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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:177 题号:9430324

Christina Horsten and Felix Zeltner tried not to panic when they were hit with a $400 rent increase on their Park Slope apartment in 2016, and realized they would have to move for the second time in two years. Instead of feeling intimidated by the unexpected event, they hit upon an unconventional idea: Why not move to a new neighborhood every month for a year?

At first, things went remarkably well. They found their next apartment, a beautiful apartment in Chinatown. The next months brought stops in Staten Island and Harlem. As September approached, their next place to live proved difficult to find. When their Harlem lease (租约) ended, they took a road trip, then fell for a false advertisement in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, when an apartment they found advertised online wasn't actually available to rent. And eventually they got their money back through Paypal. “That was rock bottom,” Ms. Horsten said.

Over the rest of the year, they spent time in a townhouse in Mott Haven, as well as apartments in Chelsea, the East Village, Hell’s Kitchen, and Williamsburg. “In the end, we were like, ‘Why should we even stop doing this?’ ”Ms. Horsten said. But then a lease takeover on Listings Project caught their attention: a two-bedroom apartment atop an Upper West Side townhouse.

A second daughter, Lily, was born in January. And with a newborn, they have no intention of moving again anytime soon. Still, many aspects of their adventure have remained with them. “In the same way that we’ve tried to keep minimalism (极简主义) in our life, we try to stay in touch with all the people we’ve met,” Ms. Horsten said.“We realized it was a lifelong project to try to get to know NewYork City,” she added. But there is one member of the household eagerly waiting for a repeat: their 4-year-old daughter Emma.“ I think she loved it the most,” Ms. Horsten said.“At all the places we stayed, she found things I never noticed: children’s books, a dollhouse, a drum set. Even now, she’s like,‘When are we moving to a new home?’ And we’re like,‘We kind of like it here.’ ”

1. What does the underlined word “intimidated” in Paragraph1 mean?
2. While looking for a place to stay, where was the couple nearly cheated?
A.In Chinatown.B.In Sunset Park.
C.In Staten Island.D.In Harlem.
3. What’s the couple’s plan for next month?
A.Buying a townhouse in Brooklyn.
B.Staying in the apartment in the Upper West Side.
C.Donating their daughter’s toys to those living nearby.
D.Looking for a two-bedroom apartment for their newborn.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.East or west, home is best.B.Where to start, where to end.
C.Wherever you are, there is home.D.Another month, another neighborhood.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One day, the sewer line(污水管道)under my house burst. My first response was to call the plumber, but when he heard what had happened, he said he couldn’t help. “We don’t do that,” he said, as if to suggest that even plumbers have their dignity. He did, however, recommend someone. I made the call, expecting the man to complain at such a miserable job. Instead, he simply asked, “The address?”

2And that was it. An hour later, Steve arrived in his truck. I watched as he walked down into the damp depths. A few moments later he appeared, saying, “Yes. It’s broken.”

“Can you fix it?” I asked with a strange mixture of doubt and hope.

3Steve looked at me strangely as if rebuking my lack of faith, and then said, “Sure.” Then he told me that he had to get a backhoe(反铲挖土机)and dig up the street to the main sewer line.

I showed appropriate panic. “How long will all this take?”

“I should have it done by evening.”

4I didn’t want to watch the excavation(挖掘) of my property unfold. All I wanted was to leave, go somewhere, and, upon my return, have everything the way it was before the damage.

5I felt somewhat guilty upon driving off in my clean car, leaving Steve to such a disagreeable task. I went into town and visited a few friends. Eventually, around 6 p.m., my curiosity got the better of me. I went home, and a sweeter sight I never saw: a patch of newly-paved street and a covered-up excavation across my front garden. I opened the basement door and—all was tidy and relatively dry.

6I sat down on the back garden, lost in thought. I was taken by the very idea that, whatever crisis might happen to an unlucky homeowner, there is somebody, somewhere, who is practiced in its resolution. If that’s not reason for thankfulness, I’m not sure what is.

1. Why did the first plumber reject the author’s request?
A.He wanted to protect his dignity.B.He was inexperienced in the job.
C.He had another urgent task to do.D.He thought the job was unpleasant.
2. What does the underlined word “rebuking” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What caused the author to feel upset?
A.The fear of Stevens refusal.B.The pressure of having to go out.
C.The difficulty of the repair work.D.The effects of the broken sewer line.
4. What was the author’s purpose of going into town?
A.To remove his negative emotions.B.To avoid doing the excavation work.
C.To visit a couple of friends.D.To satisfy his own curiosity.
2020-07-10更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A kind man, Keith Walker, who was 53 years old, kept his own pitbull called Bravo at the W-Underdogs center (an animal shelter) overnight and was on his way to pick him up when he saw the flames on December 18.

