组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 感情与情绪 > 情感
题型:任务型阅读-阅读填表 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:11404430

Shyness can be an unhappy feeling. But the good news is, you’re not alone. Scientists say that more than 40 percent of teenagers and adults consider themselves shy. Shyness is feeling a little nervous or as if you want to hide when you’re around other people or in a new situation.

What makes people shy? Scientists say such things as genetics(遗传基因), life experiences, and environment can influence whether a person is shy. For example, in some families, everybody seems to be shy.

What happens if you are shy? Well, being shy may cause you to avoid or miss opportunities you would enjoy.

How do people overcome (克服) shyness? This is what Gilbert tells us. “When I started off trying to get over being shy, I decided to do little steps at a time, including practicing smiling and saying hi to people. And it worked for me. ”

But shyness is not the kind of thing that most people can get over overnight. Overcoming shyness takes time and needs practice.

Here are some tips given by scientists.

Think of what to talk about before you leave home. Prepare things to talk about before you’re in a social situation. For example, if you know your classmates are interested in an upcoming event, learn about it so you can join in the conversations.

Let people know you’re shy. If you’re shy, just show it. Instead of letting people guess, tell them the truth. Explain that you are shy and feel nervous but enjoy talking to people.

Make things easy for the other person. Remember, you’re not the only shy person around. Do what you think might help others feel good, for example, say hello or smile.

Pick one social skill to practice at a time. Start simply. For example, smile or be the first person to say hi. Choose skills you feel comfortable enough with to practice for a day, a week, a month, or even a year.     

    1    ?
Shyness is feeling a little nervous or as if you want to hide when you’re around other people or in a new situation.
What makes people shy?Ssuch things as genetics,     2    , and environment
What happens if you’re shy?may cause you to     3    opportunities

How to overcome shyness?
Think of what to talk about before you leave home.
Let people know     4    .
Make things easy for the other person.
Pick     5    to practice at a time.

【知识点】 情感 说明文 意见/建议


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

It’s good to share your feelings with others. No matter whether your feelings are good or not, it can also help you to get closer to people who you care about and who care about you.

But how to share your feelings? First, you should focus (聚焦于) on your feelings. You can’t tell your friends what’s inside your backpack if you don’t know what’s in it yourself. Feelings are the same way. (A)Before you share them with someone, you should know what feelings you have. You can make a list of feelings in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper or even by drawing pictures. What bothers you? Does it make you sad or angry? Do you feel this emotion (情感) only once or many times? When you do this, it might help you to remember something that happened and think about how it makes you feel. Then you can say, “I feel sad when my friend doesn’t play with me.” or “I feel angry with my classmates...”

Do you know why you should talk about your feelings? If you always keep your feelings inside, especially sadness, nervousness or anxiety (焦虑), it can even make you feel sick. But if you talk with someone who cares about you, like your mom and dad, you’ll feel much better. Your parents want to know what’s happening in your life (B) ________ they love you. But if you don’t want to talk with them, please talk with your friends. They will help you.

1. How can you know what feelings you have?
2. What will happen if you always keep your bad feelings inside?
3. 把(A)处翻译成汉语。
4. 在空白处(B)填入适当的连词。
5. What is the passage mainly about?
2023-04-10更新 | 57次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

My father died when I was five. Life was hard for us.

Because of my father’s death (死亡), my mother had to take a fulltime job. So my brother had to take care of me. He was eight years older than me. He got up early every morning, woke me up and made breakfast for me. Hand in hand, we would walk to the bus stop. When we waited for the bus, he would play games with me. He tried his best to make me happy.

One Saturday in June, my mother and I were in a shop. They were selling Father’s Day cards. I looked at the cards. My mom said, “Honey, I know it is a hard time for you.” I said, “No, Mom. That’s not it. I want to buy a card for my brother.” She smiled and let me pick out a card.

When we got home, I gave my brother the card. As he read it, I saw tears in his eyes. Mom said, “Son, your father is proud (自豪的) of you and he knows that you will do your best to step into his shoes. We love you, and thank you.”

1. How old was the writer’s brother when his father died?
2. What did the brother do when they waited for the bus?
3. Why did the writer look at the cards?
4. 请把文中划线句子翻译成汉语。
5. 请给短文拟一个恰当的标题。
2023-09-12更新 | 36次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

Few of us really understand that a father’s love is like a mountain. But in the US movie I Am Sam, I see this kind of love.

Sam Dawson has a daughter, and her name is Lucy. She is 7 years old. Sam has mental disability (智力障碍), and he is not like the other adults. Sam just gets the intelligence (智力) of 7-year-old kids, so people think he cannot care for Lucy and send her away to another family. And they think the family can take care of Lucy better. Sam finds many part-time jobs. He works very hard and he often comes to the family to see Lucy. one night, Lucy goes to Sam’s house. She tells him that she wants to stay with him and doesn’t want to go back, but Sam takes her back to her new family’s home, because Sam thinks it is better for Lucy. He says he can take care of her in other ways, Finally Sam’s act wins Lucy’s heart.

This movie tells us what a father’s love is. Sam knows how to love. He always tries his best to take care of Lucy and he will do it all the way. Everyone will be moved after watching this film. We can learn the importance of a father in our life. The US writer Fanny Fern said, “For kids, the name of father is another name for love.”

Introduction to the movie I AM SAM
TopicFather’s     1    
Sam’s intelligence is the     2     as 7-year-old kids’.
People think Sam can’t     3     after Lucy as well as another family.
Sam takes Lucy back to her new family’s home, because he thinks it is good for Lucy.
ReviewThis movie tells us what a father’s love is.
This movie will     4     everyone.
MeaningA father plays an important     5     in our life. For kids, the name of father is another name for love.
2023-06-29更新 | 50次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般