组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:书面表达-概要写作 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:9908472

Bees are responsible for about 30 percent of the food supply in our world. Our fruits and vegetables would not grow without bees. Many farmers use pesticides(杀虫剂) to protect food plants from insects. However, studies have shown that these chemicals are also hurting the bees. Around the world, the insects have been dying in large numbers, along with big declines of farmland birds, butterflies and so on.

Researchers have been trying to find out the way pesticides affect bees. Some of them, including David Goulson, a professor of biology at Britain’s University of Sussex believe the chemicals harm the ability of bees to find their way. “These chemicals attack the brain of the insects and they interfere(阻碍) with their ability to learn and to navigate(导航), which is really important for a bee. If they get lost, then they are as good as dead.”

How does the problem come about? The answer may be related with the new genetically engineered seeds. Professor Goulson says some of these seeds are covered with pesticides. “So it is likely that the farmer buys the seed, pre-coated with pesticides. He then sows it in the ground, and the chemical dissolves(溶解) into the soil and the water in the soil, and then it’s supposed to be sucked up by the plant, and it goes to all parts of the plant including, unfortunately, the pollen(花粉).” And that pollen ends up on the bees.

The effects on human beings are not hard to imagine. Since many of the things we eat depend on these insects in order to grow, we may not have enough food to eat someday. Besides, researchers found the chemicals in 75% of all the world’s honey. They even found it on the French island of Tahiti, a place not known for industrial farming. Eating the honey with chemicals for a long time may cause diseases.

2019高二·浙江·专题练习 查看更多[1]
【知识点】 动物 环境保护


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

We spent the whole weekend watching the ospreys as they flew around gracefully and fished in the pools, and we were very glad a week later when the Easter holidays started.

We spent every day there, cycling out while it was still dark, making notes, doing drawings. taking photographs, recording the birds' activities, and soon we realized that they were starting to make a nest.

We decided that it would be better to keep the whole thing a secret because we knew there were lots of egg collectors who would like to have an osprey's egg in their collection, even though it was illegal. So we said nothing to the few people we met there-the occasional fisherman or walker.

But one evening when we got back from a day watching our ospreys, my parents asked lots of questions about what we were doing.

“Shall we tell them, Mike?” I asked.

“Well, we'll need them to promise not to tell anyone,” he answered, only half joking.

So we told them all about it and they were very impressed.

The holidays ended. By then the ospreys had finished building their nest at the top of one pine tree on the island in the middle of Big Pool. Of course we still went to watch them every weekend, and a couple of nights after school.

One Saturday we were surprised to find a white van parked on the roadside near the track, and a middle-aged man looking at us. As we approached he said, “Aha, and here come our two bird experts!”

Mike and I exchanged glances that were both puzzled and worried. “Don and Mike, I guess. I'm Mr Roberts. Well, whichever of you is Don...,” here I nodded, “I have to thank your father for telling me about your splendid find. I'll just wander around and see what I can see. Pleased to meet you.” Then he turned and started to walk around the lake.


The rest of the day was very tense.


By the time I got home that evening, I was really angry.

2021-02-25更新 | 275次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

It seemed like it had only been a few years ago that Indigo had first rushed through our door. Her underbelly showed the signs of the litter she’d recently delivered. She had a nose for trouble. On one occasion, I had come home to find that she’d eaten a five-pound bag of flour. She was covered in white powder, and flour paw prints were everywhere, including, incredibly, on the countertops(台板). I asked the dog what the hell had happened, and Indigo just looked at me with a glance that said, I cannot imagine what you are referring to.

Time raced by. Our children grew up and went off to university. The mirror, which had reflected a young mum when Indigo first arrived, now showed a woman in late middle age. I had surgery for cataracts(白内障). I began to lose my hearing. We all turned grey: me, my spouse(配偶), the dog.

In August 2017, I took Indigo for one last walk. She was slow and unsteady on her paws. She looked up at me sadly. You did say you’d take care of me when the time came, she said. You promised, Jenny. She died that month, a tennis ball by her side. I’d owned a succession of dogs since 1964, each one of them a witness to a particular stage of my life. But with the loss of Indigo, all that was over. The days of my dogs, I now understood, were done at last.

But one morning, as I was passing the Bed ’n’ Biscuit in my car, somehow I pulled over. I could at least lay eyes upon one cute dog, a tiny sweet thing. What harm could it do? She had a soft face.

Not long after, I got a call from the Bed ’n’ Biscuit, our dog daycare(日托所). One of their customers was leaving, and her dog which was the one I saw that morning, Chloe, needed a home. Given our recent loss, they asked, might our family be interested in adopting her?

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
Paragraph 1:

I told them that we were sorry but we wouldn’t be adopting any more dogs.

Paragraph 2:

When Chloe entered our house, she was cautious, uncertain.

2022-05-24更新 | 267次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Alice! We need to get going before it rains,” my father shouted as he got into the car, I rushed out of the house with my teddy bear. Once inside the car, I rested my head on my mother’s shoulder, feeling sad to leave the house I had grown up in. I hugged my teddy bear close to me as my father drove us to our new house.

All afternoon, I was a good daughter who helped my parents unpack all the boxes that we had brought with us. I was so tired and went to bed early. That night it started pouring, I was awoken by a whining (呜咽) sound outside the house. I got up my courage and looked out through my bedroom window. I was shocked when 1 saw something moving at the front door!

Not knowing what was happening, I rushed downstairs. I opened the door and saw a tiny white furry(毛茸茸的) ball with black spots trying to get under our door mat (垫子) . It was wet completely and shivering (颤抖的) from the rain. I’m too pity on it and carried it inside quickly.


Once in my bedroom, it looked so weak that it couldn’t open its eyes.


The next morning, my parents came to know about the unexpected guest.

2022-01-20更新 | 168次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般