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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:132 题号:9792688

Yuan Longping was born    1    1930. He graduated from college in 1953. Then he worked as a    2    (teach) at an agricultural school. From then on, he tried his best to find ways to grow more rice. After years of research, he    3    (final) made it. In 1973, he became the first person in the world to grow rice with a high output (产量). Thanks to his research, farmers are producing harvests twice    4    (large) than before. Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself as    5    farmer, for he works the land to do his research.

Yuan Longping feels that being famous gives him less freedom to do    6    (he)research. So he doesn't care about it. He prefers keeping time for his hobbies. He enjoys    7    (listen) to music, swimming and reading in his spare time. Now he is more than eighty    8    (year) old and he    9    (be) satisfied with his life.

Such is Yuan Longping, a simple man    10    has great achievements.

【知识点】 科学家


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Albert Einstein,     1     is regarded as the greatest scientist in modern physics, was born in Germany on 14 March 1879. At the age of 17, he     2    (admit) to the university in 1896 and graduated four years later.

After     3    (graduate) from university, Einstein first worked as a clerk in the Swiss patent office. While working there, he continued to study,     4    (earn) a doctorate in physics in 1905. That same year, he published four extraordinary physics papers and     5    (gradual) became world famous. In 1922, he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics     6     his explanation of the photoelectric effect.

When Hitler came to power in Germany, Einstein, who was Jewish, found the doors of study     7    (close) to him. So he had to flee Germany and then went to the US and took     8     a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Although he was a genius, he sometimes     9    (forget) things, like his friends’ birthdays. But despite his peculiarities, he was loved by his     10    (friend) and neighbours. Einstein passed away on 18 April 1955, and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.

2023-06-18更新 | 46次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

Peter Tabichi,     1     math and science teacher who has worked to change life for students in a poor area in Kenya, has won the $l million Global Teacher Prize for 2019. Over 10,000 teachers from 179 different countries took part in the competition this year. Mr. Tabichi     2     (choose) from among the ten final teachers.

Mr. Tabichi works al Keriko Secondary School in Pwami Village, Kenya. The school is in a poor area     3     faces many challenges. The classes are huge - there are about 58 students for every teacher.

The school also does not have many     4     (teach) materials that are common in     5     schools. There is only one computer at the school, and the Internet connection is not very good. Still, Mr. Tabichi has been able to lead his students to great results. He has tried     6       (build) on things that the students are already interested in and good at. In the last three years, the number of students     7       (double), and yet there are far     8     (few) behavior problems than there were before Mr. Tabichi started.

He also helps the families of his students and the other people in the area. Once every three or four years, the area is hit by a serious drought. Mr. Tabichi has worked to teach the local people     9     to grow plants that can survive even when there isn’t much rain.

Mr. Tabichi said that if he won the     10     (compete), he would like to use the money to improve his school. He wants to help build u the science program. He hopes to buy more computers and get the school a better Internet connection.

“To be a great teacher, you have to be very creative, you have to do more and talk less.” he says.

2020-04-28更新 | 220次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

Dr Jian Zhou was a molecular biologist and virologist who worked with Professor Ian Frazer to develop the technology toward the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines (疫苗),     1     protect against viruses that cause cervical cancer.

Born in Hangzhou, China, Dr Zhou graduated from Wenzhou Medical College and went on     2     (obtain) a Master’s degree from Zhejiang Medical University. He studied for a PhD at Henan Medical University,     3     (complete) this in 1987. He received a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Queensland in 1994. Dr Zhou’s interest in human papillomavirus (HPV)     4     (bring) him to Australia in 1990 to join Professor Ian Frazer’s Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research at the University of Queensland. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV and it     5     (believe) that a vaccine against HPV might work. The vaccine required a particle that would stimulate an immune response to the virus,     6     causing an infection. This was a significant focus of Dr Zhou’s work with Professor Frazer and in 1990, working also with his wife, he succeeded in creating a virus-like particle that was now the basis     7     the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines.

    8     (unfortunate), Dr Zhou died in 1999, at the age of 42. His work has had     9     huge impact on human health globally. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences is therefore delighted to establish an award in     10     (recognize) of Dr Zhou. The Jian Zhou Medal was made possible by a generous donation from the Frazer Family Foundation.

2024-05-13更新 | 83次组卷
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