组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:135 题号:9776143

When my best friend and I were teenagers, our favorite place to hang out was the Hallmark store. If we had money, we would choose a perfect card for each other and then share tears or smiles depending on what emotion the words expressed. In those coming years we developed a     friendship built on sincere feelings and we often found comfort in the words of a Hallmark card. I think it is perhaps since those years that I have become a greeting card collector.

The other day, while cleaning out the storage in my home, I came across the bag where I have kept greeting cards. They are the lasting messages that speak the meanings of my life. I pulled out a foolish-looking card. It has a stick drawing on the front that seems to be my portrait(肖像画), I laughed as I realized this is exactly how my oldest daughter saw her mum. Opening it up I saw a hand-drawn heart with eyes and a big smile. On the other side are some words “You are the best mum in the world!” This may be one card that Hallmark cards cannot compete with for it is a treasure more precious than gold. I can’t go back to where I’ve been but, from time to time, I can be taken into a welcomed memory trip.

These are the Hallmark moments of our lives. Words from once upon a time inspire us to appreciate the people in our lives who mean so much. When we sometimes have doubts, or when the world treats us unfairly, the encouraging words are there in black and white, sometimes drawn in a homemade stick drawing with a heart-shaped smiling face standing out from the rest.

Life is a Hallmark card when you care enough to send the very best.

1. What influence does the Hallmark card have on the author?
A.Finding her real hobby.
B.Becoming a greeting card donor.
C.Getting real friendship and comfort.
D.Learning to share the experience of making cards.
2. The author uses “a welcomed memory trip” in paragraph 2 to show that_______.
A.she often remembers her past trip
B.those cards are very meaningful for her
C.her daughter’s words moved her deeply
D.drawing herself on the cards is very meaningful
3. Why does the author think the words on the cards mean a lot?
A.Because they make her full of thanks.
B.Because they are written in different colors.
C.Because they can help her overcome doubts.
D.Because they always inform her of the card collector.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Words on the cardsB.Collecting greeting cards is a hobby.
C.Life is a Hallmark cardD.Memory in the childhood


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many years ago, I went to watch a dance show with my five-year-old son Tim. The dance was presented by the San Francisco Ballet company.    1     Throughout it, he had his eyes fixed on the dancers. And later, he expressed an interest in learning to dance.

    2     His classmate who lived next door laughed, “Come on, Tim! There are no boys in my dance classes!” Moreover, some of our family members and his friends had the same attitude. They often discouraged him. “Look, Tim! In our town, no boys wear dance shoes,” they reminded him.

I gave in to other people’s views and prevented his dream. Dance lessons were put on hold. I let him take baseball classes.    3     After he gave up baseball, I asked him to try swimming lessons, the science camp, etc. But he never lost interest in learning to dance. As time went on, this interest even became stronger.

Finally, Tim got to have his dance lessons during high school. His goal was to try out for the school’s dance group which was well-known nationwide. The competition to join it was fierce (激烈的). Tim tried to spare time to practice dancing in an organization that welcomed male dancers. At last, his hard work paid off.    4    

I was proud of my son’s talent. And I regretted that I hadn’t been open-minded and hadn’t supported his interest and dream earlier. After graduation, he asked whether he could continue learning to dance in college. I agreed without hesitation (犹豫). Years later, Tim became a famous dancer.     5     Just stick to your dream and make efforts to make it come true.

A.Therefore, he left the dance group with sadness.
B.Tim was so attracted by the dancers’ performance.
C.Later, he even stood out in his school’s dance group.
D.So it’s okay to be different and never get discouraged.
E.However, he paid little attention to the coach’s guidance.
F.Tim was determined and seldom accepted others’ advice.
G.But there was no positive reaction from the people around him.
2023-06-20更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Why Gratitude Is Significant

As far as I'm concerned, no matter what you’re going through, there is always a reason to be thankful. But not only that — being thankful might just be exactly what you need to do if you’re going through a tough time.     1    

Researchers found that having a grateful attitude helps strengthen one’s immune system, lower blood pressure, improve sleep and motivate people to exercise regularly.     2     Practicing gratitude also has been associated with better quality of life for individuals who struggle with stress, anxiety and depression.

Having gone through a period of depression myself after cancer surgery 10 years ago, I can tell you this illness can be severe.     3     I knew I was in trouble when I couldn’t eat or sleep. It took me well over a year to come out of that dark valley.

During that time I sought forms of treatment for depression, including professional counseling and exercise. One thing recommended to me by a counselor was keeping a gratitude journal.     4     This simple exercise lifts my sight out of the darkness and helps me see the truth around: there are people who love and care for you, there’s purpose in life.

    5     In reality, there is no single cure for it. If suffering, you may prefer to seek professional counseling and care. Still, I would encourage you to practice gratitude. Think of a few things you can thank life for. You might be surprised by how significant an effect it can have.

A.Every day, I would set down three things I was thankful for in life.
B.Now I realize depression does not go away by practicing a single exercise.
C.It itself carries a host of health benefits.
D.Being grateful accounts for your recovery.
E.Gratitude is good for your mind, body and soul.
F.Depression makes you feel as if you are dead inside.
G.For example, I would sincerely convey my gratitude loudly.
2020-10-31更新 | 476次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How I failed my Oxford interview

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I’d made a mistake. “You think Jane Austen is… soft?” the man opposite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his colleague took turns to challenge my claim, finishing each others sentences as they stressed that Austen’s novels were, in fact, savage.

“I just mean …” I said in a bright voice, trying to keep the tone light, “that she’s not as biting as Virginia Woolf.”

The two professors this idea around, too, like a couple of cats toying with a frightened bird — giving specific examples of how Austen’s work was, on the contrary, more biting than Woolf’s. With no more defensive action to take. I simply smiled and said, “Let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?” And at that moment, my dreams of going to Oxford University disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Part of my problem was a lack of confidence. Even though I was a straight A student and had prepared for the interview to the best of my ability. I wasn’t a skilled debater. When faced with two experts who told me that I was wrong, instead of defending myself. I rolled over and accepted defeat.

To pass the interview, you need more than confidence, of course. You also need a burning passion for your subject, not just a keen interest. In other words, don’t put comments on your personal statement that you’re not prepared to back up in person.

So, months later, I already knew the contents of my thin envelop when it appeared on my doormat. Naturally, I felt a pang of disappointment. I had wanted to go to Oxford since I was 13. I used to look up images of my favorite college with the same eagerness of a bride-to-be browsing wedding dresses.

Ultimately, I didn’t have what it took — but, looking back, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Instead of going to Oxford, I found a university that was a better fit for my interests. I loved my eclectic (兼收并蓄的) course, where I could write an essay comparing Jane Eyre to 50 Shades of Grey.

Failing my Oxford interview also provided a valuable life lesson. I’m not more confident in my opinions, more passionate when it comes to debate, and I try to back up my point with hard evidence. What’s more. I have never since ended a discussion by giving a foolish smile and saying, “Let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?”

1. The underlined word “savage” in the first paragraph most probably means________.
2. “Let’s just agree to disagree” shows________when facing challenges.
3. Which of the following statements about the interview is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The author made a mistake when commenting on Jane Austen.
B.The author showed no respect for the professors.
C.Oxford’s rejection gave the author a chance to reflect on herself.
D.The professors advised the author to write an essay on Jane Eyre.
4. What lesson did the author learn from her interview experience?
A.One’s confidence, passion and knowledge lead to success.
B.A student should choose a selective college which suits him or her.
C.The power to fight against the authority is the key to a better life.
D.“Let’s just agree to disagree” is useful to bring a battle to an end.
2021-04-12更新 | 112次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般