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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:107 题号:8782406

Does the amount of cash in a lost wallet influence how likely a person is to return it? Classical economic theories suggest that the greater the appeal, the less likely we are to be honest—but a new study turns the idea on its head, finding altruism(利他主义), and a powerful hate for viewing oneself as a “thief” outweigh the financial attraction.

A team of researchers conducted a huge experiment concerning 355 cities in 40 countries. More than 17,000 identical wallets were dropped off at public places, each containing a grocery list, a key, and three business cards in the local language using made-up names and an email address. Some had no money while others contained the equivalent (等值) of $13.45.

According to the research, people on average returned 40% of wallets with no money in them but 51%with money. It also shows extreme differences between countries. But although rates of people’s honesty varied greatly from country to country, one thing remained remarkably constant: wallets with money, as opposed to no money, raised reporting rates.

In the US, the UK and Poland, they repeated the experiment with even more money: $94.15, which increased reporting rates by an average of 11% compared to the smaller amount. They also found that having a key expanded reporting rates by 9.2%.

The findings, which run counter to a fundamental principle of classical economics, suggest honesty, altruism and self-image can sometimes be more influential than economic self-interest.

A purely economic approach to behavior suggests people would keep the wallets with the larger amounts of money due to the increased financial reward, but economics often doesn’t account for a person’s sense of honesty or self-image, according to behavioral scientists. Altruism also influenced the findings, the researchers say. Since the key is valuable to the owner but not the finder, this pointed toward an altruism concern in addition to the cost of negatively updating one’s self image.

1. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?
A.Introduce a new topic for discussion.
B.Add some background information.
C.Describe a widely conducted experiment.
D.Provide the research results for the readers.
2. What’s the average reporting rate of a wallet with $94.15 inside?
3. What does the underlined phrase “run counter to” in Paragraph 5 mean?
A.Go against.B.Account for.
C.Agree with.D.Focus on.
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Classical economic theories have already been out of date.
B.People are more likely to return a lost wallet with more cash.
C.An experiment conducted worldwide proves people’s altruism.
D.Rates of people’s honesty vary greatly from country to country.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Researchers set up an experiment in which 5-year-olds were tested with their fellows under different circumstances of transparency (透明) and different audiences. They set up a sticker machine that in some settings was transparent, and other settings in which only the giver of stickers knew how many stickers he could give. They had children give out stickers in both settings. The results were striking: children were consistently generous only when the receiver and audience of the stickers were fully aware of the donation options. Children were notably ungenerous when the receiver of stickers couldn’t see the options.

The researchers said, “Children only showed consistently pro-social behavior in our study in the condition when they could see the receiver and their allocations (分配物) were fully visible; in all other conditions, children were statistically ungenerous, giving the receiver the smaller amount of stickers.”

They made the conclusions that at a very early age, children are learning how to position themselves socially. Well before they apprehend the sociology of their networks and what social reputation really means, they think strategically about giving as a function of how they can gain a reputation with a peer as a generous citizen or pro-social agent when the receiver observes them.

Children change their behavior in response to having an audience. Help children give to others in full view, delivering meals to families, and in private, dropping off treats or surprises for those who need support without signing their names. Also, children should be reminded that thank-you notes are lovely but unnecessary to receive. When we give gifts or lend help to others, try to help children remember why—to provide something for another. It really doesn’t have to be recognized. When a thank-you card doesn’t come, it doesn’t make a gift any less valuable or meaningful for those who were lucky enough to receive.

1. What did the researchers discover?
A.The givers’ behavior greatly inspired the receivers to help in return.
B.The children gave out an equal number of stickers in both settings.
C.The presence of an audience affected children’s decisions to give.
D.Donating helped children to become more generous in the future.
2. Which is pro-social behavior according to the researchers?
A.Observing the givers.B.Donating more stickers.
C.Gaining a reputation.D.Receiving more allocations.
3. What does the underlined word “apprehend” in Paragraph 3 mean?
4. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To suggest recognizing others’ kindness.B.To acknowledge the giver’s contribution.
C.To confirm the benefits of being grateful.D.To advise inspiring generosity in children.
2023-04-25更新 | 277次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In February, Japan appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto as the country’s first Minister of Loneliness to address the issue of isolation for the growing number of the population who live alone.

