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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:19143013

Can plants talk? Modern research has found something amazing: they do communicate with each other.

       It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals to communicate with each other. This happens when a plant gets attacked(受到攻击) by insects. The plant gives out chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, or a call for help: “I’m being attacked!” When another plant gets the chemicals, it starts to give out its own, different chemicals. Some of these chemicals drive insects away. Others attract the wasps(黄蜂)! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants. Scientists hope to learn more about this plant warning system, so that we can use it to grow more crops.

More surprisingly, plants also use sound to communicate. People can’t hear these sounds; but plants are making them. Some plants make noises with their roots. Corn and chili plants do this. Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water.

Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest. Scientists call this system the “wood wide web”. The wood wide web is linked underground by fungi(真菌). It links the roots of different plants to each other. It is in some ways similar to the Internet we use. Using the wood wide web, plants can share information and even food with each other.

Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each other. Maybe one day we will know enough about plant communication to be able to “talk” with them.

1. What will plants do when they are attacked by insects?
A.They will kill the insects quickly.
B.They will control the wasps to kill the insects.
C.They will send out signals to ask for help.
D.They will produce chemicals as a warning or a call for help.
2. How are the wood wide web linked by fungi?
A.By making noises with their roots.
B.By connecting the roots of different plants to each other.
C.By sharing food and information with each other.
D.By spreading chemicals to each other.
3. What is the writer’s purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To give people hope for further studies.
B.To praise scientists for their great achievements.
C.To call on people to protect the plants on Earth.
D.To encourage people to communicate with plants.
4. You may read the passage in the ________ section of a newspaper.
5. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The secret language of plants.
B.The study about the plant warning system.
C.The plants that give warnings.
D.Why scientists do research about plants.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文 植物


阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】People keep flat-faced (扁脸的) dogs such as French bulldogs (法国斗牛犬) as pets because they are cute. Some people call these dogs “lazy” because they sleep more easily than other dogs during the day. However, these cute dogs are having a hard time.

Scientists in Hungary watched 92 family dogs of different types while they were sleeping. During the study, the dogs spent about three hours with their owners in the sleep lab. When the dogs fell asleep, scientists recorded the dogs’ brain activities.

The study found that the flat-faced dogs slept more than the other kinds. Maybe they don’t get enough sleep at night because of sleep apnea, which only happens in French bulldogs. During their sleep, they can’t get enough air and may find it difficult to breathe, which makes them often wake up.

Some French bulldogs may sleep while holding a toy ball in their mouths. Owners may think this is funny. But they’re doing it to keep their airways (呼吸道) open so they can breathe more easily.

French bulldogs have this health problem because of breeding (培育). According to Pet Helpful, a lot of pet dogs are bred based on what people like, such as shorter legs, heavier bodies, and larger ears. Bulldogs are one of the victims (受害者).

Lots of pet lovers are calling for people to respect dogs as they are. Breeders must take the health of dogs seriously instead of just for cuteness.

1. Why people keep flat-faced dogs as pets?
A.Because they are lazy.
B.Because they are cute.
C.Because they have shorter legs.
D.Because they can get sleepy faster than other dogs.
2. What was the result of the study by scientists?
A.92 family dogs of different types took part in the study.
B.It took three hours for the dogs to sleep with their owners.
C.The flat-faced dogs slept more than the other kinds.
D.The dogs’ brain activities were recorded by scientists.
3. What does the underlined word “apnea” in paragragh 3 probably mean?
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.French bulldogs sleep with a toy ball in their mouths just for fun.
B.A lot of pet dogs are bred depend on people’s preferences.
C.Most pet owners like dogs with shorter legs, heavier bodies, and larger ears.
D.Breeders should take the cuteness of dogs seriously instead of their health.
5. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.“Lazy” dogs.
B.French bulldogs.
C.Flat-faced dogs.
D.Cute but unhealthy dogs.
2024-05-21更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Is there life on Mars (火星)? We don’t know. We are sure that people can not live on Mars. People can’t live without oxygen(氧气). There is little oxygen on Mars. Living on Mars would be like living on a very high mountain. There would be little air. It may be 50℃ at noon and -100℃ at night.

Many people think there may be plants on Mars. We know that Mars has carbon (二氧化碳). This is kind of material (物质) and we found it in all plants and animals on the earth. Mars looks red. In some places, it seems gray. Sometimes the gray color turns gray-green then brown, and then gray again. The gray-green color may be a kind of plant life changing color with seasons.

Will man go to Mars one day? If they do, they will have to take their own oxygen, food, clothing and shelter (住所) with them.

1. Which can’t live on Mars?
2. What is the main reason(原因) why people can’t live on Mars?
A.Because there is almost no oxygen.B.Because it is too hot at noon.
C.Because it is too cold at night.D.Living on Mars is like living on a high mountain.
3. What have we found in all plants and animals on the earth?
4. Which of the following shows that there may be life on Mars?
A.Its gray color.B.Its red color.
C.Its brown color.D.The changing of its colors.
5. Which sentence is TRUE?
A.Some kinds of plants may live on Mars.
B.There is a little Oxygen on Mars and it is not enough for earth people to live there.
C.We can live on Mars with the help of carbon.
D.There is always only one season on Mars.
2023-04-10更新 | 40次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Trees do much for human beings, plants and animals. They provide a lot of wood for buildings and things for making paper. They provide homes for all kinds of insects, birds and other animals. They also keep the air clean. Trees are so important to us. But do you know how a tree grows up?

Just like us, trees change a lot as they grow. Between 1 and 3 years old, . For example, many trees grow thorns(刺) to keep the animals away.

At the age of 15, trees become young adults. They begin to produce flowers and fruit.

It is not until the tree is 20 to 25 years old that it becomes a real adult. The tree reaches its largest size. The adult tree not only gives us shade, oxygen and natural beauty, but also provides a great place for us to rest, read books or listen to music. After that, trees begin to grow older and older and even die. At this time, they still have their important place in nature. When part of a tree becomes dead, it provides a home for small animals.

In many ways, the life of a tree is just like everyone’s own life. Each period of life brings its own joy and challenge. Let’s enjoy every minute of the life of the trees and take care of them.

1. Which of the following sentence can be best put in “” in paragraph 2?
A.young trees learn how to protect themselvesB.young trees grow very fast
C.young trees begin to produce oxygenD.young trees get stronger and stronger
2. How long does it take a tree to grow to become a real adult?
A.1 year.B.3 years.C.15 years.D.20 years.
3. Why are trees still important to animals in nature after they die?
A.They can provide food.B.They can keep the air clean.
C.They can produce oxygen.D.They can provide homes.
4. What is the writing purpose (目的) of the passage?
A.To talk about how trees grow up.B.To introduce a tree’s lifetime.
C.To show the importance of trees.D.To ask people to enjoy every minute.
2023-07-21更新 | 211次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般