组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:9684664

When my mother died, I was cooking.

One weekend, my husband suggested we cook together. I’d spoken to my mother earlier that day on the phone. I’d told her about our life. She yawned and we said goodbye to one another.

I didn’t know then what I would know 16 hours later. I hadn’t even asked how she was doing. My mother died.

My mother was my best friend. After she died, I felt so lonely. The only person I wanted to talk to about my grief was my mother. The only person who could help me was the one who was missing, however much love and support people gave me.

My mother gave me many things, but an education in cookery was not one of them. She liked eating more than cooking.

But she had learned to cook when she was a teenager and she had some brilliant recipes (食谱).

I know everyone says this, but my mother made the best roast beef dinners in the world. And, above all, fish pie! Almost every week, she would buy a prepared fish pie. Then she would bring it home and make her own white sauce (沙司).

My mother never got around to teaching me how to make a white sauce—and I never got around to asking her. Now that she was gone, I would have to teach myself.

So this became my focus. For the first few weeks, I managed to live on instant foods. But one night, a fish pie mix caught my eye at the store.

When I got home, I set myself in front of our electric stove. Armed with a recipe, I tried to teach myself to make a white sauce.

Halfway through the recipe, I couldn’t believe it—I’d made a white sauce! On my own! I could do this! Then I remembered: I had always hated fish pie.

Admiring my sauce, I wondered why I was so committed to making a dish I had hated for 25 years. Why was it suddenly so important to me?

I spooned the sauce over the fish. Then I ate the pie. It was delicious. More importantly, something strange had happened. The act of making a meal had calmed me.

It helped me find peace.

1. What do we know about the author?
A.She didn’t get along well with her husband.
B.She rarely called her mother on the phone.
C.She had a close relationship with her mother.
D.She regretted not visiting her mother that day.
2. By describing her mother’s cookery, the author ________.
A.expressed her wish to be a person like her mother
B.complained that her mother didn’t teach her to cook
C.wanted to show how good her mother was at cooking
D.meant to tell what was special about the white sauce
3. What does the underlined word “this” refer to?
A.Living a lonely life.B.Learning to cook.
C.Living on instant foods.D.Looking back on the old days.
4. How did the author feel when she made the white sauce?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Dancing with your grandma for 15 minutes a week promotes positive feelings and improves her state of mind, a study says. Doctors from Israel are urging younger family members to have a regular visit to their grandmas and have a dance with their grandmas.

And they found a 15 minute boogie (布吉舞) once a week lifted the spirits of elderly family members and helped strengthen the family bond. In fact, it is called Dance Movement Therapy (DMT). DMT across the generations, complete with eye contact, was found to promote positive feelings and improve mood for the elderly.

The grandparents reported a bright state of mind, happy memories and uplifted spirits. Dancing has also previously been connected with improved muscle strength, balance and endurance (耐力). For the grandchildren in the study, the weekly boogie changed how they view ageing and allowed them to come to accept the eventual death of their elderly relative.

The study, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, assessed how dance affected the well-being of 16 dance movement therapists (治疗师)and their grandmothers. Dance movement therapy was paid attention due to the fact it is easily accessible and does not cost more to practice. The researchers were eager to examine a low-cost method to treat issues commonly faced by an ageing population-such as limited mobility and depression. Grandchildren were instructed to make eye contact and encourage playfulness and touch. They were also told to mirror their grandmothers’ movements and give them time and space to rest when needed.

The sessions were recorded and then analysed while diaries and interviews recorded the opinions and feelings of the participants. As well as the benefits to the health of the senior, the experiment also changed the idea of the younger family members.

1. What should the young people do when dancing with their grandmas?
A.Follow the grandmas’ eyes.
B.Look at the grandmas’ eyes.
C.Move the bodies as long as possible.
D.Talk with their grandmas in gentle voice.
2. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.The young should dance every week.
B.The senior were happy about being old.
C.The old need parctise the special dance.
D.The young were once unwilling to accept the final leaving.
3. What is the best advantage of DMT?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.What does DMT Mean?
B.Dancing: A Good Way to Stop Being Senior.
C.Why Don’t You Dance l5 Minutes Every Week?
D.Dancing with Grandparents is Good for Health and Family Ties.
2022-12-17更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I grew up in a middle﹣class family. Dad worked hard to support our family and Mom tried to save money while making sure we had enough food to eat and clothes to wear. One of their greatest desires was to raise decent, loving children who had an opportunity to finish college.

