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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:164 题号:8543080

How To Make Friends And Connect With People In Challenging Times

It can be difficult to make friends living in a big city, especially when you don’t know many people. Over years of experience and studying social skills, I discovered that it’s possible to make friends without even trying.    1    

1. Be seen without trying to get attention.

You don’t have to say anything witty(机智的) or interesting to get people’s attention.    2    This can be done anywhere you go, such as the supermarket or your yoga studio.

2. Use the power of listening.

There’s an interesting phenomenon that occurs when you listen to other people, they’ll keep talking. Just keep giving them good eye contact and show with your body language that you care.    3    

3.    4    

So often we think about what we can get out of others when we try to make friends, but that thinking needs to be flipped around. Try offering a piece of helpful advice or invite someone you just met to grab coffee or lunch with you the following week.

4. Always have 3 good stories to tell other people.

When you have at least a few stories to share with others, you’ll never run out of things to talk about.

5. Smile like there’s no tomorrow.

It may not be natural for some of us to smile, but a smile is one of the most attractive things that someone can display when they’re meeting new people.

    5    They’re always available if you want to connect with people instantly and develop true lasting friendships.

A.Think about these strategies as tools.
B.Remember to be as optimistic as possible.
C.If you see someone you know, smile or say Hi‖.
D.Think about what you can give to the other people.
E.Listening is an approach to building trust and likability.
F.There are just a few strategies that you have to use on a consistent basis.
G.All you have to do is place yourself in environments where people will see you.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Teenagers enter their adolescent years with a mixture of optimism, excitement and anxiety. Adolescence is a time when boys and girls begin to show greater independence from their parents. It is also a time when young people begin to develop the sense of individuality that will help shape their future identity as adults. In fact, showing independence and forming a unique identity are two of the most important developmental tasks that adolescents must finish in preparation for satisfying and productive adult lives.

It is not easy for parents or teenagers to go smoothly through this period. Adolescents want to be independent of their parents and make their own decisions. They often do not recognize their need for adults’ guidance and support.

However, some parents find it easy to keep the lines of communication open with an adolescent child. These parents are often noticed by the child as stable sources of positive influence, and the teen feels supported in his or her growing independence. Communication in such families characterized by mutual( 相的) respect and the ability to freely exchange feelings and ideas. Parents who understand their teenager’s need for a reasonable measure of independence and individuality encourage their child's growth and achievements. This positive interest strengthens parent-child relationships. When adolescents receive parental approval and believe that parents really value their accomplishments, it creates a willingness to share other information about themselves.

Many parents find it difficult to have open communication with their child during the adolescent years. Some parents have difficulty understanding the changes their teenager is experiencing and pay little attention to his or her need to pull away from the family and make independent decisions. At the same time, some teenagers are so self-focused that they do not appreciate or accept their parents’ concern, and they are against all parental authority. In this case, frequent arguments may develop, and family life may become difficult. Parents and teenagers may separate from one another to avoid arguments, but this is usually a short-term solution that does not clear up the main problems.

A major long-term method is to help them develop more effective communication. This enables the family members to   end   their   conflicts( )   and   to   establish more   harmonious and   more   satisfying relationships.

1. What’s the importance of adolescents’ independence from their parents?
A.It means they have a different identity from that in childhood.
B.It shows they can make decisions on their own.
C.It helps them to develop unique characters.
D.It prepares them for successful adult lives.
2. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is the least influential in good adolescent parent-child relationships?
A.Parents approval for their children.
B.Teenagers’ need for parents’ guidance.
C.The possibility of talking about feeling freely.
D.Mutual respect between parents and children.
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The reasons for the arguments between parents and adolescents.
B.Why some teenagers don’ t show respect for their parents.
C.What children wish for during their adolescent years.
D.The arguments parents and adolescents may have.
2019-02-16更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Airplanes are known for "making" people sick. Fortunately, I've got the inside scoop on some practices that will keep you healthy on the plane and a head start on staying healthy during your travels.

Start taking immunity support products BEFORE you begin your trip.

Immunity support products come in a variety of forms. They are designed to prepare your body for physical stress by loading you up on the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants(抗氧化) that support great immune system functioning .

If your body is weak at the beginning of the trip, any germ or bacteria is going to have easy access to your system. Get those defenses in place a few days before travel and give your body the best chance to stay healthy.

Antibacterial wipes are your best friend.

Take a minute to think about that airplane. How many people are touching literally every surface with hands that have blocked a sneeze, been coughed into, held the handrail of the moving sidewalk?

Take along plenty of individually wrapped antibacterial wipes and use them everywhere. Wipe down the armrests, the seat belt buckle, the tray table and the remote control for the in-flight entertainment.

Wear slip-on shoes.

Many articles instruct passengers to wear socks on the airplane for comfort. However, if you walk down the aisle in your socks, or even worse, use the restroom, the bottom of those socks are going to pick up all kinds of dirt. So wear shoes when you move around on the plane! Let your shoes provide a barrier to whatever might be lying on the floor.

1. Why do planes easily make people sick according to the writer?
A.People lack practice to keep fit.
B.There are many bacteria on the plane.
C.People have too much entertainment during the flight.
D.People's immune system fails to work on the plane.
2. How can we protect ourselves from getting sick on the plane?
A.By wearing socks.
B.By stopping feeling stressful.
C.By blocking coughing with hands.
D.By taking some supportive products.
3. What's the best title for the passage?
A.Advice on safetyB.A worthwhile trip
C.Stay healthy on a flightD.Be careful of your flight
2020-09-22更新 | 322次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to refuse an invitation politely

Everyone has got an invitation to a party.     1     Then, how to refuse an invitation without hurting feelings between the host and you is very important. The following steps may help you.

    2     If you are not sure whether you can attend or not, call the host ahead to explain. If you plan to attend but must be late, call the host to ask if that is OK. If you have something else to do at that time, you can say “That is very sweet of you, but I will have to pass. I’d love to do something else.” on the phone.

Be honesty but also kind. If you don’t want to go, be honest and tell the host you aren’t interested in this party.     3     You can say you would love to come to other things that be hosts in the future.

    4     If you refuse a friend’s invitation to the birthday party or graduation celebration, wish him a great party and offer another time to get together when it’s just the two of you. You might also tell him you would love to see him another time, if possible.

Call after the party to ask how it goes. If you are invited to a party by a close friend, but you can’t go there, what can you do?     5     This gives you a chance to show that you are still thinking about him and happy with his success.

A.But remember to be kind
B.Make a call ahead to explain.
C.Offer another time to get together.
D.Call him when the party is over to see how it goes.
E.However, sometimes you couldn’t or didn’t want to attend it.
F.Don’t embarrass your host by telling others about the invitation.
G.Set up an appropriate time to give the host an explanation.
2023-06-27更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般