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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:34 题号:8474847

The McDonnells lived in a small brick house in Larchmont, a suburb of New York City. Jim was foreman of mail carriers at the post office where he had worked for 25 years. Married in 1960, he and Anne were childless.

On the evening of the eleventh anniversary of their marriage, carrying out the garbage, Jim McDonnell slipped on ice-coated steps, and struck his head. A few days later, driving to work, he lost control of the car, hit a telephone pole, and banged his forehead against the windshield. The following day he fell off the stairs, and again he banged his head. Found unconscious, he was hospitalized for three days with a cerebral concussion(脑震荡). One day in the same month, Jim borrowed a friend’s station wagon and drove to Kennedy Airport to pick up Anne’s brother and family. When he returned the borrowed car at 10 p.m., he was unaware that the wallet containing his identification had slipped out of his pocket onto the floor of the station wagon. After that, he was never seen again.

So what really happened to Anne’s husband? During his walk home, Jim had indeed blacked out(昏厥), losing all ability to remember who he was and where he lived. What happened then is unclear. The next thing he knew was that he was in downtown Philadelphia, a city he had never visited before. Seeing signs advertising the services of a James Peters, a real estate broker, Jim adopted James Peters as his own name. He had no past; his only reality was the present. James Peters got a Social Security card, which could be obtained at that time without showing a birth certificate, and took a job in a health club. He next worked at a cancer research institute, cleaning out animal cages. He also got a nightshift job at the P&P luncheonette, where he became well known for his omelets, as well as his courtesy and good humor.

About a month before Christmas 1985, colleagues noticed that Jim had grown unusually quiet and depressed. Something seemed to be turning in his mind. On December 22, Jim had fallen and banged his head. The next day at work he seemed distracted, and late that afternoon he had fallen again, striking his head. On December 24, he awoke feeling confused, yet delighted. After almost 15 years, he knew who he was! He was James A. McDonnell, Jr., of Larchmont, New York. His wife’s name was Anne.

Anne had just returned home from Christmas Mass, where she lit candles and prayed for Jim. A light snow was falling, and she was in a hurry to leave for Christmas dinner at her sister’s before the roads grew slick. Then the doorbell rang. "Oh my," she thought, "this is not a good time for a visitor." Anne opened the door — and saw a man with a full white beard. Immediately she recognized Jim. She couldn’t speak.

To Jim, Anne looked a little older, but prettier too. His heart overflowed.

“Hello, Anne,” he said.

1. In which year did James A. McDonnell get missing?
2. Which CANNOT explain the sentence "He had no past" in Paragraph 3?
A.He had no Social Security Card before he got lost.
B.He lost his memory after his blacking out.
C.He lost his wallet containing his identification.
D.He went to a completely strange city.
3. How did Jim feel on seeing his wife, Anne, 15 years later?
4. What would be the best sentence following the last sentence of this passage?
A."Jim," her breath came in bursts, "Is it true?"
B."Yes," she seemed puzzled, "And you are looking for…"
C."Well, Jim," her voice in delight, "Long time."
D."Come on in," said Anne, "I'm expecting you."
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There was a taxi driver who was angry and wanted to finish his shift as soon as possible. When he arrived to pick up his last passenger of the day, he honked(鸣响)the horn, but no one came out of the apartment. Minutes later, he honked again, but still there was no reaction.

He decided to knock the door. A minute later, when the door finally opened, he saw a woman in her 90s, with a small suitcase, and an apartment with furniture covered in sheets and no decorative items anywhere.

Inside the car the woman gave him an address and asked him to drive through downtown. The taxi driver told her it wasn’t the quickest route, to which she replied she was in no hurry. “I’m on my way to a hospice,” she added. With tears in eyes, she explained she had no family left and, according to the doctors, she didn’t have very long left.

The driver decided to shut off the meter and ask her exactly what route she wanted to take. They drove through town for nearly two hours. The woman showed him every significant place in her life and shared some of her best memories.

When the sun began to set, the woman decided to go to the hospice. When they arrived, the woman asked how much she owed him. “Nothing,” replied the driver. He gave her a hug and she thanked him for giving her a moment of joy.

After leaving the hospice, he drove aimlessly, thinking what would have happened if he had left or if the woman had gotten a driver refusing to drive through downtown. He then realized that this had been the most important thing he had ever done and that the great moments are often the ones that seem small but are actually full of beauty and significance.

