组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 方法/策略
题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:10125573

[1] Haze(雾霾) is a big problem in many cities around China. But it seems that besides wearing a mask, few of us know what has caused the smog and what to do to beat it. In fact, burning too much coal and oil are the main causes of PM 2.5 and smog. To solve the problem, we should clean our coal and oil or replace them with cleaner energy such as natural gas. Everyone can do something to help control smog, too.

[2] How can we do to help beat the smog?

[3] Choose to take public transportation. Though many people have their own cars, they had better take public transportation, _____①______the subway or buses. If it is not far away, you can also walk_____②_____take the bus.

[4] Call the hotline 12369. You can call this number for complaints and questions about environmental issues. It is turn by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection. If you call the number, some officers can come and try to solve the issues, so please remember it.

[5] Report and resist pollutant source. If you find any pollutant source, take a picture of it and post it on your social media accounts. Remember to add “@local environmental departments” on WeChat. Pay attention to factories that pollute the environment and don’t buy products from them.

[6] So everyone can do something to beat smog. 如果每个人关爱我们的环境的话,我们的环境将会变得更好。This is what we need in the future.

1. What are the main causes of PM 2.5 and smog according to the passage? (no more than 6 words)
2. What can you do if you have environmental issues? (no more than5 words)
3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words? (no more than 4 words)
4. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.
5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into English.
6. How to help beat smog? (at least three lists)


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

Many students have problems with grammar, speaking or writing when preparing for tests, but vocabulary is the most common one. Maybe we can make it if we can get some new ways to memorize new words. One way you can have a try is “structured reviewing”.

What is “structured reviewing”?

Structured reviewing means continuous (持续的) reviewing of what we have learned in order to better understand it. We all agree that people forget information they have learned if they don’t review it in time.

I used to hate new English words. I became even angry when I lost points because of the words. But there was no use: new words couldn’t be avoided. So, I changed my ways of memorizing the words. I review them in time. It seems to work well.

How do we use it?

Learn five new words every day. We can learn five different sentences with a new word in each sentence. On the first day in the early morning, we can write them down a few times while reading them aloud so that we can memorize them. Moreover, we need to review them six times a day, including after the first lesson, after lunch at the school and after dinner.

On the second day in the early morning, we get over the first day’s sentences. Then we learn five new sentences with five new words just as we did the day before.

For each day’s sentences, after we have reviewed them for five continued days, we just need to review them once a week. Then once a month. Through this method, we’ve stored them in our long-term memory and will never forget them.

Steps of “Structured Reviewing”

memorize five sentences with new words — _______ — review them once a day for 5 days — review them once a week — review them once a month


Result of using this method

Many of us usually learn isolated (孤立的) words from the word list in our textbook, so we often write sentences with mistakes because we don’t know how to use the words. We should make up our own sentences with new words and read them aloud. In this way, we can remember the new words better than those who learn the words separately and silently.

1. What is the most common problem when students prepare for tests?
2. What is “structured reviewing”?
3. Why is Frank’s experience mentioned?
4. What is the second step of “structured reviewing” in the Chart?
5. How can we better remember and use the new words?
6. What any other way do you often use to learn new words? What do you think of it?
2023-07-12更新 | 78次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。每空 1 词。

When meeting frustration (挫折), some people might avoid and ignore (忽视) it, considering it may disappear. The truth is frustration won’t disappear. What’s worse, more and more frustration will be brought into people’s study, work and life. When it comes to this situation, it is time for adversity quotient(AQ)(逆商) to show off.

AQ is the ability to face, overcome and deal with frustration. People with high AQ can turn frustration into motivation (动力) to create great value. However, people with low AQ will only care difficulties instead of trying to slove them.

How can you improve your AQ? The LEAD tool may help.

L is LISTEN. Listen to yourself and find out the real thoughts when you meet frustration. You may feel upset and helpless, but that’s okay. Even the most successful people in the world have trouble times.

E is EXPLORE. Explore if you are responsible for the results. If so, take responsibility for

your own mistakes. If not, don’t blame yourself too much.

A is ANALYZE (分析). Will the frustration have an influence on your life? How long will it last? What abilities do you have to overcome the difficulties? These three questions could help you analyze your frustration.

D is DO. Make a list of what you can do to solve the difficulties. Make sure what you should do first and take an action immediately.

How to     1     Your AQ

The     2     of AQAQ is the ability to face, overcome and deal with frustration.
The LEAD tool 1. LISTEN — Listen to yourself and find out the real thoughts when you meet frustration.
2. EXPLORE — Explore whether you are     3     for the results or not.
3. ANALYZE — Analyze if the frustration will     4     your life.
4.     5    —Make sure what you should do first and take an action immediately.
2023-12-30更新 | 26次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We live in a full of many different kinds of people. We want to get along well with others. We also want to be liked by others. The following ways will make others like you.

Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere

Become really interested in other people. A show of interest must be true. It must bring good results to the person showing the interest, but also to the person receiving the attention. It is a two-way street-both of your get an advantage.

A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression(印象)

Smile as often as possible. Your smile is a sign of kindness. When someone feels stressed from his or her teachers or parents, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds; your smile can help him or her realize that all is hopeful-that there is still joy in the world.

If You Don't Do This,You Are Getting into Trouble

Remember a person’s name. A person’s name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any language. We should realize the magic in a name. The name makes the person different from others;it makes him or her special among all others. If you remember a person's name, the relationship between both of you will become much closer.

An Easy Way to Become a Good Talker

Be a careful listener first. Ask questions that other persons will like to answer. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their achievements . What you need to do is just to listen, because people are much more interested in themselves.

    1     to make people like you
Become really     2     in others·Your show of interest must be true.
·It must     3     good results to both of you.
Smile as often as possible·Your smile is a sign of     4    .
·Your smile makes others     5     that all is hopeful.
Remember a person's name·A person's name makes him or her     6     from others.
·A person's name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any     7    .
Listen     8     first·You ask questions that others enjoy     9    .
·They are     10     to talk about themselves and their achievements.

2022-06-02更新 | 90次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般