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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:47 题号:9884509

Jim was a young man in his early twenties who was studying to be a carpenter. He was a good worker, honest and worthy of trust, so his boss was pleased with him. As he was such a likable man and easy to deal with, he was popular with his workmates, too. They also made fun of him a great deal but he never got angry with them and would only laugh.

But Jim’s one great shortcoming was that he could never tell a lie, no matter how hard he tried, not even a little one. In fact, he was so honest and shy that he would blush even when he was telling the truth. He used to stand in front of the mirror and practise lying while looking himself in the eyes at the same time. But as soon as he saw his face starting to go red he had to look away.

One morning, however, he didn’t feel like going to work because he had been to a party the night before and it hadn’t ended till the early hours of the morning. And so far the first time in his life he decided to take the day off. He rang his boss, pretending to be a woman. “I’m afraid Jim can’t come to work today. He isn’t feeling very well.”

Poor Jim was thankful that his boss couldn’t see him just at that moment because his hands were trembling(发抖) and his face was bright red.

“Thank you for letting me know,” said Mr. Woods, his boss, and then just as he was about to hang up, he said, “just a moment, madam, who’s speaking.”

“Oh!” he stammered (口吃的说), and going all out for making a voice like a woman, he cried in a voice: “This is my landlady speaking!”

1. According to the passage we know that Jim was a ___.
A.skillful worker
B.skillful carpenter
C.researcher studying how to be a carpenter
D.being-trained carpenter
2. What does the underlined word “blush” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.stammerB.look away
C.go redD.feel hot
3. Why did Jim try to practise lying?
A.To avoid being laughed at by his workmates.
B.To overcome his shortcoming.
C.To get his boss pleased with him.
D.To get ready for asking for leave.
4. At the end of the story poor Jim let the cat ____.
A.out of the bagB.out of the house
C.into the bagD.into the house


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Something strange happened when I was 14 years old. Every previous year on Thanksgiving Day I’d woken up early, filled with excitement. But that Thanksgiving, for some reason I saw no reason to celebrate. None of my family were really thankful, I realized. The whole thing was a lie!

During the dinner time, I left, hiding in the guest room and cried. My mom came to see what was wrong. “No one is really thankful!” I sobbed, “They just pretend for one day because that’s what they’re supposed to do!”

After I finished talking, she nodded. “You’re right,” she told me. “It’s fake until you find the truth for yourself.” She said it was my choice whether to celebrate with them or not. She said Thanksgiving is a time to reflect because we don’t always get to see loved ones and eat a good meal. Then she left.

I didn’t listen to her, thinking that every holiday was a lie and I could never find joy celebrating again. But giving in to my starving stomach, I went back to the dining room in a few minutes. I couldn’t believe what I saw. My entire extended family was waiting for me with wide smiles and concerned looks, and the table was covered with untouched plates.

“Andy,” my aunt said, “We can’t eat without you. We’re waiting for your turn. Now you can start it.” I didn’t know what to say first. Finally, I said I was thankful for having a younger brother to teach, play with, and see grow.

The family shared, and everyone had something beautiful to say. Listening to what they said, I suddenly understood what my mom meant about finding out my own reason for celebrating. For me, this holiday was a chance to pause and reflect on everything I cared about.

And with that, I took a huge and satisfying bite of food.

1. Why did the author hide himself and cry on the Thanksgiving Day?
A.Because he got up too late
B.Because some of his family were absent.
C.Because he thought the dinner was tasteless.
D.Because he doubted the sincerity of others’ thankfulness.
2. What can we know about the author’s mother according to the text?
A.She is very understanding.B.She is strict with the author.
C.She disagreed with the author.D.She showed great worry about the author.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Having dinner.B.Expressing thankfulness.
C.Giving a performance.D.Making a wish.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.My loving motherB.Love and lies
C.An inspiring ThanksgivingD.An unforgettable dinner
2020-05-30更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】I was living with my grandparents at the time. Our grandparents had recently retired. While they’d managed to save enough to buy a home, they were short on living expenses.

