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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:9674655

When I was a little girl, I was foolish enough to believe everything adults said. Even I was scared to death by a word my mother said.

It all started when my elder brother came home with a heavy bag of cherries(樱桃)a friend gave him. In order to spend a pleasant afternoon, my sister suggested we have a competition to see who could eat the most cherries in as short a time as possible and be the winner. We all jumped at her idea, and the competition began in no time. Our action had to be fast and we must know how to bite in the middle of the cherry to chew and spit the seed out losing no time. I realized that this wasn't a good game to play. And I suddenly found that I have swallowed more than one seed down to my stomach. Then Mother came and laughed and said to me, "tonight when you sleep, a cherry tree will grow out from your head." I was jittery and scared. I believed every word she said at that age. I was rather frightened that night thinking how I was going to make it to school the next morning if I had a tree on top of my head or how I would leave this world just like that because of the cherry seeds in my stomach. I couldn't sleep the whole night.

Well, the next morning, I woke up to my surprise, and discovered nothing had changed. My head was normal as it was. But one thing remains unchanged until this day. My love for cherries stays forever.

1. Why did they start the cherry eating competition?
A.Because they wanted to challenge their friends.
B.Because their mother asked them to do that.
C.Because they wanted to have a happy afternoon.
D.Because they just wanted to please their brothers.
2. The underlined word "jittery" (Para 2) probably means"____".
3. From the mother's words we can learn that____.
A.She was just joking.B.She wanted to help the writer
C.She didn't know what to doD.She was too strict with her children
4. Why did the writer believe her mother's words?
A.Because her mother asked her to do that.
B.Because she was too young at that time.
C.Because her brother had the similar experience before.
D.Because she wanted to have a good relationship with her mother.
5. In this passage the writer wants to ___.
A.Introduce a kind of fruit to readersB.Show her anger to her mother
C.Show the reason why she hates the fruitD.Tell an interesting story of her childhood


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲的是31岁的Temidayo Adedokun在网上出售带有传统非洲图案的婴儿服装,获得了其他非洲父母的赞扬。

【推荐1】Temidayo Adedokun, 31, who was born in Nigeria and now is working in America, became pregnant with her first child. She couldn’t hide her joy, and couldn’t wait to shop for baby clothes with traditional African prints that she grew up wearing.

“I was super surprised that I failed to find affordably priced African aesthetic(美学的) products that were designed from an authentic place, ” Temidayo said.

Temidayo decided to take matters into her own hands. At first, she focused on creating clothes just for her baby. But then, she put some of them on a website to see what happened.

The feedback she got gave her just enough confidence. She figured she’d make the baby clothes an after-work side business to her full-time position as a lawyer in Oakland, California, until one day she was told she was given a boot. Once again, she needed to make her own choice. That’s when she decided to make it a full-time job.

“I had to evaluate: Am I going to search for another job I don’t have a great desire for?” she said. “Or am I going to take this as a chance I’m not sure about myself? After all, I’m not familiar with this field. What if something unexpected happens? However, for the symbols of children’s clothing in my heart, I threw myself into it. So I chose the latter. ”Then, in March 2020, Temidayo officially announced her own brand: Ade + Ayo.

Since then, Temidayo has received much praise from other African parents informing her that her clothes help them start having conversations with their kids about what they’re wearing and allow them to show their children the treasures handed down by their ancestors. And, for those who aren’t African, her clothes have been a way for parents to introduce their kids to a new and colorful world. “I feel very blessed to be able to be doing this,” she said.

1. How did Temidayo feel after trying to buy African aesthetic clothes?
2. What does the underlined phrase “given a boot” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What did Temidayo originally think of her creating her own brand?
A.It was informal.B.It was profitable.
C.It was risky.D.It was trendy.
4. How can we evaluate Ade + Ayo?
A.It’s created African aesthetics.B.It’s spread authentic cultures.
C.It’s targeted overseas Africans.D.It’s inspired people’s creativity.
2022-03-27更新 | 209次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Over the past couple of days, on our local Freecycle page there have been a lot of wanted posts, all from the same person, basically asking for everything you’d need to set up a house from scratch.

One of the things they asked for was a queen-sized bed. At that time we just happened to have an extra one, so I messaged them. They immediately came in the afternoon. The people who came, two ladies and a man, are actually friends of another woman named Jenny who owned a young boy. This woman has escaped from a dangerous, violent relationship and these friends of hers are helping her and her son start over again, with everything from furniture to toothbrushes on their list of needs.

While they were here, I also gave them one of our spare bookcase and some coffee cups. I even asked them to keep in touch in case they needed anything else—I have a way of connecting people with things. I offered the woman a cupboard we had as well; her friends just needed to see if there was a place and/or a need for it in their friend’s new home.

I was so excited to meet those loving people, who were obviously willing to help their friend. It was clear how protective they felt of this woman and her boy, how much they love her and wanted her to have a happy and safe life, and to spend even a few minutes with people like that is an experience I’ll remember for a long, long time.

