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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:9586038

The other day I was shopping at a local store and came across a lady from India squatting (蹲) on the floor looking for a certain product on the bottom shelf. She stood up quickly when she saw me as if to get out of my way. Feeling sorry, she explained that she was a cashier at a nearby store and was on her lunch break, trying to get a few needed things before her time was up.

I comforted her. “I am in no hurry. Go ahead and do what you need to do. I have plenty of time.” While she searched for something, she said that sometimes customers were rude to her at the store and she was really thankful for my kindness. I told her that I had noticed cashiers being treated rudely by some people and that those people needed to be more understanding.

She thanked me for being so nice and friendly. I told her, “The world would be a better place if we all acted kindly toward each other. Those who are rude may have bad karma (报应) coming after them finally for treating people badly.” She nodded and was surprised that I knew what karma was.

She asked me what karma meant. I gave her a simple answer. She looked puzzled, then broke out in a big smile and covered her mouth with her hand, laughing as she walked away.

It felt so good that I may have helped someone feel better for even a few seconds. In a brief exchange I showed her there are good and kind people in the world and may have added to her belief in humanity (人性). Maybe she thought about that later in the day, perhaps when someone was treating her unkindly.

1. Why did the lady squat on the floor?
A.To find a certain product.
B.To get out of the way.
C.To have a lunch break.
D.To explain that she was a cashier
2. Which of the following can best describe the writer?
3. What made the lady surprised?
A.She was treated rudely.B.The writer knew what karma was.
C.She was misunderstood.D.The writer comforted her.
4. What does the writer want to tell the readers?
A.No pains, no gains.
B.It's easier said than done.
C.Failure is the mother of success.
D.Kindness is the sunshine of social life.
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】March 12 was my last typical day in the classroom before COVID-19 changed everything. When my district closed the following day, I assumed, as many did, that this was a temporary move. However, the closure did not end as quickly as we expected. As the closure continued, while I was glad that none of my students was infected with the virus, I began to worry that the growth of reading ability my first-graders and I worked so hard for would gradually disappear.

It is reported that only one-third of students in the US achieved reading proficiency at grade level in 2019. As the years go by, the gaps become larger, and students who are reading below grade level seldom catch up with their peers. These students often encounter significant social and emotional challenges as they become increasingly aware of their differences from their classmates. And school closures caused by COVID-19 have made the situation even worse.

So when my district reopened in the fall, we were faced with difficult decisions about how to best deliver instruction. At our school, all students have to take a series of short screening tests to assess reading ability at the beginning of the school year. Considering that one size cannot fit all, I adjusted my teaching plans in time throughout the year. If a student received a low score in a particular area, I’d conduct a follow-up assessment to learn about the real cause of the difficulty.

I also conducted exercises to help students practice reading skills. Using other online platforms, I created interactive

lessons with other teachers, in which students practiced reading and writing specific words, reading full sentences and answering corresponding comprehension questions. The platforms enabled us to see all students’ screens at once and gauge which students were on target and needed additional support. They also provided information for planning subsequent lessons.

As a teacher, I know I cannot make all children reach proficiency in literacy (读写能力) myself, but I believe what I am doing can really make a difference to their lives, and I will go on with it.

1. What did the author worry about during the closure?
A.The health condition of her students.
B.The decline in her enthusiasm for work.
C.The uncertainty about the duration of the closure.
D.The influence of closure on students’ reading ability.
2. What did the author do to help her students improve their reading ability?
A.She motivated students to analyze their own problems.
B.She adapted teaching strategies to suit her students’ needs.
C.She used technology to make reading exercises more interesting.
D.She instructed students to take screening tests before each class.
3. What does the underlined word “gauge” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Strict and wise.B.Responsible and flexible.
C.Sensitive and optimistic.D.Humorous and considerate.
2024-02-21更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The Man with the Golden Arm

When James Harrison was 14, he was required to go through a blood transfusion. Ever since, despite the transfusion saving his life, he's hated needles to go in his arm. Yet every two weeks, without fail, James offers his right arm and waits for the needles.

