组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:78 题号:9965247

I watched the two of them, both one year old, on the floor, surrounded by candy. He crawled on his hands while she sat there looking at birthday dress. The colourful fishier pinata(彩罐)had just been broken and the candy littered the ground. Both of their kids were too young to realise that they were sitting, and crawling around in a collection of wrapped sugar goodies. They were surrounded with edible(可食用的)goodies but had no clue!

Suddenly I saw the life metaphor(比喻). If we are the “babies” and the candy is “opportunity”, often we don’t recognise it because the opportunity comes wrapped as hard work. We may not give the wrapper the time of day, unless we realise that inside there’s a piece of delicious candy.

Every tree starts as a seed. Every person who becomes well-known was once someone nobody “knew”. So what changed for these people? Did the world suddenly wake up and find they have the potential to succeed? Of course not. These people worked for long periods of time before they saw any payoff.

It can be disheartening when you’re starting out. There’s a huge learning curve for almost everything. Just when you feel like you’re making rapid progress, you realise there’s more to learn. Every new door opens to a brand-new room, with another door at the end.

When I was in recovery from my eating disorder, there were many opportunities that I didn’t recognise as candy. At first, I didn’t see therapy(治疗)leading anywhere. It was only by going to therapy every week for a year that I was finally able to realise the opportunities. I had the opportunities to examine and adjust my thinking, and to challenge the negative mindsets I had about my life.

When I look back, I find that many of the opportunities that allowed positive growth didn’t always appear easy or fun. They often appeared as something that looked like hard work. But when we focus, consistently show up, and put in hard work, it will result in candy.

1. Why do many people miss their opportunities according to the author?
A.Their hard work fails to pay off.
B.They don’t work hard consistently.
C.They haven’t realised their potential.
D.They don’t value their opportunities.
2. What does the author think of the learning process according to Paragraph 4?
A.It is often interesting for most people.
B.It is often long and hard for most people.
C.You can speed it up with the help of others.
D.You can predict your progress from its start.
3. How did the author’s eating disorder affect emotionally?
A.She lacked hope for her life sometimes.
B.She was unwilling to do therapy at first.
C.She refused to change her eating habits.
D.She liked eating candy very much.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Power of Positive Thinking
B.Candy and Achievements
C.Hard Work Leads to Success
D.Opportunities Come Candy-wrapped


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)


Good friends are not just kind to you; they are kind to others as well. People like being around them because they are positive people. The kindness they spread comes from inner feelings of happiness and self-confidence. In contrast, social aggression, such as meanness, is a quality that shows lack of respect for others and discontent with oneself. These feelings outwardly show and eventually prevent communications and genuine friendships from forming.


Good friends are easy to talk to because they accept what you are. They understand the things that are important to you and the values that you hold. Although they may not necessarily agree with all of your beliefs and actions, they will never judge you. People who can accept you also are better able to accept themselves. High self-esteem and self-acceptance are intertwined.


According to American writer and lecturer, Dale Carnegie, showing genuine interest in others is one way to promote feelings of goodwill. People are more likely to remember how you make them feel. This goes beyond good listening skills. Good friends ask questions about things that matter to you. To do this, they must put aside their own needs and focus on helping others feel important. If you make them feel inferior, they will not enjoy the time you spend together.


Although honesty is important to friendships, it may be one of the most difficult qualities to maintain. When you ask a friend for honesty, she may prefer preserving the peace over telling you what she really thinks. But honesty promotes trust. A good friend cares enough to tell you the truth and has sufficient confidence in the relationship to be assured of a positive outcome.

1. What does the kindness of a friend come from according to the passage?
2. What good friends will do if you make them feel less important according to the passage?
A.They will begin to care about their own needs.
B.They will take no interest in you.
C.They will feel uncomfortable to stay with you.
D.They are more likely to question about themselves.
3. The underlined word ''intertwined'' in the second paragraph probably means     .
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Being kind to friends.B.Why we need friends.
C.How to make friends.D.Qualities of a good friendship.
2020-09-23更新 | 131次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do not merely think that you are going to become great; think that you are great now. Do not think that you will begin to act in a great way at some future time; begin now. Do not think that you will act in a great way when you reach a different environment; act in a great way where you are now. Do not think that you will begin to act in a great way when you begin to deal with great things; begin to deal in a great way with small things.