1. Which word best describes the driver according to paragraph 1?
2. What can we infer about the woman passenger?
A.She took a shortcut to the hospice.B.She was unwilling to take the taxi.
C.Her family refused to give her a ride.D.She may no longer return to her apartment.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Refusing to charge the lady.B.Driving the lady along her route.
C.Persuading the lady to be optimistic.D.Helping the lady overcome diseases.
4. What does the author expect us to do in the text?
A.Get rid of our problems.B.Learn to release our stress.
C.Focus on our own memories.D.Put ourselves into others’ shoes.
2022-06-03更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My father was the kind of guy who could walk into a room full of strangers and leave with new best friends for life! He was a hard worker and was known as “Mr Fix-It” to everyone. He was also one of the most cheerful, affable (和葛可亲的) and gentle people you would ever meet, which made us, his beloved daughters feel proud.

But when Dad was in his fifties, my family began to notice him struggling. His work and skills began to become worse and worse, and he became depressed and withdrawn. This was not the man I knew. At the age of fifty-eight, Dad was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. As for our family, it was the worst.

Our first step was to attend a meeting hosted by the Alzheimer’s Association to learn more about the disease and programs that might help us. That meeting inspired me to start a Walk to End Alzheimer’s® team. But I still wanted to do more. In 2017, I became a board member of the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter.

The loss from this disease is gradual. My father’s decline continued for several years. Losing my father more and more each day was leaving a big hole in my heart and my life. I decided to fill that hole with action to honor my father.

That’s why I recently decided to leave a gift to the Alzheimer’s Association by naming it as a beneficiary of my retirement plan. My future gift will provide money to support research because I don’t want another person in my family or someone in other families to have to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

I am so proud to be able to honor my father and other family members who lost their fights to Alzheimer’s in this way. My dad was an inspiration to me, and I hope, through my gift, I can inspire others to join in the fight to end Alzheimer’s.

1. What can we infer about the author’s father before having Alzheimer’s?
A.He was an outgoing man.B.He hiked with strangers.
C.He made a living by sales.D.He was a popular repairer of cars.
2. What did the author initially do for her father’s disease?
A.She consulted many experts.B.She established a research team.
C.She gained more relevant information.D.She funded the Alzheimer’s Association.
3. What gift does the author leave to the Alzheimer’s Association?
A.Research funds for the disease.B.A record of her father’s mental state.
C.Her research papers on families like hers.D.Experts’ suggestions on her father’s disease.
4. What does the author focus on in the last paragraph?
A.Her precious gift.B.Her father’s firm confidence.
C.Her future expectation.D.Her father’s original motivation.
2023-06-02更新 | 260次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Jack Brown23岁时继承了100万美元,他把一些钱用于慈善事业,这带给了他快乐。

【推荐3】Jack Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington. He inherited (继承) a million dollars when he was 23, but he wasn’t happy at all. When his college friends were looking for their jobs, he didn’t have to. Jack decided to live a simple life like everyone else. He gave $ 10,000 of his money to a charity (慈善机构) to help poor children live a better life. Today he is 36. He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a small car only,but he is very happy.

Up to now Jack has helped some children from poor countries all over the world, by sending them each $ 200 a month. The money was used for the children’s study, food, medicine and clothing. Jack receives a report each year on the children’s progress (进步). They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.

When Jack first heard about these children, he wanted to help them. “It was nothing special,” he said. “Until I went to these countries and met the children I was helping, I didn’t know anything about their lives.” Once Jack went to meet a little girl in Africa. He said that the meeting was very exciting. “When I met her, I felt very, very happy.” he said, “And I saw that the money was used for a good cause. It brought me happiness. I want to do everything I can to go on helping those children.”

1. Jack didn’t need to look for a job ________.
A.before he went to collegeB.after he went to Africa
C.because he got one million dollarsD.before he received a report
2. Jack learned about the children’s progress by ________.
A.visiting them each yearB.getting a report every year
C.staying with themD.talking to them in English
3. The underlined words “for a good cause ” mean “________” in Chinese.
4. What’s the main idea of the story?
A.Help others,and you will feel happy.
B.It’s necessary to write letters to poor children.
C.Live a simple life, and you can give others help.
D.It’s the most important to help the children in Africa.
2023-09-02更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般