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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:243 题号:17082347

Now, the VOA Special programmer WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.


Today, we will show the word “waste”. It is something people tell us not to do. At home, parents tell us not to watch food in the classroom, teachers tell us not to waste time. On sports team, coaches tell us not to waste energy.

Waste often happens because we use something too much or because we do not use it well, we often use “waste” in arguments. lf we are unhappy with someone, we can say: “Don’t waste my time.” And if you are not happy with something you did, you can say, “Well, that was a complete waste of time.”

We also find it in some useful expressions. The first one is “Haste makes waste.” “Haste” means doing something very quickly. “Haste makes waste” means if you move or do something in a hurry, you could make mistakes. And then it takes more time to correct mistakes. So, if you see your friends doing homework in a hurry, you can suggest, “Be careful with your work, you might make mistakes and then our teacher will make you do it again. Haste makes waste, you know.”

The other common expression is: “Waste Not, Want Not.” This means that if you never waste anything, especially food or money, you will always have it when you need it the most.

Now Let’s hope learning about “waste” in this Words and Their Stories was not a “complete waste of your time.”


I’m Anna Matteo!

Listen again next week for another Words and Their Stories programme from VOA.

1. This passage nay be from ________.
A.a story bookB.a grammar book
C.an English dictionaryD.a radio programmer
2. in Para. 2, the writer shows the meaning of “waste” mainly ________.
A.by telling storiesB.by giving examples
C.by using picturesD.by describing facts
3. According to the passage, “Haste makes waste” in Para. 5 means ________ in Chinese.
4. We can say “________” when some students throw their old books.
A.Don t waste energy.B.Don’t waste my time.
C.Haste makes waste.D.Waste Not, Want Not.
5. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Para. 7?
A.The speaker wishes her programme can help a lot.
B.The speaker suggests her programme is boring.
C.The speaker is worried about her programme.
D.The speaker thinks nobody believes her words.


阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Do you like watching historical TV shows? Some parents worry that sometimes they are not true. Some teachers think watching them can make some students interested and that they will do more to find out the truth. What do students think of them?

Zhang Jinshuo,13:

They can help us learn details (细节) of history. For example, from the history book, we may learn about the Three Kingdoms (三国). But by watching Romance of the Three kingdoms, I get to know what happened among them.

Jiang Chenming,13:

Many students are not interested in history. But they won’t mind watching historical TV shows because of famous actors and exciting stories. So I think it is a good way to increase students’ interest in learning history.

Zhou Muhan,13:

We don’t have much time to watch historical shows. If we want to know something about history, we can read books. It saves time and we can practice reading at the same time.

Zhao Kai,13:

In most historical TV shows, there are many love stories. I think it is not good for children. Also, in TV shows, heroes are often perfect. That is not real history. So I think that we should read history books to learn the true history.

1. How many students think it’s good to watch historical TV shows?
2. Whose idea is similar to some parents?
A.Zhang Jinshuo’s.B.Jiang Chenming’s.C.Zhou Muhan’s.D.Zhao Kai’s.
3. What does the underlined word “increase” mean in Chinese?
4. Which is not true according to the passage?
A.Zhang Jinshuo knows more about Three Kingdoms by watching the shows.B.Jiang Chenming thinks students are interested in famous stars in the shows.
C.Zhou Muhan thinks reading history books takes more of our study time.D.In Zhao Kai’s eyes, heroes are not perfect in real history.
5. What is the passage about?
A.It’s about how students should learn history.B.It’s about when students can watch TV shows.
C.It’s about whether students should read history books.D.It’s about ideas on watching historical TV shows.
2022-09-23更新 | 274次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Awakening Age, a TV drama, tells the story of how the Communist Party of China(中国共产党)was founded in 1921. It has become a hot topic and has won praise among many young people in China lately. They found the part of history very moving and inspiring.

The history of the birth and growth of the Party a century ago has caught the interest of more young Chinese. It is reported that some young people are even looking through history books while watching the shows to better understand the great men of that age. The great men have a love for the family and the nation. These spirits, passing down from age to age, will continue to enlighten the young of today.

“They are just my age, but they are bearing such great responsibility,” said a young adult.

The Awakening Age is different from other works of similar theme which are usually too serious and formulaic(公式化的). The characters who we are very familiar, such as Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong, Lu Xun, Hu Shi and so on, are very lively.

Most people love the scene in which young Mao Zedong first appears in the TV drama so much and have watched the two-minute introduction several times. Young Mao Zedong walks through the wind and rain, shining like a light in it.

Director Zhang Yongxin said that the biggest pressure in making The Awakening Age comes from how to make it more accepted by young people in China, because they have set very high standards for historical movies and TV shows.

1. What does The Awakening Age mainly talk about?
A.The story of how the Party was founded.
B.The story of young Mao Zedong.
C.The friendship of the great men.
2. What’s the main difference between The Awakening Age and others?
A.There are many familiar characters in The Awakening Age.
B.The Awakening Age is not too serious or formulaic.
C.The Awakening Age has a two-minute introduction.
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “ enlighten”   in Paragraph 2?
4. According to the passage, what’s the biggest pressure for Director Zhang?
A.How to make the characters lively.
B.How to make the TV shows more accepted by young people.
C.How to meet the standards of everyone.
2022-03-27更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)
Peppa Pig
It is one of the most popular children’s cartoons. It can not only make the children laugh but also help them experience life.
Channel: CCTV-14
Time: 9:00 a.m. every day except Tuesday
China’s 70 Years in Review
It’s a documentary on Chinese people’s progress over 70 years. It can help people all over the world have a better understanding of China’s development of history, science and culture.
Channel: CCTV-2
Time: 10:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday
A Little Reunion
It’s a popular TV play about the life of senior students in high school and parent-child relationships. You can watch the wonderful performances of some famous actors and actresses.
Channel: Zhejiang TV
Time: 7:35 p.m. every day
It’s a singing competition, in which you can enjoy the great talent shows. The first TOP 6 singers will get the chance to have a concert.
Channel: Hunan TV
Time: 8:00 p.m. on Friday
1. On which of the following days can you watch all the above TV programs?
2. Which program can you choose to watch on Saturday morning?
A.Peppa Pig.B.Super-Vocal.
C.A Little Reunion.D.China’s 70 Years in Review.
3. If you want to learn about the great changes of China, which channel can you choose on Wednesday?
A.CCTV-14.B.CCTV-2.C.Zhejiang TV.D.Hunan TV.
4. Tom is an exchange student in China and he’s interested in how Chinese students prepare for the College Entrance Exam(高考). Which program would he like to watch?
A.Peppa Pig.B.Super-Vocal.
C.A Little Reunion.D.China’s 70 Years in Review.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?
A.Peppa Pig is a cartoon which is shown seven days a week.
B.Super-Vocal offers the best six competitors a chance to give a concert.
C.You can understand the world better through China’s 70 Years in Review.
D.You can enjoy the performances of some junior students by watching A Little Reunion.
2023-10-14更新 | 53次组卷
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