He didn't just rescue his own pet, but he made sure that all the animals were safe. He said, “I was nervous at first and really scared to go in there with all that smoke. I am not going to lie.” However, Keith suddenly remembered that his father once said humans had a duty to protect animals. So he said, " My dog is my best friend, and I wouldn't be here without him, so I knew I had to save all those other dogs."

Shelter founder Gracie Hamlin said that the shelter was left uninhabitable by the fire, which was electrical. But luckily, they were about to move into a new place, so there was still somewhere for the animals to live.

She said, "Keith is my guardian angel. Even the firefighters didn't know how to handle the animals. They called Animal Control, but Keith was already in the building pulling out the cats and dogs until they were all safe."

Keith, who has been homeless since he was 13, has now been regarded as a hero after saving the six dogs and ten cats. Well-wishers have raised almost $40,000 for him on GoFundMe, a fundraising platform.

In a separate fundraiser for the shelter itself to rebuild after the fire, Gracie said, “Keith worked tirelessly to bring our animals to safety. Although he refused all offers of help, we are determined to contact him again. He is a vital part of our community and he should be appropriately rewarded for his selfless efforts.”

1. What did Keith do at the first sight of the fire?
A.He waited for help.B.He turned to his father.
C.He protected his own pets.D.He hesitated for a moment.
2. What damage did the fire bring about?
A.Some firefighters were badly injured.B.The animals lost their shelter.
C.Some cats disappeared.D.Keith lost his pitbull.
3. Why is Gracie going to contact Keith again?
A.To reward him for what he did.B.To raise money for him.
C.offer him a good job.D.To rebuild a home for him.
4. Which of the following can best describe Keith?
A.Ambitious and helpful.B.Determined and modest.
C.Honest and brave.D.Generous and calm.
2021-07-14更新 | 138次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A winter storm hit overnight. I opened my back door only to find six inches of wet, heavy snow piled up against it. I knew I had quite a job of shoveling out ahead of me, so I grabbed my snow shovel. It looked a lot more ready to work than I did. I sighed and pulled on my boots, gloves and heavy coat.

The cold wind was below zero and cut into my face as I slowly shoveled off my car roof. After that, I started my way to my daughter's house, shoveling the path as I walked. It took a while to get her driveway clear and I knew I still had a lot to do. Next came the paths down the hill to my own car covered in snow. I grabbed the broom to sweep them off as well. I felt uncomfortable when the wind blew the swept snow back. Then I started to shovel out my driveways. My back was aching as I worked. I wished I could be building a snowman instead of shoveling. Winter sure had seemed a lot more fun when I was a boy.

When I finished, I examined my work. It didn't look half bad. I smiled and looked at the woods covered in white. They were such a special sight. I leaned on my shovel and took it all in. Then I thanked God for the beauty of the day and started up the hill with the snow shovel in one hand and the broom in the other. Suddenly, an urge came over me and I dropped them both. I spread my arms, fell back into the blanket of white and happily moved my arms and legs to make an angel in the snow.

As you go through the seasons of this life, take joy in your work, take joy in your play, take joy in your life. Remember that the course of your days rests in your own hands. And always know in your heart that God loves you through the snowstorms as well as in the sunshine.

1. According to the first paragraph, why did the author sigh?
A.He would have large amounts of work to do.
B.The wind blew the swept snow back time and again.
C.No one could help him to sweep the snow on the way.
D.He couldn't go to his daughter's house on such weather.
2. What can we know from the second paragraph?
A.The wind hurt the author's face.
B.The author found it little fun to make a snowman.
C.The author had wanted to go to his daughter's house.
D.The author made great efforts to sweep the snow on his driveways.
3. The author dropped the tools because ________.
A.he was too tired.B.he slipped over in the snow.
C.he hoped to build a snowman.D.he wanted to regain the fun in the snow.
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.Seek Pleasure Whenever PossibleB.Caution! Snowy Days!
C.A Fascinating Shoveling ExperienceD.God Loves Everyone
2021-07-24更新 | 124次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般