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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:55 题号:11913197

Online Fire Safety Class


This online Fire Safety Class has been designed to present topics relevant to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training requirement.


Our Fire Safety Class is 100% online and self-paced, which allows you to start and stop at any time and as often as necessary to adjust your schedule.

The course can also be taken on any device that has access to the Internet:

Desktop computers

Laptop computers


Smart phones

You can even start on one device and continue on another!


Your Fire Safety Class certificate (证书) comes backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. If your certificate is not accepted for any reason, contact us and let us know. We will refund you the full price of the course.


Starting at only $25, we offer the lowest price with absolutely no hidden fees; guaranteed!

Course durationTotal priceStart now
1 hour$25Start your I-hour course now
3 hour$35Start your 3-hour course now
5 hour$40Start your 5-hour course now

The buying process is straightforward and simple: you never need to speak with a salesperson and you can register and get started right now entirely on your own.

1. Where can you take the class?
A.On TV.B.On the radio.
C.On computers.D.On any phone.
2. If you take the 5-hour class and you fail it, how much would you pay?
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A.You can take the class only on a fixed device.
B.You can get your money back if you get the certificate.
C.You should contact a salesman before buying the course.
D.You can suit your own learning process while taking the class.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The New Old Age

October 4, 2017

New York City

Age discrimination (歧视) may be the last prejudice to still be tolerated in mainstream American culture. Older people are usually kept out of TV screens, advertising billboards and other popular-culture areas. Yet aging athletes, scientists, musicians and many more have proven time and time again that you can age and still do great things. What will it take for the rest of society to catch up with this reality? The Atlantic’s New Old Age Forum will invite top experts on aging for a full discussion of age discrimination and they will explore relevant issues ranging from aging in place to long life and work.

10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

New York Academy of Sciences

7 World Trade Center

250 Greenwich Street, 40th floor

New York, NY 10007

For more information, please contact Grace Harvey at gharvey@theatlantic.com.

Presented by

Atlantic LIVE


James Hamblin, senior editor, The Atlantic

Ellen Cole, professor of psychology, The Sage Colleges; co-author, Women Thriving in their 8th Decade

Susan Donley, publisher and managing director, Next Avenue

Joyce Jed, founder and president, Good Neighbors of Park Slope

Kathryn Lawler, executive director, Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement

Elizabeth White, author, Fifty-Five, Unemployed, and Faking Normal

Alison Stewart, contributing editor, The Atlantic

1. Age discrimination in mainstream American culture mainly refers to ________.
A.old people’s being abusedB.old people’s negative image
C.old people’s being overlookedD.old people’s unemployment
2. What do we know about the New Old Age Forum?
A.The discussion is between old people.B.There are many lectures by scientists.
C.The speakers work for The Atlantic.D.It is held indoors in New York.
2019-01-13更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Greenport, one of Long Island’s great summer destinations, offers many family-friendly ways to spend the day in the village.


Mitchell Park: It is a dog-friendly spot where kids can play. Families can wander along the waterfront and watch boaters.

Arshamomaque Preserve: Located on the edge of Greenport, the preserve is a place where families can explore—just make sure you keep your dog leashed (拴着). Featuring 126 acres of wetlands and woodland habitats, lookout for an abundance of wildlife.

Orient Beach State Park: About 10 miles east of Greenport, it has a large sandy-yet-rocky beach where peoples it in the sun while others fish. The park is a great place to bird watch.


Skate Park: The park is open, featuring ramps (坡道), a half-pipe and other items on which to trick. Safety gear (用具) is required.

Mini Golf: Golf at Drossos Motel is open to the public daily. The course has 18 holes and features the Jennie’s at Drossos snack bar.


Greenport is a very walkable town, with much of what can be shopped on Front Street.

Goldsmith’s Toys & Electronics: This shop has direct appeal to kids. Walk past and see the rubber ducks in the window—it’s the store’s signature item—but walk inside to find a variety of toys and seasonal fun; it’s an independent toy store that’s been in town for more than 30 years.

Sweet Indulgences: It’s also highly likely your little one digs treats, so a stop by this shop should not disappoint. Parents can purchase the many household items for sale, while also finding lots of sweets and chocolates.

One Love Beach: It’s another place that should have youth appeal, as it carries beachy gear while also offering water skis and sailboats for rent.

1. What do Mitchell Park and Arshamomaque Preserve have in common?
A.They’re ideal places for birdwatching.B.They’re home to endangered wildlife.
C.They provide free beach service.D.They allow pet dogs in.
2. What can you find in Sweet Indulgences?
A.Seasonal toys.B.Rubber ducks.
C.Candies.D.Safety gear.
3. If you want to do watersports, from which of the following can you hire some equipment?
A.Orient Beach State Park.B.Skate Park.
C.Goldsmith’s Toys & Electronics.D.One Love Beach.
2021-11-10更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What to do, where to go

Take your kids for a walk on science's wild side. These festivals are full of video games, cutting-edge(尖端) tech and fun!

Festival of Learning     16-20 June

Come and join Bournemouth University as we celebrate the joy of knowledge at our Festival of Learning. We'll be sharing our learning and knowledge through 80+ free events that explore our scientific research. Come along, get inspired and learn something new with hands-on sessions, workshops, talks and exhibitions for all ages!

Summer Science Exhibition     2-8 July

Royal Society invites you to its annual exhibition, showing the UK's most cutting-edge scientific research. From the very first3 D model of the Milky Way, to using quantum physics(量子物理学)in solving mental health problems, this is your chance to meet the extraordinary scientists carrying out research that is likely to change our lives. Alongside a host of exhibitions, you can also attend one of 30 talks, family shows and workshops. Join our journey of discovery this July. Evening opening--Tuesday 3 July, adults only.

Power Up     3-19 August

Get your game face on and play awesome games from the past 40 years, from Pong and Pacman to Minecraft and Mario at the Museum of Science and Industry. Whether you're a family dropping in for a 90-minute session or a gamer at an adult-only evening session, test yourself to the limit. Book before 21 June for 20% off selected tickets.

Norwich Science Festival     19-27 October

Celebrate the wonderful world of experiments, discoveries and exploration at Norwich Science Festival. Enjoy inspirational exhibitions hands-on family activities, inspiring talks and cutting-edge discoveries. A festival for all age groups and all levels of knowledge.

1. Which event should you attend if you're a game lover?
A.Power Up.B.Festival of Learning.
C.Norwich Science FestivalD.Summer Science Exhibition
2. What can you do if you take part in the event held in October?
A.Attend workshopsB.Do hands-on activities
C.Go to evening sessionsD.Watch fun family shows
3. What do the four events have in common?
A.They offer discounts to tour groups.B.They require early booking.
C.They are intended for kids.D.They are science-themed.
2020-03-02更新 | 173次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般