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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:9907863

Everyone loves travelling, right? Unfortunately, money can sometimes be a problem…but not if you’re prepared.     1    

Tip 1:Decide where you’ll go based on your budget.

The cost of your trip can depend greatly on where you want to go. So, knowing the average costs in a country can help you plan your trip.     2     By contrast, Eastern Europe and South-East Asia are cheaper and still offer great cultural experiences.

Tip 2:Choose hostels and campsites.

    3     But sadly, in a lot of places, this is just not realistic for those on a budget. That’s why whenever I travel to countries which are expensive, I choose to stay in hostels or campsites. Hostels are a sure way to meet potential travelling companions while also saving money. Camping is also a great choice for budget accommodation, especially if you enjoy the outdoors.

Tip3:    4    

Another advantage of staying in hostels is that you will always have access to a kitchen. Eating in a restaurant can be very expensive, so you can easily save by cooking your own meals. Many cities have markets where you can buy fresh food and vegetables on the cheap, and you can even try to make the popular food of the country.

Tip 4:Look for discounts on major attractions

Obviously when you’re travelling you want to see everything the country has to offer.     5     Many tourist attractions have a student or youth discount and free for everyone on certain days.

So you see, if you come prepared, you can easily travel the world, no matter what your budget is!

A.Learn to cook traditional food.
B.Don’t always rely on restaurants.
C.How to travel on a budget is a tricky question.
D.Yes, everyone loves the luxury of a five-star hotel.
E.But you can research and see if it’s possible to see them for less.
F.For example, countries like France and the UK can be pretty expensive to visit.
G.Here are some tips to gain beer travel experience, regardless of your bank savings!
2019高一·浙江·专题练习 查看更多[1]
【知识点】 方法/策略 旅游观光


阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Tips for Learning New Technology

We live in a very exciting time. However, with such a wealth of resources, the options of learning new technology can be very difficult.     1    .

What to learn

The first step, when picking up a new skill, is to determine what to learn.     2    . It's important to have this strong inclination, as it will provide you with the necessary fuel. Once you decide what to learn, reviewing what others have done will give you confidence that you, too, can do it!


As you explore deeper into the pool of knowledge, you will want to add other forms of in-formation. I encourage you to browse through iTunes U.     4    . You can listen to and watch what you are learning. This is particularly helpful for those who prefer an academic setting. Besides, there are a handful of websites that offer online education these days.

Time for action

    5    . Okay, you've read countless tutorials, watched videos, and have a better understanding of the technology that you've been hoping to learn. What now? Well, it's time to put your knowledge to the test. Eventually, the best way to learn is by doing. Pick a personal project that you can build using this new technology.

A.Learn to share
B.Listen and watch
C.The best way to learn is by doing
D.I suggest you keep away from your phones
E.This could be anything you are interested in
F.It offers complete classes on a variety of topics
G.The following tips can help you start your learning
2021-07-08更新 | 329次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Living comfortably requires more than just money. Things like jobs and family undoubtedly also play a part in how we handle the world around us, as well as how much we enjoy it. Here are some tips on living our best lives:


Change is hard. It's also unavoidable. Being able to adapt yourself to difficult situations ensures that you respond to different situations with the most productive behaviors, leaving you more satisfied with the results.

●Consider your purpose

Put simply, living comfortably means being happy. And part of happiness is believing you have a purpose, a reason to exist.     2     Make a commitment to do everything in your power to achieve it. Faith, family, career, politics, social justice: it can be anything that brings meaning to your life and provides a reason for you to wake up each morning with renewed interest in living it.

●Stick to a budget

Of course, to live comfortably, you do have to live within your means. While you don't necessarily need a lot of money, you do need to have enough to provide a way to protect and support yourself. Therefore, manage your money wisely.     3    .

●Be creative

Whether it's your home, your wardrobe, your work or some other area of your life, seek out ways to be creative. Research shows that creativity contributes to improved well-being, renewing energy and lowering stress for people who take the time to experience, work together and create.     4    . Anything that makes use of the imagination is a tool for growth.

●Cultivate relationships

Find people who provide comfort and encouragement and who love you in spite of your faults.     5    . According to lots of research,   friendships enrich your life,   reducing the risk of many health problems and improving your level of contentment so that you truly can live comfortably!

A.Slow down
B.Be flexible
C.Creativity isn't limited to physical art
D.Offer the same to them in return
E.Think about what you want out of life
F.Try to live your life with a healthy body and mind
G.Only in that way can you make sure that you always have enough to survive
2023-04-14更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Be a Better Listener

When you are in a conversation with someone and paying attention to what they’re saying, that’s a sign of care and respect. So it’s important for everyone to learn how to be a better listener.     1    .

Be an active listener

A good listener is attentive. They’re focused and paying attention to what the other person is saying. This is called active listening.     2    . You can assume that if someone keeps looking at their watch or over their shoulder, their focus isn’t on the conversation.


When someone is talking, they are usually saying something they consider to be meaningful. They want all eyes on them. Eye contact is very powerful. It can convey much information without anything being said. So make it a point the next time you’re in a conversation to maintain eye contact with the speaker.

Ask questions

Asking questions is one of the best ways to show you’re interested. If someone is telling you about their ski trip to Mammoth Mountain, don’t respond with, “That’s nice.” This would show a lack of interest. Instead, you can ask, “How long have you been skiing?” “What was your favorite part of the trip?”     4    .

Avoid interrupting the speaker

Interrupting is a sign of disrespect.     5    . Interrupting a speaker to agree, disagree, argue, etc. also causes the speaker to lose track of what they are saying. Whatever you have to say, wait until the other person finishes his talk.

A.Maintain eye contact
B.Encourage the speaker to continue
C.Active listening involves listening with all your senses
D.When this happens, you take a moment to listen closely
E.Here are some simple things you can do to make that happen
F.When you interrupt the speaker, they feel frustrated and unimportant
G.The person will think more highly of you and consider you a great listener
2022-11-08更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般