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Some travelers are itching to escape the season’s bitter weather. If you want to find the locale that best suits your winter vacation, use these ideas to start planning your getaway.

Honolulu - Oahu

As temperatures begin to drop in other parts of the world, Hawaii’s capital city remains comfortable thanks to average highs in the low to 80 degrees. Visit Chinatown for festive Chinese New Year celebrations, or marvel at the Honolulu City Lights, a month-long Christmas display at Honolulu’s city hall. Keep in mind that winter is the island’s high season, so make your reservations early and expect to share the sand with lots of other sun-seeking travelers.


Sydney’s summer begins in December and lasts through February, making this a popular destination for tourists escaping the Northern Hemisphere’s chilly winter weather. Average daytime temperatures hover between the mid-70s and low 80s. This time of year also features a packed events calendar, with can’t-miss sporting events and celebrations like the KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix and Sydney’s famed New Year’s Eve fireworks display. Remember to book your tickets early, as this can be a pricey and popular time to visit Australia.

Galápagos Islands

Winter in the Galápagos Islands is marked by warm weather and ample opportunities to view wildlife, snorkel and scuba dive. Although this is technically the wet season, the sun shines most days and rain showers are brief. Plan on visiting in December to see newly hatched giant tortoises and male marine lizards displaying vivid colors. For a bit more action, arrive in February to celebrate Carnival on Santa Cruz Island. To read more, click here.

1. What do Oahu and Galapagos Islands have in common?
A.International sports events.B.Warm sunshine.
C.Diverse wildlife.D.Festive city lights.
2. What should you do if you want to see a spectacular display of New Year’s Eve fireworks?
A.Book your tickets early to Australia.B.Arrive in Galápagos Islands by February.
C.Visit Chinatown in the city of Honolulu.D.Make your reservations early to Hawaii.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.An entertainment magazine.B.A tourist brochure.
C.A travel agency website.D.A pre-travel checklist.
【知识点】 旅游观光 应用文


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【推荐1】China's pandemic(流行病) — hit tourism sector breathed a sigh of relief as people got back to travelling during the eight-day holiday on account of the country's National Day and Mid- Autumn Festival.

A total of 637 million trips were made across China during the eight-day holiday, 79 percent of last year's number, according to data released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Thursday.

Revenue from tourism hit 466.56 billion yuan (around $68.71 billion), 69.9 percent of the same period last year.

The country's transportation hubs witnessed a surge (激增) in return trips on Thursday as the eight-day holiday drew to a close. 1,234 additional trains were put into operation to handle the peak in trips involving tourism and family visits, according to the China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.

The daily train trips had exceeded 10 million for eight consecutive days by Wednesday, the railway operator said.

In a bid to cope with the surging passenger flow, airliners used wide-body aircraft for r 30 popular routes connecting Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

The country's transport sector maintained stable and orderly operation during the extended holiday, said the Ministry of Transport.

China celebrates its National Day on October 1, and the week-long holiday this year has been extended to October 8 as it overlapped with the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional festival symbolizing family reunion that falls on the 15th day of the eighth month on the lunar calendar.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.Two overlapped holidays in China this year.
B.China's tourism sector got quick development.
C.China's transport sector faced a huge challenge.
D.The number of Chinese travelers increased rapidly.
2. What can we know about China's tourism sector?
A.It was hit by the pandemic this year.
B.It felt relieved because people got back to work.
C.It came to a standstill (停滞) because of the eight-day holiday.
D.It relies on the Mid-Autumn Festival.
3. What can we infer about last year's National Day holiday?
A.There were 637 million trips in total.
B.79 percent of travelers went out during the holiday.
C.Tourism incomes were higher than this year.
D.Over a thousand additional trains were put into operation.
4. Why are there eight days during this year's National Day holiday?
A.Because 2020 is a tough year.
B.Because China's tourism needs an extra break.
C.Because the Mid-Autumn festival and the National Day are on the same day.
D.Because there is too much pressure on China's transportation during this holiday.
2021-03-15更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In the time to my Peru trip, I found out about a place known as Machu Picchu. It was so beautiful that it made me doubt whether Machu Picchu would even be the highlight of my trip. My first glance at the secret city of the Inca (spelled “Inka” in Peru, which means “king”) removed my doubt.

