组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:15872047

Chloe Hawthorne, the owner of a famous restaurant, received a letter from her customer one day.

19th January

Dear Ms. Hawthorne,

I’m writing to express my disappointment with the evening my wife and I spent at your restaurant two nights ago. While the food was, as usual, very good, I regret (感到遗憾) to inform you that the service from our waiter, Max, was most unsatisfactory.

First of all, when we arrived, we discovered our table overlooking the garden had been allocated to some other customers. The new table we finally received was by the door and when I complained, Max just laughed.

Furthermore, as we were sitting down, he said too much to my wife, which deeply embarrassed her. When our meal came, he served the food carelessly and at the end cleared the plates in an awful manner.

I look forward to hearing from you with a satisfactory reply.

Rupert Metcalf

After reading the letter, Ms. Hawthorne left a message to Max:

Max, this is Chloe Hawthorne. I received a letter from Mr. Metcalf, one of our best customers. He complained about you in it. ________

Max wrote a letter to Ms. Hawthorne.

22nd January

Dear Chloe

I’m really thankful that you want to listen to my side of the story.

To start with, When Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf finally turned up, they were at least 45 minutes late. That’s why the table was allocated to some other customers.

As for the other table by the door, I went to a lot of trouble to set it up. When they complained about it, I couldn’t help laughing. But I have no reason to laugh at my customer.

Another thing, this business about his wife. I only complimented (恭维) her on her dress. She didn’t seem to mind.

OK. I admit I forgot to clear the table the way I was supposed to.

I apologize if I have caused you problems, but I’ve been really popular at the Café. Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best.


1. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf went to have dinner at Ms. Hawthorne’s restaurant on ________.
A.January 17thB.January 18thC.January 19thD.January 22nd
2. In Mr. Metcalf’s opinion, Max was a _______ waiter.
3. What might Ms. Hawthorne say to Max in the message?
A.I’m really angry with you. I don’t want you to work here any 1onger
B.I’m really surprised at the complaint. I don’t want to trust what you say.
C.I’m really worried about the complaint. Tell me what happened on that night.
D.I’m really pleased with your work. You are very popular among customers.


阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I was woken up by a strange sound. I saw something moving by my window. I was terrified and ran downstairs. I found my mom in the kitchen, getting my brother ready for school.

“Mom, did you hear anything? I, uh... I thought I saw an alien.”

“Are you all right? Just a dream!” Mom answered.

Then I went back to my room. As I walked to the window, I cried. I saw a little alien, no more than three feet tall, with big and black eyes. It tried to run between my legs and escape through the window. Although I was scared, for some reason, I squeezed(挤) my legs together in time to catch it. It took out something and hurt me. I felt a terrible sense of nothingness and fainted(晕倒). Then I woke up.

At first, I could hardly move. I wasn’t sure whether it was a dream or not. I pulled myself out of the bed and walked downstairs. I saw my mom in the kitchen. She was really getting my brother ready for school, wearing her pink clothes. Then I realized it was just a dream because in my dream she was wearing her work clothes.

From then on, I always dreamt about aliens and all the dreams felt so real. At that time, I really thought maybe I had some kind of relationship with aliens. About two months later, I stopped having such dreams. Later I realized that I used to have those dreams because I always read books or watched TV programs about aliens before I fell asleep!

1. What did the writer first do when he saw the alien?
A.He was too scared to move.
B.He knew it was a dream and wasn’t afraid.
C.He was so scared that he fainted.
D.He wanted to catch it.
2. The underlined word “nothingness” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.
3. The writer found that it was just a dream ________.
A.as soon as he woke up
B.before he went downstairs
C.when he saw his mother
D.when he was hurt by the alien
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer had the dream at night.
B.The writer’s mother’s work clothes might not be pink.
C.The writer’s mother was worried about his dream.
D.When the writer had the dream, his family were sleeping.
5. Why did the writer use to have dreams about aliens?
A.He had some kind of relationship with aliens.
B.He was terribly ill.
C.He often did something about aliens before going to bed.
D.The dreams were all about the writer’s real experiences.
2017-12-19更新 | 205次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Earth Day comes every April 22. It’s a day to do some good for the planet. It’s also a time to think about how to help year-round. Get inspired by reading about four young people who have taken action for Mother Earth.

