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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:396 题号:9503307

Rescue workers and thousands of volunteers are not the only ones who have won hearts and minds for their heroic efforts in the search for survivors after Tuesday's powerful earthquake in

Mexico. Fifteen dogs from the navy's canine(军犬)unit have assisted this week in the rescue efforts at the sites of collapsed buildings across Mexico City, where more than 50 people have been pulled alive from the ruins.

Of the canine heroes none is more famous or loved than Frida, a six-year-old white Labrador who in her distinguished service has won praise for her ability to detect people who have been trapped by various natural disasters. Over her admirable career she has found 52 people including 12 survivors in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

This week, Frida and Evil and Echo—two Belgian Shepherds that have also been specially trained for rescue efforts一were sent to the site of the collapsed Enrique Rebsamen School in southern Mexico City.

Equipped with goggles that protect her eyes from dust and smoke, boots to prevent damage to her paws while she climbs over rough ruins, Frida took to her work looking every bit the part of the ruins.

If Frida detects the presence of a survivor, she is trained to bark to alert rescue workers but if she detects a corpse she stops suddenly before proceeding, her handler explained.

Eleven children were rescued from ruins at the school but this time human rescue workers rather than the dogs were the ones who located them.

However, that hasn't stopped Frida from becoming a social media star and reaching a new level of fame this week. Videos and other social media posts that highlight the work of Frida and her impressive record of detecting people trapped by natural disasters spread quickly online.

While she has yet to detect anyone trapped in the ruins this week, she and other rescue dogs are continuing to work tirelessly, searching through spaces that humans cannot reach. With the possibility that there are still people trapped alive, time will tell whether she adds to her rescue record.

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Severe earthquakes in MexicoB.Undertaking rescue work.
C.People waiting for rescueD.Special rescuers in Mexico.
2. What makes Frida a social media star?
A.Her rescue records and tireless work.
B.Her cooperation with the rescue team.
C.Her cool appearance with some special devices.
D.Her ability to search spaces beyond humans' reach.
3. What does the underlined word "corpse" in paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.An article of clothing.B.An unconscious animal.
C.A dead person.D.A special signal.
4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_______ .
A.Frida will achieve nothing
B.Frida will probably work miracles
C.more dogs will be sent to the area
D.the rest of the rescue will be done by dogs


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Earthquake can strike without warning. But many injuries and deaths from this kind of natural disaster can be prevented if people follow these safety tips.

If you’re inside a building, stay there! One of the most dangerous things to do in an earthquake is to try to leave a building. But do remember: do it carefully.     1     So do it as follows: Drop to the ground. Get under an object (物体) that is not easily damaged. Hold on to it until the shaking stops. You can also get to a corner formed by two walls with your arms over your hand. If you’re in bed when the quake hits, stay there and protect your head with a pillow.

    2     You can go to the park, playground or fields near your house. Don’t take shelter under a tree, streetlights, electric poles or tall buildings. If you are driving, stop as quickly as possible and stay away from overpasses, buildings, bridges or anything else that might fall or collapse beneath you     3    

If you are trapped in ruins, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or a piece of clothing. Use your cell phone to call for help if possible. Don’t shout.     4     Tap (敲) on a pipe or the wall so rescuers can find you.

Be prepared for aftershocks.     5     However, sometimes they even happen months later. Therefore, if you are not in a safe position (位置) after the first shock, you should move quickly but carefully to a safer place.

A.Don’t park your car under a tree or any tall object.
B.Don’t move about or kick up dust.
C.They can happen in the first hours after the earthquake.
D.If you’re outside, go to an open space.
E.Take a good hold of your cell phone in the building.
F.Most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out.
G.Shouting can cause you to breathe in dust.
2020-03-04更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Extreme heat often brings extreme wildfires, and this year is no exception, with unprecedented heat waves fueling enormous outbreaks of fires in the western United States and Canada, as well as across the Mediterranean and in Siberia. But paradoxically, the most intense wildfires can have the opposite effect on temperatures, cooling Earth’s surface both regionally and globally.