Machu Picchu was built less than a hundred years before the Spanish conquest of the early 1500s, but was quickly abandoned before it was even completed when word of the Inka’s defeat reached the area. It was a place where the highest priests (神父) and selected worthy people lived to honor the gods above.

When the Spaniards conquered the area known as the Empire of the Inca, they were known to destroy old signs of worship (崇拜) as they conflicted with their beliefs in a single God. Thankfully, Machu Picchu wasn’t known by the Spaniards, or anyone that wasn’t a local. Until 1911, the American historian, Hiram Bingham, made his famous exploration and exposition of the site.

While Machu Picchu is known to almost everyone in the world today, it is quite surprising how isolated (与世隔绝的) it still is. Despite the difficulties of getting there, about half a million people visit it every year.

The city is far larger than I expected and much like Chichen Itza in Mexico and has many geometrically positioned buildings. Starting from Cusco, you see signs everywhere that call Machu Picchu “La Maravilla del Mundo” (The World Wonder) and I couldn’t agree more. In 2007, Machu Picchu was named one of the New 7 Wonders of the World and I have yet to see a more deserving site.

1. How did the author feel after looking at Machu Picchu?
A.He thought about it all day long.
B.He was deeply impressed and loved it.
C.He thought he would come back later.
D.He doubted it was the highlight of his trip.
2. Why was Machu Picchu abandoned quickly?
A.It wasn’t well preserved.
B.The king didn’t really love it.
C.Some bad news reached the area.
D.It couldn’t protect the people against enemies.
3. What helped Machu Picchu survive when the Spaniards took control of the area?
A.That it was unknown to others.
B.That it was protected by locals there.
C.That it had no roads to get into the place.
D.That it lacked old signs of praising God.
4. What’s the authors attitude towards Machu Picchu as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World?
2021-08-17更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是记叙文,文章主要讲述了著名的长城专家和自然环境保护主义者William Lindesay和妻子带着孩子环球旅行,这对夫妇相信旅行能提供真正的教育,他们用实际行动践行了“读万卷书不如行万里路”,并对两个孩子产生了深远的影响。

【推荐3】William Lindesay, well-known Great Wall expert and conservationist, and his wife Wu Qi have traveled across the globe by the back paths, providing their sons Jimmy and Tommy a unique environment for personal growth.

Sunhats, backpacks, sneakers and trekking poles—these are the day-to-day must-haves of the family. This East-meets-West couple started traveling while their younger son was still a baby in 2003. Most of their trips are far from the hot spots recommended by travel guidebooks—heritage study in the Mongolian deserts, a 53-kilometer hiking tour of New Zealand, a one-day climb of three English summits and a six-day train ride from Beijing to Moscow.

“Real travel may be hard, uncertain, uncomfortable, but there’s a feel-good factor when you pass a test of some kind,” Lindesay wrote in the family’s newly published travel memoir Pages of Discovery.

Lindesay attaches great importance to learning out of the classroom, saying that children might score well on school tests, but that experience of the world outside, in distant lands, with different languages, scripts, political structures, and religious beliefs, is the real testing ground.

Children in this international family did not have the same pressure to perform on school tests, but they had “homework” on the road. Wu asked her sons to write travel diaries, collect tickets, draw maps and summarize travel tips. She says such habits, though they might not directly improve test scores, will pay dividends in later life.

These experiences certainly shaped their sons’ characters and influenced their chosen study at university. One read world history, the other international relations. The two brothers also share an interest in historical monuments, and the Great Wall in particular. They are now planning to follow in their father’s footsteps with a new 4,500-km hike on the Great Wall.

“My parents view the world as a big classroom, and my brother and I are the biggest beneficiaries,” Jimmy says.

1. Which of the following best describes their trips across the world?
A.Complicated and dangerous.B.Unique yet stressful.
C.Challenging yet educational.D.Entertaining and rewarding.
2. What can we infer about the couple from the text?
A.They think little of school education.
B.They believe travel provides real education.
C.They require their sons to follow their career path.
D.They don’t expect their sons to perform well on school tests.
3. What do the underlined words “pay dividends” mean in paragraph 5?
A.Bring advantages.B.Pay a price.
C.Improve scores.D.Make mistakes.
4. What does the family’s story tell us?
A.Roads were made for journeys not destination.
B.No road is long with good company.
C.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
D.It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books.
2023-11-27更新 | 78次组卷
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