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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:493 题号:13867815

Do you put up your hand when you want to speak in class? If so, you have followed a rule. Rules can be as simple as putting up your hand. They can also be as complicated(复杂的) as knowing when you are”out”in a game.

Rules can be made by anyone. Parents make rules to help children grow up healthily. Rules at home might include washing dishes or cleaning rooms.

Teachers make rules to help students learn and stay safe. Putting up your hand before asking a question helps the class pay attention to the lesson. Students make rules in games to make sure that they can play without fighting. Rules can be changed often. If you change your minds, you can change the rules.

Laws are rules too, but they are made differently. Laws are made by elected representatives(被选出的代表). Voters(选民) allow their representatives to make laws that can protect people’s rights, safety and make sure everyone can be treated fairly. Laws cannot be changed often, so representatives consider laws carefully before making new ones.

The biggest difference between rules and laws is the punishment(处罚) for breaking them. If you break a rule, your punishment might be small, like losing a turn in a game. However, if a person breaks an important law, the punishment might be a fine(罚款) or time in prison.

Rules and laws keep everyone safe. People can work and live together in peace by following rules and laws.

1. Can anyone make rules?
2. Who makes rules to help students learn and stay safe?
3. Why do representatives consider laws carefully before making new ones?
4. What’s the biggest difference between rules and laws?
5. How can people live together in peace?


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Liu Yiran, 18, remembers clearly how her schoolmates bullied (欺凌) her.

Liu went to a high school mainly for Chinese students in southern California, US. On March 30 last year, about ten of her schoolmates took her to a park nearby their school. There, they forced Liu to take off her clothes, hit her and burnt her with cigarettes. It went on for more than five hours, and it was all because of disagreements over a dinner bill, their hometowns and a boy, reported the Los Angeles Times.

When this reached the public, people were shocked. And now the bullies will get punishments from US laws. Three of the bullies, who are 19, were sent to prison on Feb 17. Zhai Yunyao, the main bully, faces 13 years in prison. Yang Yuhan will get 10 years and Zhang Xinlei will get six years.

The three students were “deeply shocked” after learning this. They thought they were just playing a trick on Liu and would only get punished by their school.

This just shows how ignorant (无知) Chinese students are about US laws and bullying, wrote China Daily.

In China, bullying will only be punished by law when it causes very serious physical harm. However, there is other bullying, such as lighter physical or even emotional harm. But people don’t pay enough attention to school bullying, taking it only as small fights between students, according to TangJun, from Renmin University of China.

Thus, education about bullying is important, said legaldaily. com, as well as more specific laws and anti-bullying (反欺凌) school programs. “Don’t think school bullying is uncommon, and then it may be solved,” it wrote.

1. Did the bully which happened to Liu Yiran take place in their school?
2. How long did the bully last?
3. Which newspaper gave the details of the bully case in the passage, the Los Angeles Times or China Daily?
4. How did the bullies feel when they learnt their punishment from US laws?
5. What is the attitude to school bullying in China according to TangJun, from Renmin University of China?
6. What is your suggestion to solve the school bullying?
2024-04-03更新 | 66次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

On December 26th, 2020, China passed a new law to protect the Yangtze River, the “mother river” of China. It is Yangtze River Protection Law. It took effect(生效)on March 1st, 2021. It's the first law to protect a waterway in China.

The 6,397-kilometer Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia. It covers an area of about 1.8 million square kilometers, about one fifth of the national total. The Yangtze River provides one third of the country's freshwater resources(淡水资源), but it has met lots of environmental problems in recent years, such as heavy pollution and overfishing. Especially, the river's Chinese paddlefish(白鲟)has died out. So the “mother river” is in great need of protection. To solve these problems, China put a 10-year fishing ban(禁令)at the beginning of this year to protect fish resources.

According to a report of the government, the fishermen said they would give up fishing along the Yangtze River to protect the “mother river”. Chinese officer Han Zheng said that more support should be given to the fishermen to help them find new jobs and places to live.

Yangtze River Protection Law includes resource protection and green development. The government says the purpose of the new law is to strengthen(加强)environmental protection, use resources well and make the development sustainable(可持续的).

1. When did the new law pass?
2. How long is the Yangtze River?
3. Did the fishermen agree to give up fishing along the Yangtze River?
4. What does the new law include according to the passage?
5. What is the passage mainly about?
2021-07-04更新 | 310次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I like dogs. I had a dog when I was young. Her name was Puddin’. She was perhaps the dumbest dog I ever met, but I loved her. Puddin’ was so dumb that she wouldn’t even chase a ball. When I threw a ball, she would just look up at me with her big brown eyes and wag her tail. I had to chase the ball instead. So, who was the dumb one?

Puddin’ was a wonderful dog who never caused any problems. But not all dogs are like Puddin’. Even good dogs bite, and all dogs poop on the sidewalk. In China, having a dog as a family pet is a relatively new thing, and seeing dogs in the street still makes some people feel uncomfortable. Because of this, many cities have passed laws to make dog owners more considerate when they take their “best friend” out for walks.

In Hangzhou, a new law says dogs can only be taken out for walks in the late evening and early morning. They can’t be taken to parks, markets or shops. Dog owners must always keep their dogs on a leash.

Some dog owners think these rules are too restrictive, and perhaps they are. But until the public becomes more comfortable around dogs, dog owners have the responsibility to make sure their dogs behave well and don’t cause problems for others.

A dog can be your best friend. By acting responsibly, we can make it be everyone’s friend.

1~2题完成句子; 3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写出全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
1. I had a dog named ________ when I was young.
2. Puddin’ never caused ________.
3. When can the dog be taken out for walks in Hangzhou?
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
2023-04-21更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般