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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:320 题号:8839294

Landscapes are not only the setting for history; they are also a major source of our sense of history and identity. Read them right, and historical landscapes can be more informative than any other kind of source. This is even more the case with sacred landscapes, which were reflection of our ancestors’ beliefs about their relation to the cosmos and can still today seem to hold a spiritual influence.

Over the years, I’ve had the good fortune to have spent time in many historical landscapes, hoping to picture something of the spirits of the people who shaped them over the centuries. I still remember years ago walking along the Inca sacred lines around Cusco, Peru. In this ancient landscape, old sites that once belonged to Incan royals had become torn Spanish mansions. Or many years ago, before the Gulf Wars, I took a journey through south Iraq, the heart land of civilization, where the desert is still crossed by dried-up riverbeds of the Euphrates and canals that once sustained the world’s first cities.

Britain also has its own magical ancient landscapes. From the Mesolithic to the Bronze and Iron Ages, rich layers of the past are still present in the landscape surrounding Stonehenge, even as traffic rushes down the A303. It is the A303 that is the problem. As the main road to the south west from the home counties, the road runs right past Stonehenge. One of humanity’s most famous monuments, Stonehenge is an archaeological landscape without parallel in Europe, and perhaps the world. The first circle at Stonehenge was made 5,000 years ago, and the great stone circle itself in a round 2,500 BC — the age of the pyramids! And the mysteries of this amazing monument and the complex prehistoric societies that produced it are by no means exhausted, as new discoveries continue to show.

All the more worrying to me then, this unique landscape is currently at the centre of a projected plan by Highways England, which aims to relieve congestion on the A303 by creating a four-lane road with a 1.8-mile tunnel, and an expressway interchange 1.5 miles to the west. While the National Trust and English Heritage have offered qualified support for the plan, UNESCO has expressed its opposition. Meanwhile, the Stonehenge Alliance, a group of archaeologists and environmental campaigners, says the plan is based on inadequate and obsolete information. In the end, the argument is about the totality of an ancient landscape, and that includes the ancient astronomical alignment that was purposefully chosen by our ancestors, and that will, in my view, be wrecked by the expressway interchange. Time perhaps for a rethink in the name of future generations?

1. What can historical landscapes offer us?
A.Details of ancient lifestyle.B.Sacred writings
C.Rich historical informationD.Breathtaking sights.
2. What did the author want to explore when touring historical landscapes?
A.Different architecture.B.His sense of belonging.
C.The rise of ancient cities.D.The spirits of ancestors.
3. Which of the following is True about Stonehenge?
A.The first stone circle has a longer history than the pyramids.
B.New discoveries have solved the mysteries of the monument.
C.The ancient monument must have been the heart land of civilization.
D.The landscape surrounding Stonehenge has rich layers of the present.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the projected plan by Highways England?
A.He is for it because it will benefit the future generations.
B.He keeps cool but believes a better solution could be adopted.
C.It should be stopped because it will destroy the totality of the monument.
D.It is rather practical especially with qualified support from the government.


阅读理解-六选四(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Make traditional treasures come alive

The Palace Museum Director Shan Jixiang delivered a cultural heritage speech on Feb 27 in Beijing, which was co-organized by the Beijing Diplomatic Service Bureau and Beijing Housing Service Corporation for Diplomatic Missions.     1    

On the theme The World of the Palace Museum and the Palace Museum of the World, the 64-year-old director shared his ideas about how to make traditional treasures come alive again. During the speech, which lasted two and a half hours, Shan touched on topics including upgrading museum infrastructure(基础设施), restoring cultural sites, digitalizing online museums, setting up restoration hospitals, providing better visitor experiences and promoting the Palace Museum’s cultural items.

“The abundant collection of cultural objects at the Palace Museum is the inspiration for the creative souvenirs and cultural items available,” Shan said. “    2    ” Throughout 2017, the total sales of Palace Museum’s cultural items have been more than 1 billion yuan ($158million). Explaining the huge success of Palace Museum’s cultural souvenirs, Shan said: “The museum opened a shop on the e-commerce website Taobao in 2008, but sales remained neither high nor low for years, as more than 80 percent of the souvenirs sold in stores in the past were not related to our museum.” “Therefore, I wanted to change the situation. Now, souvenirs from the Palace Museum cover almost every aspect of life. After all, what matters to a museum is not how many visitors they have, but how close they are to people’s daily lives.”

