” than simpler repetitive exercises
E.Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of dance is the sense of belonging it creates
F.Larger studies are needed to confirm the findings of the smaller trials that have been done
G.Tasks like navigating the kitchen or walking to the bus stop can be more attainable after dancing
2024-04-18更新 | 319次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)


Since remote antiquity, Chinese people have used music to record their lives and describe the ideals in their hearts. Catchy tunes are not only played on precious instruments, but also visualized in carvings, paintings, and buildings. Feel free to explore here!

Han Dynasty (202 BC — AD 220)

This period marked the significant development of the manufacturing of guqin and its music. The example unearthed from the Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tomb in Changsha, Hunan province, proves that guqin had developed into the form known today during that period.

Northern Wei Dynasty (386 — 534)

Buddhism (佛教) and its musical culture spread extensively during this period. Buddhist temples provided places for musical activities, which were recorded in many of the-existing stone carvings. Located in Gongyi, Henan province, the Grotto Temple is famous for its reliefs (浮雕) representing musical events. They are precious historical materials reflecting the music characteristics of the dynasty.

Song Dynasty (960 — 1279)

With economic development, a variety of musical cultures emerged to meet the entertainment needs of different social classes. Part of the painting “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” vividly reveals a storytelling performance. The painter adopted delicate techniques to truly record a street performer, whose superb skills are reflected by each listener’s show of appreciation.

Ming Dynasty (1368 — 1644)

At this time, traditional Chinese operas developed rapidly, promoting the formation of many singing styles. People began to enjoy operas and drama stages were built. Covering a construction area of more than 160 square meters, the Fancun village drama stage in Shanxi province provides rich materials for the study of the local folk culture.

1. Which heritage would a fan of classical instruments explore?
A.The Ming Dynasty drama stage.B.The Song Dynasty painting.
C.The Northern Wei Dynasty temple.D.The Han Dynasty tomb.
2. What contributed to the variety of musical cultures during Song Dynasty?
3. What can we know about musical heritages in ancient China according to the text?
A.Ming Dynasty witnessed the boom of traditional Chinese operas.
B.Most of the drama stages were built during the Northern Wei Dynasty.
C.The musical culture of Buddhism was developed during the Han Dynasty.
D.Buddhist temples were the main places for music al activities in the Song Dynasty.
2024-05-29更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】4 Music Festivals in the UK 2022

All Points East

Festival lineup (阵容) (2021): Bombay Bicycle Club, London Grammar, Jorja Smith

After a successful debut (首次亮相) in 2018,the two-weekend festival has become a symbol of East London’s Victoria Park as it continues to take things to an even higher level.

When & where: August 2022; London


Festival lineup(2022): Billie Eilish + more TBA (待宣布)

Since 1970, Glastonbury Festival has been one of the world’s most famous music and performing arts festivals. From rock, pop to techno, music-lovers find their spiritual fields down in Somerset.

When & where: 22nd-26th June 2022; Pilton


Festival lineup(2021): The Manor, DJ Luck & MC Neat, Amine Edge DANCE, Problem Central, Artful Dodger

Welcome to Southbound! Beginning as a single-day music festival on 5th September 2021, Southbound is a new festival born for South London. Bringing together all the very best in UK dance music, from live acts on an excellent outdoor stage to DJs and MCs in huge big-top stages, this is going to be one of the highlights (最精彩的部分) of the summer.

When & where: 2022 Dates TBA; London

Field Day

Festival lineup (2021): Bicep, Floorplan, DJ Seinfeld, George FitzGerald

Now one of the capital’s most loved one-day music festivals in the summer, Field Day is organized by a collection of clubs and promoters from the London music scene with live performances and DJ sets that showcase house, techno, hip-hop and more 2022 will see Field Day its 15th anniversary (周年纪念日).

When & where: TBA 2022; London

1. Of the following music festivals, which has the shortest history?
C.All points East.D.Field Day.
2. If you are interested in performing arts, you can attend the festival held on_________.
A.22nd August 2022B.5th September 2022
C.24th June 2022D.15th July 2022
3. What do All Points East and Field Day have in common?
A.Both had London Grammar in the lineup in 2021.
B.Both made their debut three years ago.
C.Both last just one day.
D.Both are held in London.
2022-04-26更新 | 228次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般