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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:200 题号:8492450

Every country has certain cultural patterns making it unique. Of course, habits and customs between cultures and countries tend to overlap(重叠). The popularity of social media, for instance, ignores borders and breaks down cultural differences. Technology has made the world a much smaller and culturally similar place. However, when looking at a foreign country, we will always find differences between our traditions and theirs. Young Italians and young Americans, for example, though alike in many respects, have also some pronounced differences, especially when it comes to work, pastimes and sports.

Most American teens have part-time jobs through high school and college. Youths in Italy tend not to. The reasons behind this are multifaceted. It is, to begin with, rather hard in Italy to find the type of part-time jobs students usually take up. Moreover, there is also a different cultural attitude to take into consideration, especially when thinking of certain parts of Italy. Young Italians like to enjoy life to the full and feel there will be time to work once they become adults, hence the lack of interest in finding odd jobs while still in school. Like the old saying goes, some Italians work to Live, while some Americans often live to work.

In a lot of ways, young Italians and Americans spend their free time in a similar fashion. Listening to music, watching movies, hanging out, practicing sports and surfing the Internet are all common ways to pass some free time. Italians, especially, make a point of going out and being social, often choosing between pizzeria or birrerie (place for pizza or beer), which stay open late. Italians often pile into a couple of cars and go out in a big group. In general, American teens participate in a lot of extracurricular(课外的) activities, many often through school, while Italians may not take part in so many.

When going out, Italian teens tend to meet and gather on the streets of their cities or towns, something not as common in the United States, especially in highly populated areas. This very Italian habit can be linked to the urban arrangement of Italian towns. Many of them date back thousands of years and feature central piazzas(广场) and areas built around historical sites that have now become gathering places for the young. If you’re in Italy, don’t be surprised by the sight of hundreds gathered in a piazza or on the street, laughing and drinking the night away.

1. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.the unique lifestyles shared by American and Italian teens
B.the relationship between young people of America and Italy
C.some customs and habits of the Americans and Italians
D.some differences in tradition between young Americans and Italians
2. By saying “some Italians work to live, while some Americans often live to work”, the author most probably wants to tell us that ________.
A.Italians have a better life attitude toward working
B.Americans are more diligent and thus live a better life
C.Americans and Italians both find it hard to locate a satisfying job
D.Italians and Americans have different choices regarding work
3. According to paragraph 3, which of the following statements is true?
A.American teens practice sports and surf the Internet to pass time.
B.Italian youth take an active part in extracurricular activities.
C.American teens like to drive out and social together in big groups.
D.Italian youth enjoy pizza and beer because they are cheap.
4. If there is one more paragraph in this passage, what will it most probably be about?
A.The working conditions of the young Americans and Italians.
B.The differences in practicing sports between teens of the two nations.
C.The central piazzas and areas built around historical sites in Italy.
D.The urban arrangement of the highly populated American cities.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s easy to think festivals are just about drinking and dancing, but festivals are also representatives of what a certain way of life thinks, the way they express themselves. I’ve been to over 60 festivals in 22 different countries, and I still want to experience more. One of the main reasons I enjoy going to international festivals so much is the fact that they are a microcosm of what they represent. Festivals are an opportunity to see as much as possible in a weekend into worlds so different, or even familiar, of my own.

Festivals are a fascinating insight into a group of individuals with a common understanding and the world they are living in. This is also one of the reasons I enjoy international festivals.

I ticked off a huge bucket list festival in Lake of Stars Festival in Malawi a few years ago. I was unwell and not my usual party self, but, it gave me the opportunity instead to sit and listen to the local poets. Through their poetry they enlightened me to some of the issues of the day — calling out their “fat government” and covering everything from housing, to relationships, to the nominal (名义上的) opportunities.

The importance of celebrating festivals abroad isn’t just to gather with your “tribe”. What I learned in a few poems at Lake of Stars Festival were fascinating insights into modern social issues and the Malawi of the present, which I would have had to dig deep to find out. And I probably wouldn’t have bothered to, to be honest.

Even if only for a weekend, what I learned there from the poets and artists gave me a better understanding of what life was like in Malawi.

You never know what you’re going to learn when you visit a new festival. That’s all part of the fun and expectation.

Comedy makes current social issues fun, music makes them melodic (有旋律的), while poetry makes them considered and heartfelt. Festivals bring you them all.