At 74, James is the world's most prolific (多产的) blood donor. He earned the Guinness World Record in 2003 and he's kept on giving. This year, James is on track to make his 1000th donation—and he has no plans to stop.

James's blood has a particular use: it saves women's babies.

According to the biomedical company CSL, which turns the blood donations into hospital products. James's donations of anti-D plasma (血浆) have helped up to 2.2 million babies since 1967. The product made from James's blood is given to mothers with Rb negative blood types, who are carrying Rh positive babies.

Most donors who donate anti-D have negative blood types and are stimulated to produce antibodies with injections: James produces the antibodies himself. When he had the blood transfusion aged 14, he was mistakenly given positive blood. As a result, he produces so many antibodies that if he were to receive positive blood again he could die. But it also means he's an anti-D goldmine. So, every two weeks, James makes his way to the blood donation centre. He quite enjoys the trip.

James became a blood donor two days after he turned 18. All his life he's volunteered for Meals on Wheels. His father had donated before him, and when he saw the ad for a blood donation drive, he jumped at the chance. In 1966, he was called into the office and told that he could save Rh negative mothers' babies. Gradually, James was encouraged to come into the hospital more regularly. For the past 30 years, he's donated on average 33 times a year.

Once, at one country music festival where his story was told, four women thanked him for their healthy children. James responded with these words, “my 1000 donations are no more important than somebody's first donation. It costs me nothing—only time. And to be some help to others is a great pleasure.”

1. James earned the Guinness World Record by ________.
A.saving some women's livesB.keeping on donating his blood
C.helping women with blood diseaseD.producing medicine to save babies
2. According to the passage, which words can best describe James?
A.Creative and talented.B.wealthy and positive.
C.Generous and warm-hearted.D.Strong-minded and outgoing.
3. What does the passage want to tell us?
A.Helping others brings happiness.
B.Standing in arms helps to overcome fear
C.Good things will happen if one keeps trying.
D.Success belongs to the person who sticks to his aim.
2021-08-20更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Li Bai is regarded as the greatest romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty and a representative of the High Tang culture, combination of realistic Northern culture represented by Confucian philosophy and romantic Southern culture represented by Taoist philosophy. But he could neither realize his Confucian ideal to serve the country nor find spiritual freedom in Taoism, so he could only chant poetry and drink wine to drown his sorrow as described by Du Fu in Eight Immortal Drinkers.

Here we see the tragedy of a genuine staying lonely on earth like an angel fallen from Heaven. His try is marked by male greatness in the Waterfall in Mount Lu Viewed from Afar, in which we see the mountain cloud from down below and the Silver River, Chinese name for the Milky Way, fall from on high, and heaven and earth seem to merge into one, that is the Chinese way of communion with nature. In his poetry, we can find his love of nature, of freedom, of the people, of his friends, in short, of truth, goo and beauty.

Li Bai is best known for the extraordinary imagination and striking Taoist imagery in his poetry, as well as for his great love for liquor. Like Du Fu, he spent much of his life travelling, although in his case it was because his wealth allowed him to, rather than because his poverty forced him. He is said to have drowned in the Yangtze River, having fallen from his boat while drunkenly trying to embrace the reflection of the moon.

1. According to the passage the statements are about Li Bai EXCEPT ______.
A.he is a representative of the combination of realistic and romantic culture
B.he could not put his ability to good use in serving his country at that time
C.he had a depressed mental state and only drunk wine and chanted poetry
D.he made the poems in which complaints and dissatisfaction could be shown
2. In his poetry Li Bai mainly described ______.
A.relationship between different classesB.criticism of social realism
C.beautiful nature and feelingsD.cruelty of the officialdom
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Li Bai enjoyed drinking more tea than anything else.
B.Li Bai spent much time on travelling as well as Du Fu.
C.Li Bai had a more extraordinary imagination than Tao.
D.Li Bai had to do that because he was very poor.
4. In which column of the newspaper may the passage appear?
2022-01-21更新 | 33次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般