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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:47 题号:17911378

People in different parts of the world

The busy little Lapps

There is a tribe of busy little people who live in the Arctic area. They are called Lapps, which is short for Laplanders. They have to wander (徘徊) up and down the country, sometimes on the mountains, and sometimes in the plains. The Lapps live in tents and move about in sledges drawn by reindeer. The reindeer are of great use to them. When winter comes, the sea freezes over and they cannot catch fish in it. Then they have to go to his reindeer and kill one of them. Every day some of the reindeer are sold to be milked. When a reindeer dies, or is killed, his warm skin makes a coat or rug.

The Mari people

The Maris are the indigenous (土生土长的) people of New Zealand. They are believed to have arrived in canoe trips from eastern Polynesia, around 1300 AD. The people did not call themselves “Mar” until European settlers arrived 300 to 500 years later. They have their own language, religion and social structures and customs. Traditionally, The Maris mainly live in villages and have worked in farming and fishing. Mari businesses are expanding into areas such as wine, energy, tourism and information technology. Today, the Maris live in western lifestyles, while speaking two languages and valuing their traditions.

The Yi people

The Yi people mainly live in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi. They mostly live in the mountains. Their clothes are very colourful and thick to protect them from the cold mountain winds. The women make the clothes themselves. The Yi language has six dialects, and they have their own way of writing. The Yi are mostly farmers and live in villages. They grow tea, rice and vegetables. They eat the meat of the animals they keep especially sheep, but also cows and pigs.

1. What can a reindeer do to make its master live better?
①Help the master move around.②Help the master catch fish.
③Provide milk for the master.④Provide its skin to make clothes.
2. Which of the following statements is true about the Mari people and the Yi people?
A.They both live in villages in cold areas.B.They both develop their own language.
C.They both have a history of over 1000 years.D.They both raise animals and grow vegetables.
3. In which part of newspaper can we read the passage?


阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

China defends Xinjiang cotton

H&M, a worldwide clothing brand, tries to change its statement about Xinjiang after making Chinese people angry. But it looks like too little too late, reported by China Daily.

A statement on H&M website said they wouldn’t continue to work with any clothing factories in Xinjiang and buy Xinjiang cotton because of the news about “forced labor” (强迫劳动) in Xinjiang. Although the news was a lie told by western politicians (政客), H&M decided to stand on their side by boycotting (抵制) Xinjiang cotton.

A survey shows China is the world’s second largest cotton producer (生产者). It produces 5.95 million tons by itself but it still needs to buy some from other countries every year. Xinjiang cotton is top-class and will never go to waste even if boycotted. Besides, several Chinese actors like Huang Xuan and Song Qian say they won’t work with H&M again.

“By doing this, H&M hurts Chinese people’s hearts and will lose the Chinese market. Nothing is greater than the dignity (尊严) of our nation,” one of the netizens from Sina wrote.

Tencent News

1. The news above was reported by ________.
A.China DailyB.H&MC.SinaD.Tencent News
2. In which section can we read the news?
3. Chinese people become angry with H&M because ________.
A.H&M tries to change its statement about Xinjiang
B.H&M wrote an untrue statement about Xinjiang on its website
C.H&M wanted to buy Xinjiang cotton
D.H&M didn’t stand on the western politicians’ side
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.China is one of the largest cotton producers in the world.
B.What H&M did hurt Chinese people a lot.
C.Huang Xuan won’t go on working with H&M.
D.The cotton produced in China is more than Chinese need.
5. What can we learn from the netizen’s words?
A.Chinese people never bought the clothes from H&M before.
B.The dignity of our nation is the most important.
C.H&M hurts Chinese market by doing this.
D.H&M will pay little for its action.
2022-04-14更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Australia has an area of nearly 7.7 million square kilometers. It is also the world’s sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the US and Brazil. Its capital is Canberra.

The first people to live in Australia were aborigines (土居居民). In Australia, most people live in or near cities. The Australians speak English which is very similar to American English. In fact, the Australians sometimes use some very different words. For example, they say bush instead of countryside, g’day instead of good day or hello in American English.

The weather in Australia is warm and pleasant. The warmest months in Australia happen when it is winter in the US. Few Australians live in the middle part of the country called outback(内陆), because the outback does not get very much rain and is very day.

One of its most famous attractions is the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world’s largest living coral(珊瑚岛)island and is about 1,250 miles long.

Sports in Australia are quite popular. Cricket, the national sport, has lots of fans. It is the most popular sport among people in Australia.

1. When an Australian person say “g’day”, he is saying “        ”.
A.Thank youB.HelloC.SorryD.Excuse me
2. How’s the weather in Australia when it is winter in America?
A.It’s hot.B.It’s warm.C.It’s cool.D.It’s cold.
3. What does the underlined word attractions mean in Chinese?
A.places of interestB.landsC.mountainsD.oceans
4. We can know the information EXCEPT          of Australia.
A.the capitalB.the areaC.the populationD.the weather
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Sports in AustraliaB.Language in AustraliaC.Weather in AustraliaD.Facts in Australia
2023-08-17更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Namibia is a country in the southern part of the continent (洲) of Africa. The Atlantic Ocean is to the west of Africa while the Indian Ocean is on the east. Namibia is located just North of South Africa on the Atlantic Coast of Africa. Parts of Namibia once were colonized(被殖民) by Portugal, Germany and South Africa. But in 1990 Namibia finally became an independent(独立的) nation.

A little over 2 million people live in Namibia. About 38% of the population lives in cities and the rest live in the countryside or small towns. About 20,000 people in Namibia are of German descent(德国血统) . German is one of the eleven national languages in Namibia.

A special part of Namibia's geography is the largest desert (沙漠) in the world. It is called the Namib Desert. Geologists say that the Namib Desert is the oldest desert in the world. This desert in part of Namib-Naukluft National Park. The sand has pretty colors such as pink and orange. The Namib Desert has the same kinds of animals that live in deserts around the world, such as lizards, snakes and a few small animals.

The famous Kalahari Desert lies in eastern Namibia. The Kalahari isn't as dry as other deserts. After the rainy season, there is enough grass. Some common African animals that live in the wetter parts of the Kalahari include lions, giraffes and antelope.

1. What continent is the country of Namibia in? ,
A.Asia.B.North America.C.Africa.D.South America.
2. How many national languages does Namibia have?
3. According to the passage, what is the Namibia Desert like?
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The continent of Africa.B.The country of Namibia.
C.The largest sand dunes -the Namib Desert.D.The famous Kalahari Desert.
2021-01-12更新 | 108次组卷
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