1. What does the underlined word “microcosm” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Different view.B.Mixed reaction.
C.Rare opportunity.D.Small world.
2. Why does the author like experiencing worldwide festivals?
A.He can learn about the world.
B.He likes having fun with others.
C.He expects to get job opportunities there.
D.He enjoys tasting a variety of drinks and food.
3. What does the author think of Lake of Stars Festival?
4. What is stressed in the text?
A.The author’s wishes.B.The greatness of poets.
C.The significance of festivals.D.The differences between festivals.
2023-06-01更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We tend to take holiday colors for granted, since they’re so deep-rooted in our culture. It’s usually pretty obvious what colors go with what holidays. But what might be less obvious is why certain colors are associated with certain holidays. For instance, as black and orange begin to take over department store corridor as decorations, we wonder how these colors became so popular for the holiday. Is it just because of black cats and pumpkins, or is there a deeper meaning to it?


To learn how black became associated with Halloween, we'll have to explore the history of the holiday itself. Halloween can date back to a pagan celebration called Samhain, a ceremony that the ancient Celts celebrated in late October and early November. The purpose of the celebration was to welcome in the time of harvest, and with it, “the dark half of the year”.

But the true symbolic significance of black had to do with death, as did the holiday. The ancient Celts believed that during Samhain, the boundaries between the living and the dead were weakened. So the celebration would also include offerings to dead ancestors, and celebrants would wear deep black mourning dress.


Orange is a little self-explanatory. But it also has to do with the particular time of year. Again, Samhain was introducing the harvest time; people would have seen the trees turn orange after months of greenery. But the orange also has to do with another important component of the ancient Samhain celebrations: fire. The ancient Celts would light community fires while leaving the fires in their own fireplace to bum out. The fires could also be ceremonies to help defend against devils while the gateway between the living and the dead was weak. And those fires certainly would have been orange!

1. Why does the author raise the question in Paragraph 1?
A.To give an example.B.To prove the opinion.
C.To present the topic.D.To arouse readers’ interest.
2. What can the color Black remind people of in Halloween?
A.Mourning ancestors.B.A welcome of the harvest.
C.A celebration of Samhain.D.The weakened boundaries.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Orange trees brought harvest to people.
B.The meaning of Orange is difficult to explain.
C.People left the fire to bum out to keep warm.
D.The color of fire was believed to drive away devils.
4. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Connections between Black and Orange.
B.The most popular colors of Halloween.
C.Certain colors are associated with certain holidays.
D.The Ways for Ancient people to Celebrate Halloween.
2021-03-19更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Tipping isn’t a big part of British culture, unlike in North America, where waiters and waitresses are paid below minimum wage. Tips are usually appreciated, but offering a tip of some services can cause confusion.

In casual restaurants, where you pay for your order at a counter but food is brought to your table, tipping is uncommon. You are welcome to leave a pound or two if you wish. In restaurants where you place your order with a waiter or a waitress and receive your food and bill at your table, it’s customary to tip around 10 percent. In some restaurants, a service charge may be added to the bill automatically, typically 10 or 12.5 percent. In this case, you don’t need to add a further tip. When you pay by credit card, the machine may ask if you want to add a tip. Check your bill to see if a service charge has already been added before paying—if so you don’t need to add a tip on the machine. You can request the service charge be removed from your bill if you are unhappy with the service. In some cases a restaurant may print “service not included” on the bill or menu. This is a request for a tip. You’re not forced to offer anything, but 10 percent would be normal in this situation. Tipping in cafes and fast food restaurant is not expected.

If you use a taxi, round the fare up to the nearest pound shown on the meter. On a journey from or to the airport in a booked minicab you might wish to trip 2 or 3 pounds if the driver helps with your bags.

Be sure to check a country’s tipping culture before you start your tip. For more information, visit TripAdvisor.com.

1. According to the text, ________ in British culture.
A.it is necessary to tip if you are served in cafes
B.it is confusing to tip if you receive your bill at your table
C.it is customary to tip if “service not included” is printed on the bill
D.it is compulsory to tip even if the service is unsatisfying in some restaurants
2. When you pay by credit card, _________.
A.the service charge can be added on the machine
B.the service charge must have been included in the bill automatically
C.the service charge can’t be refused
D.the service charge needn’t be checked before you pay
3. If the British taxi meter shows 58.4 pounds, you are expected to pay ________.
A.58.4 poundsB.59 pounds
C.61 poundsD.64 pounds
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Introduction of TripAdvisor.comB.Occasions for Tipping
C.Advice on Tipping in RestaurantsD.British Ways to Tipping
2017-04-11更新 | 197次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般