组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 健康 > 健康与运动
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:86 题号:19191251

What the word now calls football, or soccer in the United States, began with the ancient Chinese game of cuju. In the 19th century, the British set up a set of rules and the modern game was born.

Many reasons put the football fun base at about 3.5 billion and nearly 250 million players take part in the game all over the world. The 2018 Word Cup was watched by 3.57 billion people. Cricket(板球) is the next most played and watched sport, but its audience is smaller. Other popular sports such as basketball, baseball, and tennis don’t even come close.

Football is popular for many reasons, but basicly, the biggest one may be this: It’s a simple game. Even if one doesn’t have much knowledge of its rules, he can understand the basics by watching it for the first time. What’s more, football can be played anywhere with anything, like a ball or a can. Besides, “You don’t need to be rich to play soccer,” says one historian. “You just need a flat space and a ball.”

It is this special simplicity that makes football the most popular sport in Africa, where people even in poor areas play the game with handmade balls. Football is the love of everyone there and more than once the game has been a great help. In Ivory Const, for example, immigrants(移民) and Muslims(穆斯林) faced inequality for years. Yet many of the country’s best football players are from Muslim and immigrant families. As a result, the national team has become a symbol of unity.

All over Africa, football is popular with parents and teachers for another reason: it keeps young people, especially boys, in school and out of trouble. “Most clubs here don’t allow boys to play if they don’t go to school,” explains a teacher in Ghana. “Soccer helps to make young people responsible(有责任心的) in society. For us, soccer is also a tool for hope.”

1. What does “it’s a simple game” underlined in Para. 3 mean?
① It is affordable for anyone.                                        ② It is easy to master the skills.
③ Its necessary equipment(设备) is simple.     ④ Its basic rules are easily understood.
A.① ② ③B.① ③ ④C.① ② ④D.② ③ ④
2. What does the example in Para. 4 mainly show?
A.Football helps to improve peace and harmony.
B.Football is a sport for people from any religion(宗教).
C.Ivory Coast is broken by different groups of people.
D.Ivory Coast is home to many best football players.
3. Why is football popular with parents and teachers in Africa?
A.It helps young people fit into society.B.It makes children able to get better grades.
C.It encourages boys to join study clubs.D.It makes sure young men get more educated.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Cuju, an ancient Chinese gameB.My favourite sport game
C.What makes football so popularD.Why is football the hope of Africa


阅读理解-五选四(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

I’m the father of a five-year-old boy. “Daddy, where are you going?” Dave asks me when I’m putting on my running shoes on a cold Sunday morning. “Go running,” I say. “Why?” he asks me in surprise. He is only three, “Joe, why do you go running?” I don’t know     1    . So I say to Dave, “Something lets me go.”

The truth is that just before you run,     2    . Of course, some people run to lose weight or to be healthy, and these are good reasons.

Running is difficult. You need to persist (坚持).     3    . It’s cheap, and you can do it whenever you want. There are more than two million people in England running at least once a week. I’m one of those two million runners. I go running not to lose weight or to be healthy. I run five kilometers every morning. After that I feel great     4    . After my busy work, I usually go out to run, and I think it is the most wonderful time in a day. I love running and I will keep running. I hope more people love to run every day.

A.Running is also easy to do
B.but something lets me go
C.it’s still difficult to explain to someone why you run
D.then why not try something new
E.and it’s easy for me to do the other things
2024-06-18更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约100词) | 适中 (0.65)

Time:   11-12am. 7th March
Place:   coffee Quest. 64 The Willows.
Free. Anyone who loves books is welcome.

Time:   Join us 2-4pm.3rd March
Place:   Sunnyside Hall.112 Main Street.
All children welcome Free.

Time: 3-5 pm. end 16th March.
Place: Sunnyside kitchen, 3A Green Street iutoandsmm Halt.
All ages welcome $10 for food.

At 6-8pm every Tuesday and Thursday in March.
Location: Sally’s Dance Studio.32Admiral Road. All ages welcome.
Cost: $100 per month / $15 per class.

1. All activities(活动)are________.
A.in MarchB.about food
C.in the same streetD.only for students
2. What activity can you do at 11:30?
A.Talk about the best writers.B.Have fun dancing.
C.Eat a free lunch in Sunnyside Hall.D.Drink coffee with Anne.
3. If you go to Sunnyside kitchen, you can learn________.
A.how to readB.how to cook
C.how to danceD.how to study
4. You need to pay ________for learning to dance.
A.$100 per weekB.$10 per class
C.$15 per monthD.$15 per class
2021-04-12更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Emmoni Lopez, a girl from Chicago, used to take dance lessons while her older brothers wrested (摔跤). But it turned out that she liked wrestling better. She has been practicing in a wrestling club for the last three years.

Lopez is not alone. A growing number of girls in the US are taking up wrestling. Officials with youth organizations in Chicago and the Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation (IKWF) said they’ve seen more girls taking part in the sport in recent years.

Between the 2015—16 and 2017—18 seasons, the number of girls who joined the IKWF grew from 363 to 503. There’s a competition just for girls at the end of each year.

In Lopez’s program, about half of the students joining the club’s free youth wrestling camp this summer are girls, Lopez’s coach Frankie Zepeda said. The club also has an all girls camp.

As Zepeda said, many of the girls become interested in wrestling through their brothers. “They probably just learn to…fight back.” he said.

One of those girls is Yamilet Aguirre, 12. She took up wrestling because she was bored just watching her brother wrestle. “I can have fun doing it,” she said “Girls are just as strong as boys are.” She won the girls’ state championship (冠军) this spring.

Some colleges, such as North Central College, are planning to start girls’ wrestling programs. This will give girls more options (选择) and encourage more of them to take up wrestling.

1. According to the text, Emmoni Lopez decided to practice wrestling because ________.
A.her parents wanted her to wrestleB.she wanted to learn something new
C.she was interested in wrestlingD.she was bored with dance lessons
2. What do we know about girls’ wrestling in the US?
A.There is a girls’ competition every two years.
B.More and more girls are joining in wrestling.
C.The number of girls taking up the sport has gone down.
D.There are more girls than boys playing the sport.
3. The author uses Aguirre’s story to________.
A.Introduce wrestling to girlsB.describe how weak girls can be
C.encourage girls to watch their brothers wrestleD.explain why girls enjoy wrestling
4. What is probably the best title of the text?
A.More Girls Take up WrestlingB.Sports Can Make People healthy
C.Interest is the Best TeacherD.Different Opinions on Sports
2020-10-10更新 | 410次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般