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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:241 题号:16754192

Here are five suggestions you can follow to improve your English, and the first one is the most important.

It’s Your Duty to Achieve Your Aims!

Studying English is your own duty. It isn’t the duty of your English teacher or your parents. You must take an active part in your study!

Get a Teacher or Attend a Class!

It’s a little difficult to study English alone. It will be difficult to learn how to speak English if you don’t have an English teacher or someone else to talk with.

Work Hard!

        You need to practice speaking English often. You should finish all of your homework, improve your vocabulary outside class and check the homework in time.

Keep Studying!

Don’t stop studying for a long time even during a summer holiday! To make great progress, you should study at least five hours each week.

Make English Your Hobby and Have Fun!

You can improve your English through some activities:

Reading—choose English books that you want to read.

English songs—choose your favorite English songs and sing them often.

Movies—watch movies that are in English with subtitles in your language.

Travel—traveling in English-speaking countries can help you with you English.

1. ________ is more important than other suggestions.
A.Suggestion 1B.Suggestion 2C.Suggestion 4D.Suggestion 5
2. According to the passage, an English learner should study ________ every week to make great progress.
A.about two hoursB.less than four hoursC.at least five hoursD.at most five hours
3. The underlined word “subtitles” in the passage means ________ in Chinese.
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Reading English books.B.Singing English songs.
C.Watching English movies.D.Writing emails in English.
5. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.how to improve EnglishB.how to choose good English books
C.how to study English for pleasureD.how to sing English songs well


阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Some boys and girls don’t like math. They think it’s difficult. Here is how to learn math well.

Listen well in class. The math teacher knows so much. When you listen well, you can know much, too. So be a careful student in class and listen well.

Ask your classmates for help. Your math teacher isn’t always with you. When you find a math problem too difficult and you can’t work it out, please ask your classmates for help after class. A good classmate is a good friend. He or she must be happy to help you.

Practice it every day. Do you want to be good at math? It takes time. You can’t learn it well in a day. So practice it every day and then you’ll find it so easy.

Math is useful. Let’s do our best to learn it well.

1. Why don’t any boys and girls like math?
A.Because they think it’s difficult.
B.Because they think it is boring.
C.Because they don’t like math teachers.
D.Because they think it takes lots of time.
2. What can you do if a math problem is too difficult for you?
A.Listen carefully. B.Call the parents.
C.Ask the classmates for help. D.Practice it every day.
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.All girls don’t like math. B.Practicing math every day is useful.
C.You can’t ask the teacher for help. D.You can learn math well in a day.
4. What is the passage (篇章) mainly about?
A.Math is useful. B.Math is difficult.
C.How to learn math well. D.Some students don’t learn math well.
5. The structure (结构) of the passage is ________.
2024-03-05更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Students talk about their problems in learning English with the Language Doctor.

Students’ Problems

Language Doctor’s Advice

Wang Hui

Listening is very difficult for me. When I watch movies, I can’t understand any words in them. What should I do?Listening is a good way to improve your pronunciation. You can start by listening to English tapes, watch some English movies and listen to English songs.


I’m shy and afraid to speak English to other people. What can I do?To improve your speaking, first, studying the international phonetic alphabet (国际音标) can help you pronounce English words correctly. Second, you can read aloud some English articles. Third, try to have everyday conservation with your classmates.


I am not good at English writing. I don’t know what to write about and I often make grammar mistakes. What should I do?To write it well, you can read some children’s books, such as Harry Potter. That’s because they are easy for English beginners. And it can help you learn English grammar. Besides, you can also write a diary (日记) in English every day.


I like reading English stories, but sometimes I don’t understand the meaning of the words. What can I do?Reading is a good way to help you learn new words. When you meet new words, try to guess the meaning of them at first. Then, look up the dictionary and write them down in your notebook.
1. What can we do to improve pronunciation?
2. How many advice does the Language Doctor give to Sue?
3. Why does the Language Doctor advice to read children’s books?
A.Because they are easy.
B.Because they are relaxing.
C.Because they are interesting.
4. How do English beginners learn new words according to the advice?
A.By reading them many times a day.
B.By writing them down in the notebook.
C.By remembering them in the dictionary.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Wang Hui can read aloud English articles to improve his reading.
B.Bella can watch some English movies to improve her speaking.
C.Mike can write a diary in English every day to improve his writing.
2024-08-07更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)
Nov.16, 2023   20:16   Reading 8,600
How to Improve Your Vocabulary (词汇)
Vocabulary means all the words a person knows or all of the words of a language. Everyone has two kinds of vocabulary: words you use in your speaking and writing and words you know but don’t use. How can we turn the latter one into the former one?
Share 588       Comment 952       Like 2,089
Nov.16, 2023   20: 19

We should pay attention to the importance of synonyms (同义词). A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another. If you find you are using boring words, look for interesting synonyms you can use in their place.
Nov.16, 2023   20: 24

I think the most useful way to improve your vocabulary and use the new words you have discovered is to use them in conversations.
Nov.16, 2023   20: 26

When you hear someone use a word you don’t know, don’t forget to ask him what it means. It takes just a few seconds but it shows that you are listening to him carefully, and you can also improve your own vocabulary.
根据以上材料,正确的选 A,错误的选 B。
1. Three students are talking about how to improve listening skills in the passage.
2. Our vocabulary can be divided into two different kinds.
3. If we find our words in an article boring, using the synonyms may be a solution.
4. Jeff thinks that we should use new words in conversations more often.
5. Asking about the word’s meaning shows we are listening to others according to the passage.
2024-05-06更新 | 15次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般