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题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.65 引用次数:700 题号:16921092

Energy is something that makes things work or causes changes. Light, heat, sound and electricity are forms of energy. Here is an introduction to them.

Light comes from the sun. It also comes from flashlights, candles and streetlights. Light is important because it lets us see things. It can pass through clear objects, such as clear glass or clear plastic. But it cannot pass through objects that are not clear. Sunglasses will stop some light and protect our eyes.

Heat comes from many things. The sun makes the earth’s land, water and air warm. (A)We get heat from burning things like wood or coal. Heat is an important energy for us. Heat makes our body and our homes warm in winter. We also use heat to cook.

Sound is a kind of energy that you can hear. Sound is made when something vibrates(振动). When you talk or sing, put your hand on the side of your neck. Then you will feel your neck vibrating. When you hit a drum, the drum and the air around it vibrate. When the vibrating air reaches your ears, you hear the sound. There are loud sounds and soft sounds. When you shout, you make a loud sound. When you speak very quietly, you make a soft sound. All sound has pitch(音高). A drum is an instrument with a low pitch. A bell is an instrument with a high pitch.

Electricity is made by burning fuel(燃料). Electricity moves through wires into buildings and homes. It gives many things power to work. Electricity makes lamps, computers, fridges, TVs and many machines work. Electricity makes streetlights shine. Electricity can run through water, so never use it near water.

1. Where does light come from?
2. Translate the underlined sentenceAinto Chinese.
3. Why can people hear the sound of a drum?
4. Ask ONE question about the last paragraph with How, What, Why…
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
2022·山东青岛·中考真题 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


任务型阅读-信息摘录(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Stonehenge—Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?

Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britain’s most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries. Every year it receives more than 750,000 visitors. People like to go to this place especially in June as they want to see the sun rising on the longest day of the year.

For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods. However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this can't be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. “The leader s arrived in England much later,” he points out.

Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. The large stones were put together in a certain way On midsummer’s morning, the sun shines directly into the center of the stones. Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose. They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy. “As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body,” said one visitor. No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Some think it might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors. Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.

Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time. Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old. One of the greatest mysteries is how it was built because the stones are so big and heavy. In 2001, a group of English volunteers tried to build another Stonehenge, but they couldn’t. “We don’t really know who built Stonehenge,” says Paul Stoker. “And perhaps we might never know, but we do know they must have been hard-working-and great planners!”

1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
2022-06-17更新 | 59次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Trees are one of the oldest “citizens”(居民) of our Earth. They keep our air clean, reduce(减少) noise pollution, improve water quality and provide food and building materials. Just like us, trees change a lot as they grow. At 1 to 3 years old, young trees learn how to protect themselves. For example, many trees grow thorns(刺) to warn animals not to go near. Most young trees have large, deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.

When trees are 4 years old, they begin to grow every rapidly and become strong enough to face challenges later in life. At the age of 15, trees become young adults. They grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit. It is not until the tree is 20 to 25 years old that it becomes a real adult. The tree reaches its largest size. Not only does the adult tree give us shade, oxygen and natural beauty; it is also a great place for a tree house, or a place for us to nap, read a book, listen to music or sip tea. If the adult tree receives proper care, it will continue to live healthily for many years.

Gradually(渐渐地), trees begin to grow older and older and even die. At this time, they still have their important place in nature. When a tree becomes hollow or part of it becomes dead, it provides a home to small animals and is a source of food for many other animals. In many ways, the life of a tree is similar to our own life experience. When looking at the life of a tree, we learn that each period of life brings its own form of joy and challenge. Enjoy every minute of it and take care of the trees.

1. How do young trees protect themselves?
2. Do all young trees have large, deep green leaves?
3. When do trees grow more slowly and begin to produce flowers and fruit?
4. Trees are important in nature when they grow older, aren’t they?
5. What does the writer suggest us do with trees?
2023-11-12更新 | 70次组卷
任务型阅读-补全句子(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What is needed to survive? How do living things interact (相互作用)? Is there food, water, comfortable temperature or shelter (庇护所)? All of the answers to these questions are found in the ecosystem (生态系统). An ecosystem is made up of all living things and non-living things and how they interact with each other. Ecology is the study of how all these things interact with each other in order to survive.

An ecosystem may be very small like a yard or a pool. Or it can be large like a prairie (大草原), a desert or a rainforest. No matter (不管) where they are or how small or large they may be, all ecosystems are made up of the same parts. These parts are either living or non-living parts and are equally (同样地) important to the ecosystems.

We call non-living parts of the ecosystem abiotic factors (非生物因素). All living things need non-living things to survive. Some of these abiotic factors include water, minerals (矿物质), sunlight, air, climate (气候) and soil.

All living things need water to survive. Living organisms (有机物) are made up of between 50 and 95 percent water. The processes (过程) that keep living things alive can only happen in the presence (存在) of water. Living things also need minerals. Some living things need sunlight to make food. Animals need oxygen to produce energy for their bodies.

The environment must also have the right temperature for organisms to survive. Without these non-living things, life would not exist (存在).

Just like abiotic factors make it possible for organisms in an ecosystem to survive, biotic factors are equally important for survival in the ecosystem. Biotic factors or living parts of the ecosystem include animals, plants, fungi(菌类), protists (原生生物), bacteria (细菌) and so on.

1. An ecosystem is a system that is ________ of all living things and non- living things and how they interact with each other. Ecology is the study of how all these things interact with each other ________ they can survive.
2. No matter where or what ________ they are, a yard, a pool, a prairie, a desert or a rainforest can all be an ecosystem. Living and non-living parts in all ecosystems are of the ________ importance to the ecosystems.
3. Non- living parts of the ecosystem ________ abiotic factors, ________ water, minerals, sunlight, air, climate and soil.
4. Water is necessary for all living things. They need minerals, sunlight, oxygen and right temperature to survive ________. Without these non- living things, ________ for them to live.
5. The passage is about the ________ and from the passage we know that ________ abiotic factors but also biotic factors are important for survival in the ecosystem.
2023-05-20更新 | 52次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般