My brother, Gene, never hesitated to learn new things. He had an artistic hand, so he went into fine arts for a while. He also did a lot of screens about computers. He became so good at it that the school hired him to teach there after he completed his studies. My younger brother also pursued computers, following in his footsteps.

Gene did not have a history of any health problems from his very young age to adulthood. One day, he came home from teaching, ate his dinner and went to bed. That evening,my "healthy" brother died suddenly of a cardiac arrest(心跳骤停).My parents were extremely sad.

At the viewing in the funeral house, amidst the sadness, my parents felt so much pride. So many people came and each was relating a story of how they were touched by Gene.

A cleaner came to say that practically every day Gene brought him a sandwich. Finally, Mom found out why Gene had taken so many sandwiches to school! Then there was a man who came in bringing money, saying that Gene had lent him some when he was down and out. Gene had never asked him for the money back.

From the school president to the guard, people came. And because of his good heart and deeds, my younger brother was awarded a full scholarship in the school as a tribute to my dead brother.

In the end, my parents realized that even at the young age of 26, my brother had lived a full life and was very instrumental in helping others live theirs a little better.

1. What was the biggest wish of the author's parents?
A.To have a better life.
B.To save enough money for the future.
C.To give their children a college education.
D.To raise their children to be respectable people.
2. The author's parents felt proud in the funeral house because   
A.many people from all walks of life came.
B.Gene was praised by the school president.
C.Gene's brother was awarded a full scholarship.
D.they heard about many good deeds done by Gene.
3. What can we learn about Gene from the passage?
A.He took many sandwiches to school to share with others.
B.He lent a man some money and then asked for it back.
C.He was not in very good health from an early age.
D.He taught fine arts in his school.
4. What is the message conveyed in the passage?
A.Good deeds deserve praise.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Kindness in students should be encouraged.
D.The meaning of life consists in its devotion, not its length.
2018-09-21更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】One of the great challenges of modern parenting is the roadblock posed by the learner driver. Your child is almost an adult, but just before the homestretch, you need to spend 120 of the most stressful hours of your life locked with them in a car, their teenage hands behind the wheel.

When I embarked on teaching my first child to drive, I was nervous. I’m not a natural teacher, as I am easily bored and quickly get angry. Worse, I’m not a natural driver. I even failed my first attempt to get a license. Oh, I can get from A to B without too much trouble, but once I get there, I’m likely to drive into a wall while parking.

Happily, my first child was a fast and diligent learner with an eye for traffic signs. Still, there were enough narrow misses, and by the time it was his younger sister’s turn, my nerves were already shot.

My daughter is bright and talented, but on the roads, she sort of … freestyles. Even after hours of professional driving lessons, her every move behind the wheel is fresh and unpredictable.

Even after 40 hours of driving, occasional mistakes happen. We will be driving along beautifully for 30 minutes, and once I begin to relax, my daughter will sail through a red light.

“Oops!” she’ll say. “Sorry, Mom! I missed that one,” and we nearly die. It’s exhausting, and, quite frankly, it’s terrifying.

As much as I’m longing for her to have her license, I find myself wondering if it’s a good idea. Even if she passes her test, who’s to say she won’t forget the next red light as soon as she’s out there on her own?

One of my friends has refused to teach her daughter to drive as she is “just not responsible enough” to be on the road. A middle-aged friend of mine gave up trying to get his license after the eighth failed attempt and an evident lack of skill.

We take it for granted that everyone should drive, but perhaps there are some people who just shouldn’t be behind a wheel. What if my daughter is one of them?

Well, I don’t know. At least not yet. But in these dark times, one thought springs to mind. If it’s the end of the world, maybe we can stop driving lessons for a while?

1. Why does the author mention her own driving experiences?
A.To tell us why she couldn’t drive well.
B.To explain what makes a good driver.
C.To show how difficult it is to pass a driving test.
D.To explain why she was unconfident about teaching driving.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.The author was pleased.B.The author was frightened.
C.The author felt relaxed.D.The author was confused.
3. What does the author recognize when teaching her daughter to drive?
A.Some people had better not learn to drive.
B.Patience matters when parents teach their kids to drive.
C.Those learning to drive should be careful about traffic signs.
D.It’s normal for beginners to make occasional mistakes when they drive.
4. What will the author probably do afterward?
A.Let her daughter take professional driving lessons.
B.Persuade her friend to take the driving test again.
C.Advise her daughter to give up her driving lessons.
D.Continue to teach her daughter to drive.
2021-03-27更新 | 104次组卷
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