Do not think that you will begin to be great when you get among more intelligent people, or among people who understand you better; begin now to deal in a great way with the people around you.

If you are not in an environment where there is opportunity for your best powers and talents you can move in due time; but meanwhile you can be great where you are. Many great people were as great when they were common as when they became great; as common people they did common things in a great way, and that made them great.

You are not made great by the location in which you happen to be nor by the things with which you may surround yourself. You are not made great by what you receive from others, and you can never show greatness so long as you depend on others. You will show greatness only when you begin to stand alone. Dismiss all thought of reliance on externals ternals, whether things, books, or people. As someone said, “Shakespeare will never be made the study of Shakespeare. Shakespeare will be made by the thinking of Shakespearean thoughts.”

Never mind how the people around you, including those of your own household may treat you. That has nothing at all to do with your being great; that is, it cannot get in your way of being great. People may look down on you and be unthankful and unkind in their attitude toward you; does that prevent you from being great in your manner and attitude toward them?

1. What does the author give readers in the first two paragraphs?
A.Advance warning.B.Professional advice.
C.Practical suggestions.D.Official recommendations.
2. What did great people have in common?
A.They acted quickly in small things.B.There were opportunists.
C.They had good relationship with others.D.They were always great.
3. Which of the following plays a key role to seek greatness?
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.How greatness comes into being.B.Act differently, think differently.
C.Come down on earth to be great.D.What should be done to be great.
2020-08-16更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症) last summer.Suddenly, it was difficult for me to accept that the roles were now reversed-my mother became my child, and I became her mother.I became impatient, argued with her, once I even yelled at her.Gradually, I was used to this kind of life.Now I am able to deal with her and the situation better.I have learned a lot of life lessons from the experience.

My mother reacts very sensitively to my feelings.That is typical of Alzheimer’s patients.When I visit her, feeling busy and tense, she reacts immediately, takes on my mood, and becomes nervous and negative.But when I appear cheerful and attentive, she is happy.This has taught me to pay more attention to my own feelings when I am with other people.

I was thought I was very tolerant( 容 忍 的 ), but in reality, my tolerance ran out as soon as someone turned away from what I considered “right”.With my mother I can now really be tolerant.Through her illness she has developed a childlike tactlessness(不得体).Eating out in restaurants, for example, is a bit embarrassing when she shouts at the waiter that the food is so bad or talks about people at the next table in a loud voice.Of course I make sure that my mother doesn’t offend(冒犯) anyone, but I’ve stopped complaining about others and have become more tolerant.

I have also learned that everything has special value.When my mother got sick, I didn’t want to burden my two daughters with it.They are young and have enough going on with their education and starting their careers.I felt that it was simply my job as my mother’s daughter.The most wonderful discovery I’ve made through my mother’s disease may be that my children not only offer to help me when they sense that I’m feeling overwhelmed, but that they take care of my mother on their own initiative(主动地).They visit her often, play cards with her, and look at photo albums together with her.It shows me that it’s all worth it.

1. Which of the following is common behavior of Alzheimer’s patients?
A.Curiosity about everything.B.Sensitivity to other’s moods.
C.Fear of strange people.D.Quick reaction.
2. The underlined word “overwhelmed” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to        .
3. We can infer from the passage that        .
A.the writer accepted the role change immediately
B.the writer only paid attention to her mother’s feelings
C.the writer has a great sense of responsibility
D.the daughters took over the responsibility to look after their grandmother
4. This passage is mainly about        .
A.how I cared for my sick mother
B.how I became more tolerant
C.what I have learned from my mother’s illness
D.why I am feeling overwhelmed
2020-11-13更新 | 316次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般