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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:49 题号:18271103

When Chongqing Hotpot, a Chinese movie came out in 2016, it drew attention to a less noticed part of the city—a former bomb shelter (防空洞). Today, the places serve for a different use—for businesses.

In the movie, the hotpot restaurant is located in one shelter. According to the government, more than 200 shelters have been rented out for other uses, including as gas stations, restaurants, museums and book stores. Dongting Hotpot has been operating for 32 years out of a bomb shelter in Yuzhong district (渝中区). Deng Hong, the restaurant’s owner, said that although he has two other restaurants nearby, many customers still line up for hours to eat at the shelter one.

Deng took over the business from his aunt, who first rented the shelter and changed it into a restaurant in 1986. The rent was lower than other places and the structure was good to store pickles (泡菜). “We never expected the restaurant would be this successful. The flavors and the chef, who is almost 60, are just the same as they were on day one,” Deng Hong said.

1. Why does the writer mentioned the movie Chongqing Hotpot in the 1st paragraph?
A.To show how popular the hotpot is.B.To lead to the topic of this passage.
C.To arouse readers’ interests.D.To introduce a kind of hotpot—Chongqing Hotpot.
2. What are the former bomb shelters used for today?
3. Why did Deng Hong’s aunt rent the shelter as a restaurant in 1986?
A.Because it was located in a busy street.
B.Because it was cheaper to rent a shelter.
C.Because people liked to line up for hours to eat in the shelter.
D.Because the government asked them to do so.
4. The passage may come from ________.
A.a story bookB.a science fictionC.a culture magazineD.a health care website
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】①Many people always tell you to wash your hands before you eat. You know you must wash your hands after going to the bathroom. You should wash your hands many times during the day. Do you know how to wash your hands correctly?

②Always use soap (肥皂) to wash your hands. After turning on the tap (水龙头) and wetting your hands, you can rub (擦) your hands with soap. Soap may not kill all the germs (细菌) but it can wash away the oil (油) on your skin. As the oil is washed away, the germs will leave your hands and go away.

③You should wash your hands for 15—20 seconds (秒). How do you know the length (长度) of 15—20 seconds? You can sing ABC Song. By the time you get to the last note (音符), your hands will be clean!

④Rub your hands together. You can use one hand to rub the back of the other hand and then exchange (交换) two hands. You also need to rub between your fingers. Don’t forget to rub under and around your fingernails (指甲).

⑤In your daily life, maybe your hands don’t look dirty, but there are germs on them. Germs are too small for you to see. They are on your hands all the time. Many illnesses are caused by germs, so you should often wash your hands.

1. Why does the writer mention (提及) ABC Song?
A.Because it is the most popular song in the world.
B.Because everyone can sing this song very well.
C.Because you can sing this song to know the length of washing.
2. How long should you wash your hands according to the passage?
A.For 5—10 seconds.B.For 15—20 seconds.C.For 25—30 seconds.
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?
A.Use soap to wash your hands.
B.Use a clean towel (毛巾) to dry your hands.
C.Rub under and around your fingernail.
4. What is the structure (结构) of the passage?
5. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How to stay healthy.B.How to protect your fingers.C.How to wash hands correctly.
2024-07-06更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 较易 (0.85)
Secret Communication
Do you want to send a message to a friend secretly? Here is a way to make secret communication.

You’ll need
· Half of a lemon
·A cup or a small glass with four spoons of water in it.
· Cotton swab*
· White paper
·Electric lamp*

What happened?
Lemon juice has chemicals with carbon*. The chemicals break down easily when they are heated, and the carbon makes them a dark color.

1   Put lemon juice into water and mix.
2   Wet swab with juice and water mixture and write some words on the paper.

3   Let wet paper dry well. Show it to your friend and ask if he or she can see a message on it. NO!

4   Hold the paper close to an electric lamp to heat it. Can your friends see the writing now? YES! Words appear!

1. How many steps can we take to make secret communication?
2. To make words appear, the paper must be ______.
A.put into waterB.written with a dry swab
C.heated by a lampD.held far away from lamps
3. In which part of a magazine is the passage probably from?
A.Healthy Food.B.Close to Nature.
C.Energy Saving.D.Science in Daily Life.
4. To make the experiment, you need the following things except ______.
今日更新 | 0次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Body language helps people know what is really going on inside someone’s head. A small movement of the mouth or nose can show much about persons’ feelings. Here are some basic movements and their meanings.

First, shrug shoulders (耸肩). This means “I don’t know” or “I don’t mind it”. If your friends shrug their shoulders when being invited to a party, it shows they are not very interested in it.

Second, keep fingers crossed (交叉的). It shows wishes for good luck. Before people take exams, they often cross their fingers in the hope of good grades. Football fans do the same thing when they wish their favorite player will score a goal.

Third, rub chin (摸下巴) . If someone rubs their chins, it often means they don’t believe what someone is saying! So if your friends make this gesture, it secretly tells you how they feel.

Fourth, scratch head (挠头). If your foreign English teacher scratches his head when you ask a question, then he might not understand what you said. Either that, or he can’t remember your name!

1. A small movement of a person’s mouth or nose can show ______.
A.much about a person’s action
B.much about a person’s feelings
C.that he doesn’t feel happy and relaxed.
D.that he can’t remember your name
2. ______ basic movements and their meanings are mentioned in the passage.
3. If you tell your foreign friend about your important exams tomorrow, he will ______.
A.shrug his shouldersB.keep his fingers crossed
C.rub his chinD.scratch his head
2024-05-18更新 | 16次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般