So, our grandfather took a job as doorkeeper of the Java school building. Keeping the entire building clean was a stressful job for one man. Realizing this, I began helping him after school, sweeping rooms and emptying waste baskets, for a small wage.

When winter arrived, he fired up the school’s furnace (火炉). He quickly realized how difficult it had become for him to shovel (铲) the huge pile of coal chips required to fill in the furnace. I volunteered to take on that job, a commitment that required me to set my alarm clock an hour earlier each morning. I’d go over to the school, and shovel a half ton of coal,   enough to keep the fire burning for 24 hours. After finishing that task, I’d go home, change clothes, and eat breakfast. Then I’d head back to school, always at the last minute.

It was during those morning rushes to school that I discovered my superpower. On two mornings, at the very instant I stepped onto the sidewalk in front of the school, the first bell rang. That was the signal for students to head to class. This astonishing coincidence caused me to improve my precision. I carefully planned each phase of my morning activity. I paced myself. Often I’d step onto the school’s sidewalk just as the first bell rang. This accomplishment gave me enormous pride — and some strange feelings.

Decades later, at a school reunion, I happened to meet Harold Spiry, who had been in charge of ringing the bell by pressing a button in his office. I couldn’t resist boasting (吹嘘). I told Mr. Spiry about how well I had ordered my complex morning work back then, how my timing had been faultless. “Oh that,” he said. “Do you recall that my office windows looked out over the front of the building? I often saw you coming. And when you hit the sidewalk, I’d ring the bell.”

1. What does the underlined word “this” refer to?
A.Grandparents’ lack of living expenses.
B.Granddad’s retiring as a doorkeeper.
C.Grandparents’ saving money to buy a house.
D.Granddad’s hardships in cleaning the whole building.
2. Why did the author get up earlier every morning?
A.To avoid being late for school.B.To help his granddad clean classrooms.
C.To fill coal into the school’s furnace.D.To volunteer to empty waste baskets.
3. What talent did the author find about himself?
A.He had the ability to be on time.B.He was good at morning activities.
C.He could do things at his own pace.D.He could fire up the furnace alone.
4. How would the author feel after hearing what Harold Spiry said?
2023-10-11更新 | 110次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing while Jack was shy. They liked doing different things. Frank was famous for organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable. Jack preferred to draw, paint, or build sandcastles (沙堡).

Frank didn’t understand why Jack would rather do artistic things than play ball. He believed sports often allowed many kids to play together. That was when Jack’s idea hatched. He would show Frank what doing things together looked like!

After Jack finished creating a special sandcastle with stairs, towers and walls, he took pictures of it. Then he painted colorful posters featuring (突出) his sandcastle and the question, “Can you top this?” He hung his posters everywhere in town, announcing his plan for a day of sandcastle artistry-all ages welcome.

When Frank saw poster, he not so nicely told Jack that no one would come. Still, shortly after sunrise on Saturday, Jack was on the beach digging in the sand. By mid-morning, four kids were sculpting (雕塑) the sand alongside him. By noon the number had increased a lot.

After Frank came back from his ball game, he went to check how his brother’s plan turned out. He couldn’t believe what he saw. At least 30 people were building a city of sandcastles, and everyone was chatting and laughing and working together! It was the most beautiful thing he had seen on the beach.

“I guess you’ve proved me wrong,” Frank said. “You should make this sandcastle day a yearly tradition!” Handing Frank a shovel (铲子) with smile, Jack got started together with his brother on their super creation in the sand.

1. What does the underlined word “hatched” in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?
2. What helped people know about Jack’s plan?
A.Beautiful towers.B.Colorful posters.
C.A town building.D.A sandcastle day.
3. When learning about Jack’s plan, Frank was ________.
4. What can we know about Jack’s idea?
A.It came from picture.B.It needed 30 people’s support.
C.It proved Frank right.D.It did work well.
2024-01-29更新 | 23次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般