    3     Around 200 “doctors” are employed to analyze, examine, detect flaws or damage in ancient objects and restore them using more than 100 pieces of specialized equipment, including 3-D printers and scanners. The restoration hospital covers 13,000 square meters and boasts the nation’s most advanced restoration workshops.

John Aquilina, Malta’s ambassador to China said that Shan’s speech showed a totally different Palace Museum to foreign people. “China enjoys a long and profound culture and many of the national treasures have been preserved at the Palace Museum. It is no easy task to preserve them well.     4    

A.I truly express my respect for Shan and his team for their contributions.
B.With regard to cultural heritage restoration, Shan said the museum opened a restoration hospital at the end of 2016.
C.A total of 600 people from all walks of life, including over 100 foreign guests, participated in the activity.
D.I will learn more about Chinese culture from the magnificent ancient objects.
E.Our design teams often study consumer demands and create cultural items that are nice to look at and practical to use.
F.Traditional craftsmanship is combined with modern methods, and the lives of ancient cultural objects will be lengthened by the so-called doctors.
2019-12-09更新 | 110次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要描述德克萨斯农机大学校园的北部边缘的Texas A&M,在21世纪时成为一个受欢迎的路边旅游景点,很多收藏瓶盖的人来这儿淘宝。

【推荐2】Bottle Cap Alley is a special roadside attraction located at the north edge of the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas.    1    

No one knows exactly how the tradition began, but some people believe that it started out as a dumping site (垃圾场) for two bars.    2     Besides, as word of the Bottle Cap Alley spread, other local bars started bringing in their bottle caps here as well. It is estimated that the tradition dates from four decades ago.

    3     They set up a large sign over it, added lights so it could be visited at night and began promoting it as a part of the local sightseeing tour. The move didn’t sit well with many college students who wanted to make the tradition survive forever, but it did turn the alley into a popular roadside tourist attraction.

Some people noticed that most of the beer bottle caps all came from American brands, and made it a point to add a variety of caps from imported beers as well, turning the place into an international bottle cap gallery.    4    

It is a gold mine for people who collect bottle caps, and it has been reported that some collectors travel to College Station from far away for the specific purpose of finding rare caps for their collections.    5     However, considering that average visitors often take a few as souvenirs, it’s easy to see why constant bottle cap contributions are vital to the preservation of the alley.

A.It’s easy for visitors to have their feet injured.
B.It was recognized as a local attraction in the 2000s.
C.Taking one or two caps may not seem like a big deal.
D.It is covered with millions of beer and soda bottle caps.
E.It is also famous as a place for people to find their fortune.
F.Unfortunately, that made it attractive to bottle cap collectors.
G.Customers who took their drinks outside followed their example.
2017-12-29更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Throughout history, music spread among people of different cultures.In today’s technological advanced society, however, people spread music online, sometimes without an artist’s permission.This can lead to many problems, and music companies are now cracking down on this practice.Sharing music online without permission is theft (盗窃).

Sharing music online prevents recording companies from making money from their efforts.They say that sharing music online has resulted in a huge drop in profits and sales over the past 10 years.People who find music for free online are not paying for CDs or every MP3 downloaded.To truly understand the influence of music piracy (盗版) on creators, one must understand how many people are involved in the recording process.For the sale of each album, profits must be shared between musicians, sound engineers, music producers, managers, advertisers, and the company selling the product.Many people believe sharing music only affects the recording artist, but the reality is that sharing hurts business for all companies involved.

There are many people who don’t see the harm in sharing music online and even think they have the right to do it.One online blogger states that he originally paid for an entire CD and that he should be able to do with the material whatever he wants.While he may have legally paid for the music, he does not have the right to provide permission, which means people like the blogger are thieves.

Although we don’t spread today’s music the same way we did before, there’s no doubt that people around the world love to share music.However, internet piracy would prevent musicians from continuing producing albums for fear of theft.Therefore, if people want to continue listening to their favorite artists, they need to buy their music so that artists will make enough profit to continue their music careers.

1. The underlined phrase “cracking down on” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.bringing up carefullyB.speaking highly of
C.dealing seriously withD.destroying completely
2. We can learn from the text that ________.
A.artists are taking action to protect their right
B.sharing music files online affects a lot of people
C.online music sharing increases sales of music CD
D.a person who bought a CD has the right to share it online with others
3. How is the text organized?
C.Main idea—Comparison—Supporting statementsD.Introduction—Supporting statements
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Music Piracy is TheftB.Is Sharing Music Right?
C.What is Music Piracy?D.Music Piracy is Good for Music Lovers
2021-03-22更新 | 337次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般