Loneliness has been a long-standing issue in Japan. Half a million people in the country live a solitary(独身的) life. They are known as hikikomori – “those who withdraw from all social contact and often don’t leave their houses for years at a time”, according to the BBC.

“In Japanese strict social norms(行为规范), high expectations from parents and a culture of shame make Japanese society a fertile ground for feelings of inadequacy.” Takahiro Kato, who studies and treats hikikomori, told the BBC.

But the pandemic has only worsened the effects of this lifestyle. According to figures released by the National Police Agency, in 2020 Japan saw a rise in suicides for the first time in 11 years. A total of 20,919 people took their own lives, 750 more than the previous year. The majority of them were single women and students.

Before the pandemic(疫情), most people who live alone had a fairly normal routine: a full day of work, dining with friends afterward, then going home. But the pandemic forced them to stay indoors, reducing the few chances they had to socialize.

Sakamoto hopes to deal with the issue of increased feelings of isolation. At a news conference on Feb 12, he said that he hopes to “carry out activities to prevent social loneliness and isolation and to protect ties between people”.

After all, just as UK poet John Donne wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

1. What does the underlined word “inadequacy” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Respecting the elderly.B.Lacking self-confidence.
C.Hiding to avoid trouble.D.Following social norms.
2. Why did Japan see a rise in suicides in 2020?
A.The pandemic put people out of work.
B.The pandemic made solitary people feel lonelier.
C.People suffered from anxiety due to the pandemic.
D.Being outside their routine caused inconvenience.
3. What can be inferred from what John Donne wrote in the last paragraph?
A.Man is a social animal.
B.Everyone is like everyone else.
C.People should be ashamed of being alone.
D.People can find ways to deal with loneliness.
4. What does the article mainly talk about?
A.The reason why there are hikikomori in Japan.
B.The responsibility of the Minister of Loneliness.
C.How the pandemic has affected people's lives in Japan.
D.Why Japan appointed a Minister of Loneliness.
2021-06-27更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】One of the pleasant things about having an apartment is having neighbors. You may develop personal friendships with some of your neighbors. There may also be times when you have a conflict(冲突)with your neighbors. There may be neighbors you just don't get along with at all. So how can you get along well with your neighbors?

Your neighbors have the right to maintain their living space as you do. Your neighbors have their own lifestyle and their own responsibilities. When you first move into an apartment, show respect for your neighbors. If you see them outside, say "hello". Introduce yourself to them and tell them you just moved in. Be pleasant. Early conflict with neighbors can cause you a bad reputation(名声).You should avoid that. Don't turn up your radio loud. Don't speed up your car on the streets of the neighborhood.

If your neighbors or your landlord(房东)feels that you are causing a problem at any point, be-have responsibly. It is not fun to suddenly be blamed for something, and it is easy to get defensive if this occurs. However, you need to accept that something you are doing has dissatisfied either your neighbors or your landlord or both of them. Listen to their stories carefully. Try to imagine yourself in their situation. Apologize for the problem you have caused.

If you feel your neighbors are causing a disturbance, be dispassionate. For example, suppose that it's two o'clock in the morning and you are awakened by loud noise from neighbors who are having a party, what will you do?This is annoying. You need to recognize that this is the first time that such kind of thing has happened. Recognize that your neighbors are human beings that make mistakes. Realize that there is time to resolve your discomfort with your neighbors. With cool heads, proper communication, patience, and consideration, you can solve this problem with your neighbors.

1. Paragraph 2 mainly suggests that we should be _________
A.careful and calmB.friendly and considerate
C.kind-hearted and patientD.responsible and easy-going
2. How should you react if your neighbors blame you for something?
A.Be defensive.B.Don't take it seriously.
C.Ask the landlord for help.D.Listen and try to be responsible.
3. The last paragraph mainly tells us what to do when _________
A.neighbors try to anger usB.we are blamed for something
C.neighbors cause a disturbanceD.w e are woken up by neighbors
4. What does the underlined word "dispassionate" in the last paragraph probably mean?
2022-06-13更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般