Fighting wildfires
When Reshma Kosaraju was 12, her family moved to California. Soon after, the Camp Fire started. “It was one of the largest fires in California’s history,” Reshma, now 17, says. Her school was about 200 miles south of the fire. But students had to wear masks because of the smoke. “It was a terrible experience for me,” she says. It made her want to find a solution (解决办法). She created a way to use AI to predict forest fires. Her method is nearly 90% accurate (准确的).
Recycling power
On his 10th birthday, Sri Nihal Tammana learned a scary fact. Every year, 15 billion batteries (电池) are thrown out. They pollute groundwater and the environment. Nihal’s organization, Recycle My Battery, provides recycling bins for batteries. It is now a team of 250 student volunteers around the world. In the past three years, they’ve helped recycle more than 260, 000 batteries.
Rescue effort
Miles Fetherston-Resch, 10, is in the business of saving oceans. When he learned that sharks are in trouble, he managed to let his mom help him start a nonprofit (非盈利的) organization. It’s called Kids Saving Oceans. Its website (网站) sells T-shirts, hats, and stickers made out of recycled plastic found in the ocean. A part of every sale—some $40, 000 so far—is given to charities (慈善组织) that support clean waterways.
A green future
Mia Price is the leader of the Green Team at her school. The team recently met its goal of eliminating (消除) plastic water bottles from the school dining center. To make the school campus (校园) greener, she is showing her ideas to the school. Her ideas included installing solar panels (安装太阳能电池板) and LED light bulbs and recycling materials from the old gym.

1. Reshma Kosaraju is trying to help fight wildfires by ________.
A.using technologyB.starting an organizationC.raising money
2. What scary fact did SriNihal Tammana learn?
A.There was no clean drinking water in his city.
B.A huge number of old batteries polluted the environment.
C.Sharks are endangered.
3. What does Kids Saving Oceans do with a part of the money from selling products?
A.It gives the money to their school.
B.It gives the money away to charities.
C.It spends the money on toys.
4. Mia and her team are ________ at school.
A.recycling light bulbsB.stopping using plastic water bottlesC.using computers less
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Kid Heroes for the PlanetB.How to Recycle at SchoolC.A School’s Green Group
2024-06-02更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】This is a tale of two friends Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi—one is blind, the other has no arms. On their own,the two are ―disabled‖. But together, they are a powerful team that has changed part of their village into a rich, green forest.

Their story began in 2000,when Haixia, who was already blind in his right eye, lost his left one after an illness. Wenqi lost his arms in an accident when he was just three. Neither could find a job, so the two decided to team up. They rented(租)some poor land and began to plant trees. In return, the local officials paid them a small fee.

Haixia and Wenqi never imagined that they would end up creating an environmental paradise. Their forest now has over 10,000 trees, hundreds of birds and many other wild animals. In addition, it saves the village from river flooding during the rainy season.

When they work together, they focus on(聚焦) their strengths not their disabilities. Their day begins at 7 am. When the sightless Haixia carries Wenqi across the river to get to their worksite. Since they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant,the two use branches(树枝) from existing trees. Haixia climbs to the tree•top and with Wenqi's direction,chooses the perfect branch. He then digs a hole and carefully plants it. Finally Wenqi waters the area. As Wenqi waters,Haixia says to others, “We are proud not to depend on others.”

Though they work hard, they don't make much money. Neither Haixia nor Wenqi cares about money. Together, they already have everything they need—a perfect pair of eyes, two strong hands, and the best friendship in the world!

1. Haixia and Wenqi started working together because   
A.Haixia needed someone to help him.
B.They wanted to improve the environment.
C.They both needed a way to make money.
D.They were required to do so by local officials.
2. Haixia and Wenqi's forest has helped the village by _               .
A.stopping floods in the rainy season
B.increasing the number of tourists
C.making the villagers richer
D.providing more farmland
3. Haixia and Wenqi plant tree branches because_______
A.They are easy to get.
B.They do not cost money.
C.They can grow very quickly.
D.They are preferred by animals.
4. The passage mainly tells us   
A.we will succeed if we never give up.
B.we should help the disabled to work.
C.we can achieve more with teamwork.
D.we should try our best when facing difficulties.
2019-11-19更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般