Thick wildfire smoke can temporarily block sunlight near the ground, causing regional temperatures to drop by several degrees. Wildfire smoke can also have global cooling effects by making clouds in the lower atmosphere more reflective or blocking sunlight in the upper atmosphere, similar to what a volcanic eruption does.

The effect is far too small to counteract human-caused global warming; researchers say it’s too early to predict what it means for the broader climate system. But with fire seasons growing more intense around the world and triggering a range of extreme fire weather in North America and elsewhere, the search for answers is growing increasingly urgent.

Smoke particles act as seeds for water vapor to form clouds that are smaller and reflect more sunlight. While smoke tends to rain out of clouds fairly quickly, the Australian bushfires raged for months, pumping more and more cloud-brightening smoke into the atmosphere. “It’s not a big effect, but when you integrate over the entire Southern Ocean, it adds up,” one of the researchers says.

While this research highlights the cooling effects of smoke in the lower atmosphere, on occasion, wildfire smoke can reach even higher altitudes into the stratosphere, the layer that starts about 10 miles up. There, it can have additional effects on the climate. Smoke reaches the stratosphere when heat from a powerful wildfire creates an updraft that combines with moisture in the atmosphere to generate towering thunderclouds.

However, scientists have only recently begun studying these effects. “We might still be in the infancy of understanding how large and how important the effects of these wildfires are,” scientists say.

1. What probably causes extreme wildfires to cool the earth globally?
A.Extreme wildfires can result in volcanic eruption.
B.Wildfire smoke covers sunlight above the ground forever.
C.The smoke blocks less sunlight in the higher atmosphere.
D.The clouds in the lower atmosphere reflect more sunlight.
2. What does the underlined word “raged” probably mean in Paragraph 4?
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.Scientists need further studies of the effects of wildfires.
B.Extreme wildfires are the consequence of global warming.
C.Wildfire smoke means a lot to the climate system of the earth.
D.Smoke at higher altitudes has the most impact on cooling earth.
4. Where does the text probably come from?
A.A science fiction.B.A research report.
C.A geography textbook.D.A science magazine.
2023-05-18更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】About 1,833 lives were lost in 2005 in Hurricane Katrina, one of the most terrifying storms in U.S. history. The government’s shortage of preparation and good measures to Katrina met with widespread criticism (批评), and the need for a more complete system to react to natural disasters appearing as one of the key lessons from the 2005 storm. The effect of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico in 2017 shows that these lessons have not been learned: The storm, which hit the island last September, made tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans homeless, left over a million people without electricity for several weeks, and caused about $90 billion in damages.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on May 29 says that the Puerto Rico deaths related to Hurricane Maria are at least 4,654, over 70 times the previous official number of 64. The death rate after the storm was 14.3 per 1,000 persons, a 62% increase from the official rate for the same period in 2016, researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found. “The shortage of medical care was the main cause of high death rates in the months after the hurricane,” the researchers wrote.

There are three explanations for why so many people died after Hurricane Maria: the inactive action of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the poor health of Puerto Ricans before the storm, and the weak facilities and shortage of money for the health system before Maria’s striking the island. It is especially important to note that because modern medicine can treat people with chronic illnesses , the failure of a local health care system may be particularly threatening (威胁) to the post-disaster health of the affected population.

Hurricane Maria and other recent disasters have shown the need for health systems becomes more and more important. Our government should take action!

1. What could we learn about Hurricane Katrina and Maria in Paragraph 1?
A.The government drew a lesson from them.
B.The government was well prepared for them.
C.People built many houses to fight against them.
D.A system against Hurricanes didn’t work well.
2. Why did the Puerto Rico deaths increase according to researchers?
A.People were short of medical care.
B.People failed to run away quickly.
C.The government had wrong figures.
D.The Hurricane hit the island heavily.
3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The reasons for people’s death after Hurricane Maria.
B.The effect of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico.
C.The weak facility and financial problems in Puerto Rico.
D.The failure of a local health care system.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the government?
2021-09-04更新 | 40次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般