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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:227 题号:15817601

The opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics was held in Beijing on Friday night, February 4th. Social media users described it with these words: amazing, flashing and shining.

The main stage of the ceremony in the National Stadium, commonly known as the Bird’s Nest, is designed to be like a huge Chinese character “Zhong”, covering almost the whole stage. In fact, it is the world’s largest ground LED screen. The screen, with a size of 10,552 square meters, was actually made up of about 42,000 small LED units. The huge ground screen, together with a 10-meter-high vertical (竖的) screen, allowed the audience to have a wonderful experience.

To build such a big ground LED screen wasn’t an easy task. As the main stage, on which all performances and the Parade of Nations (入场式) took place, it had to be strong, water-proof (不透水) and able to support heavy weights. What was more challenging, as the stadium is open-air, the ground screen had to be able to support the winter freezing temperature, as well as weather like rain and snow. To solve all the challenges, technicians built a special protective covering for it.

With the help of AI, 5G, AR and naked-eye 3D technologies from the company CALA, which once offered them to the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics opening ceremony, the ceremony presented many amazing moments. The most unforgettable moment is when the Olympic Rings were “carved (雕刻) out” of a 3D shaped like a block of ice on the screen. Another great point is that children sang and danced across the stage, when stars appeared on the screen under their feet.

Thanks to the screens, creative ideas and high technologies, the two-hour ceremony only needed around 3,000 excellent performers, compared with 15,000 during the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics opening ceremony. It greatly meets the theme of energy saving.

Thomas Bach, the president of IOC believed that the 2022 Olympic Winter Games would be “in safe hands” when Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in 2015. The amazing ceremony showed the world that China has kept its promise of hosting a fantastic event with strong determination (决心) and confidence.

1. The main stage is ________.
A.the largest vertical LED screenB.similar to “Zhong” in Chinese
C.covering the edge of the stadiumD.about 10,552 meters in height
2. Technicians built a special protective covering for the ground screen because ________.
A.it had to be able to support the freezing temperature, rain and snow
B.it had to be allowed the audience to have a wonderful experience.
C.it was designed to be like a huge Chinese character “Zhong”
D.it was actually made up of about 42,000 small LED units
3. The underlined word “them” refers to ________.
A.the technologies the ceremony usedB.the moments the ceremony presented
C.the screens that were served for the kidsD.the rings that were “carved out” of the ice
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Excellent performers played quite an important role in energy saving.
B.Bach promised the Games would be safe when Beijing made the right.
C.China made a great effort to achieve a victory of the opening ceremony.
D.The ceremony was such a creative one that more performers attended it.
5. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The high technology opens up a new field in China.
B.The LED screen brings a big surprise for the world.
C.The opening ceremony is a difficult task for Olympics.
D.The 2022 Winter Olympics presents amazing memories.


阅读理解-六选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】At the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, people cheered when China’s Tong Xin finished her taijijian moves. On Sept. 24, she won the women’s taijiquan and taijijian all-round gold. This amazing achievement not only showed her outstanding abilities but also made people from all over the world impressed by the beauty of Asian Games.

    1     These events, like taijijian, are from different countries and cultures across Asia. This makes the Asian Games interesting.     2    


Chinese Wushu first came about in the Shang and Zhou dynasties (16th century – 256 BC).

    3     Modern Wushu has two parts: taolu and sanda. Wushu was included in the Asian Games in 1990.

Kabaddi (卡巴迪)

Kabaddi is a traditional folk sport from India.     4     The sport looks like the game “eagle catching chickens”. You only need a place to play it, nothing else. The place should be 13 meters long and 10 meters wide.

Sepak takraw (藤球)

Sepak takraw first became popular in Southeast Asia. It is like the traditional Chinese game of shuttlecock kicking (踢毽子).     5     This is because players need to use not only their head, knees and chest but also their feet to move the ball.

A.It is also called “kick volleyball”.
B.Here are some of the special sports.
C.It has a history of more than 4,000 years.
D.It is an important part of Chinese culture.
E.There are many people watching the competition.
F.The Asian Games have more events than the Olympics.
2024-01-19更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-六选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Beijing Summer Olympic Games has brought so many surprises to the world and we Chinese showed our new image to the world.

I believe the coming Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be even more exciting.

The stories that moved me most are the advertising videos of the Beijing winter Olympic Games.     1     It describes the charm of Beijing and Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The next is “Everything is ready”. It introduces the stadium that had been built and was planned in Beijing.     2     It shows the long history about winter sports in China, the Chinese champion of the former winter Olympic Games and Chinese National Fitness in winter. The last video is called “It’s a rewarding trip”.     3     In Beijing winter Olympic Games, the trainers and players can climb the Great Wall, and go to normal Chinese families. They can also eat dumplings, stick grilles, and set off fire-crackers with them.     4     It made the world shocked and showed the world our ability and confidence.

    5     We Chinese are very proud of it. But to achieve this wonderful achievement is so difficult. Insistent efforts will bring us success. I believe that we can create more achievements in the future by our own efforts.

A.Beijing has become the only city that has held the summer and winter Olympic Games so far.
B.It shows the differences between Beijing winter Olympic Games and other winter Olympic Games.
C.The advertising videos of the Beijing winter Olympic Games moved people by Chinese culture.
D.Then, the third video is “Each age brings forth new genius on this noble land”.
E.Welcome to Beijing! The warm and friendly people are waiting for you!
F.The starting video is called “The Purple Air comes from the east”.
2022-02-27更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece. Since then many countries have successfully held the Olympics, such as England, France, Germany, Canada, the USA, Spain and Australia. After more than a century the Games returns to its hometown this year. When people hold the Olympic Games, they always make an emblem (会徽). The emblem of the Athens Olympic Games this year is a white circle of olive branches in the sky. Now Athens is developing a spirit of peace( 和 平 ). An officer said, “while in Athens, the world should be at peace. We hope the peace is not just for a short time. We would like the message from the Athens Games to help countries come together and solve their problems.”

Four years later, the Olympic Games will be held in China. And China has already made a seal as the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means “Chinese seal-dancing Beijing.” Below it, there are the words “Beijing 2008”.The character in the emblem is “Jing”. It means “capital” of China and it is also like a runner or a dancer. The running figure(人形) of the emblem shows the spirit of the Olympics- faster, higher and stronger.

1. What do people always make when they hold the Olympic Games?
A.A picture.B.An emblem.C.A flag.D.A map.
2. What message does the Athens Olympic Games want to give?
3. How many years have passed when Athens again holds the Olympic Games?
4. The spirit of the Olympic Games is .
A.history and friend shipB.faster, higher and stronger
C.running and dancingD.peace, friendship and development
2019-05-16更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般