A quick thank-you to all who have sent more donations over the last couple of days, as well as lovely messages of thanks and blessings. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with it all, but it’s a problem I’m happy to have.

1. What were the people who arrived at the author’s in the afternoon going to do?
A.Promote some products customers needed.B.Fetch the bed the author would give away.
C.Recycle second-hand furniture.D.Help repair the author's furniture.
2. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
3. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer that ________.
A.the author doesn't like to spend too much time with those people like Jenny's friends
B.Jenny and her boy will hardly get help from the author's friends
C.the author was disappointed with those only sending messages of thanks and blessings
D.Jenny and her boy will have a new start with the help of people
4. The suitable title for the text should be “_________”.
A.No pains, no gainsB.God helps those who help themselves
C.Many hands make light workD.Where there is will, there is a way
2019-09-11更新 | 200次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约690词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“Could you see the whites of their eyes?" said the man, who was seated on a soap box.

“Nothing of the kind.," replied old Henry warmly.“Just a lot of figures running towards us, and I let go at where there appeared to be most. Bang!"

“Mr. Fleming:”said the grocer一his respectful voice expressed somehow the old man's exact social weight-' "Mr. Fleming. you never were frightened much in those battles, were you?"

The veteran (老兵) looked down and smiled. Observing his manner, the entire group laughed a little.“Well, I guess I was." he answered finally.“Pretty well scared. sometimes. Why. in my first battle, I thought the sky was falling down. I thought the world was coming to an end. You bet I was scared."

Everyone laughed. Perhaps it seemed strange and rather wonderful to them that a man should admit the thing. and in the tone of their laughter there was probably more admiration than if old Fleming had declared that he had always been a lion Moreover, they knew that he had ranked as an orderly sergeant (中士). and so their opinion of heroism was fixed. None, to be sure, knew how an orderly sergeant ranked. but then it was understood to be somewhere just shy of a major-general's stars. So, when old Henry admitted that he had been frightened, there was a laugh.

“The trouble was," said the old man,“I thought they were all shooting at me. Yes, sir, I thought every man in the other army was aiming at me in particular. and only me. And it seemed so unreasonable. you know. I wanted to explain to them what an almighty good fellow I was. because I thought then they might quit all trying to hit me. But I couldn't explain, and they kept on being unreasonable. Blimp! Blam! Bang! So. I ran!"

Two little triangles of wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes. Evidently he appreciated some comedy in this storytelling. Down near his feet, however, little Jim, his grandson, was obviously horror-stricken. His hands were clasped nervously. and his eyes were wide with astonishment at this terrible scandal (丑闻), his most magnificent grandfather telling such a thing.

“That was at Chancellorsville. Of course, afterwards I got kind of used to it A man does. Lots of men, though, seem to feel all right from the start. I did. as soon as   I got on to it" as they say now, but at first I was pretty well scared. Now, there was young Jim Conklin, old Si Conklin's son- that used to keep the leather factory- you none of you recall him- -well, he went into it from the start just as if he was born to it. But with me it was different. I had to get used to it."

When little Jim walked with his grandfather. he was in the habit of skipping along on the stone pavement, in front of the three stores and the hotel of the town, and betting that he could avoid the cracks. But upon this day he walked calmly. with his hand gripping two of his grandfather's fingers. Sometimes he kicked abstractedly at dandelions that curved over the walk. Anyone could see that he was much troubled.

“Um," said the boy. with a strange lack of interest. He continued his reflections. Then finally he asked:“Grandpa- now- -was that true what you were telling those men?"

“What?" asked the grandfather. “What was I telling them?"

“Oh, about your running.

“Why. yes, that was true enough, Jimmie. It was my first fight, and there was an awful lot of noise, you know.'

Jimmie seemed a bit confused that this idol (偶像). of its own will, should be so weak. His stout boyish idealism was injured and then lapsed into a moody silence.

1. What can be inferred from everyone's laugh when Fleming admitted he was scared sometimes?
A.They didn't expect a man like Fleming should admit his fright.
B.They thought that he was just making some kind of joke.
C.They were scared of his social weight and could do nothing else.
D.They teased him for his not being ashamed of his escape from the battlefield.
2. Why was little Jim astonished when Fleming told his story?
A.Because people laughed at his grandfather.
B.Because his grandfather failed to keep the secret.
C.Because his grandfather disappointed him.
D.Because people knew how an orderly sergeant ranked.
3. Which of the following can best describe Henry Fleming?
A.Shy but brave.B.Smart and admirable.
C.Honest and courageous.D.Frightened but heroic.
4. How does the author expose the character of Henry Fleming?
A.In a way of Romanticism.B.By a means of Impressionism.
C.With a method of Symbolism.D.In a style of Naturalism.
5. Which of the following can be served as the best title for the story?
A.The scandalB.The veteran
C.The warD.The lion
2020-06-07更新 | 90次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般