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题型:任务型阅读-阅读填表 难度:0.65 引用次数:87 题号:17415503

All students want to look good. Looking good can make other people like you and make you happy. It can also help you make more friends. So it is important to look good.

Many teachers say Jacob is a good boy who always looks good. Well, we should learn from him. Let’s listen to what Jacob says.

“A smile (微笑) tells that you are a happy boy. But if your teeth are not clean, people will not like you. So I brush my teeth twice a day.

Dirty hair is bad like dirty teeth. No one likes dirty hair. Wash it and visit a barber’s (理发店) often. It is not a good idea to wear too long hair. Teachers don’t like it, right?

The body is also important. Boys often want to look strong like the men on TV. In fact (事实), few people can be like them. But you can look healthy! Exercise and healthy food can help you. Don’t eat too much meat, and exercise for more than 3 hours every week.

Be yourself. Don’t just learn from stars or your friends.

Let’s look good

    1     good is importantIt     2     other people like you.
It makes you     3     happy.
It helps you make more     4    .
Let’s learn     5     Jacob.Keep your teeth clean.Brush teeth     6     a day.
Dirty hair is bad.Don’t wear dirty hair or too     7     hair.
Be careful with your     8    You can’t look strong like stars, but you can look     9    .
Be yourself.Don’t just     10     from others.
【知识点】 方法/策略 说明文


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

To Have a Not-to-do List

Like most people, you probably have a to-do list to help you finish a task. However, I would also suggest you make a not-to-do list. This list works well with the to-do list and it might be even more important. Let me explain.

This is Mike. He loves video games and plays them every day. But he also has an important exam coming up. So Mike puts studying on his to-do list. That day, Mike picked up the books and studied for half an hour. Then he took a short break and played some games. However, he got so into the game that he played for three hours.

The next day, Mike took on the challenge of studying in a different way. He decided to make a not-to-do list as well. And what he wrote down was, “No video games until 7:00 pm.” Mike went to study, did it for half an hour, and then took a break. However, he didn’t get on his computer like the day before because he didn’t allow himself to play at that time. Instead, he drank a glass of water. Then he returned to studying for three hours more on that day.

Mike realized that having no restrictions (限制) was the problem. He was always choosing between work and free time. Because enjoying himself was an easier choice, hardly any work got done as a result. So Mike made a not-to-do list.

Sometimes what you choose not to do matters more than what you decide to do. We shouldn’t just limit our “bad” behaviors but our “good” behaviors as well. For example, practicing the piano could be considered a good habit. But when you have other more important things in the moment, the piano becomes nothing more than a distraction (注意力分散). However, there’s one thing that should never end up on your not-to-do list. That is to learn something new every day.

1. What did Mike write on his not-to-do list?
2. How long did Mike study the next day?
3. According to Paragraph 4, what problem did Mike realize?
4. Would you like to make a “not-to-do list”? Why or why not? (At least two reasons.)
2023-11-03更新 | 217次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

How can we live a healthy life? Here are some ways for you.

    1     Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. They are good for us. Don’t eat too much meat or junk food every day.

    2     Swimming, running, playing volleyball, playing basketball and doing other sports can help you keep healthy. You should do sports at least (至少) three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time.

    3     It is best to get about eight hours of sleep a day. It is not good for our health if we don’t have enough sleep.

    4     It stops you from having bad habits. To keep yourself busy, you can walk around the house, take a walk with your pet, water flowers, tidy your room and so on. Do anything you like.

    5     Spend (度过) time and have fun with them. Talk with them, but don’t talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy.

A. Have enough sleep.        
B. Keep yourself busy.
C. Go out and make friends.
D. Eat healthy food.          
E. Do sports.        
F. Always watch TV.


                                      How to be healthy                               

It’s good for us to eat     6     food like fruit and     7    . Doing sports like swimming, running,     8     volleyball and basketball can help us to be in good health. It’s good to get eight hours of sleep every day. Doing things you like when you are free can stop you from having bad     9    . Spend time with     10     and have fun with them.

2024-01-04更新 | 27次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

Fake (假的) news is misleading or false information that’s mistaken for the truth. It can appear in many different forms and for many different reasons. Fake news is sometimes created by accident. However, it is sometimes created on purpose. Hoping to cause arguments or to get as many readers as possible, fake news tries to get people’s attention.

So they can:

·make money through advertisements

·spread their own opinions or the ones of the organization they work for

·trick or bring fun to people

When you read news online,
◆ don’t believe everything you read online.
◆ pause (暂停) for a moment to think about what you’ve seen or read. It might be all you need to help you recognize fake news.
◆ look at who wrote or who shared the story, and check to see if the information can be trusted. Try to think about whether or not there might be any bias (偏见) included.
◆ don’t share if you’re not sure, or you could be the one spreading fake news.
News 1: Train driver Saves Dog

A dog named Poppy was found by a train driver after she ran away from home. The driver stopped the train, saved the scared dog, and returned her to her owners. They were very happy to have Poppy back.

News 2: Surfing (冲浪) Shark

A surfer in Australia was surprised when a baby whale shark rested on her board. Phoebe was scared and swam to shore quickly. A video of the event shows someone explaining that whale sharks are harmless. After a few minutes, the whale shark returned to the water, and Phoebe got her board back.

News 3: The Youngest Homeowner

What do you spend your pocket money on? Eight-year-old, Ruby, and her elder sister saved theirs up and (with a little money from their parents) used it to buy a house! The family already has a house. So, when the kids grow up, they’ll sell the spare home and share the money.

1. Do we need to check if the information online can be trusted?
2. How is fake news created?
3. What does the passage try to teach us?
4. Which news do you think is made up? Why?
2024-06-05更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般