组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 学校 > 学校设施
题型:补全对话-5选5 难度:0.65 引用次数:55 题号:19202366
A: Hello, Alice.
B: Hi, Dale.     1    
A: Yeah.We’ll have computer classes there.
B: That’s great.     2    
A: Well, we can’t eat in class.And we can’t be noisy, either.
B: I see.     3    
A: No, we can’t.We must listen to the teacher carefully.
B:       4    
A: Yes, we do.We have to keep it tidy.
B: When is our computer class this term?
A: Let me see.     5    
B: Wow, I can’t wait.
A.What are the rules there?
B.It’s on Wednesday afternoon.
C.Oh, is that our new computer room?
D.Do we have to clean it after class?
E.Can we play games on the computer?


补全对话-6选5 | 适中 (0.65)
A: Hi, Betty.     1    
B. It’s not very big but very nice.
A:     2    
B: There are sixteen classrooms.
A:     3    
B: There are 17 desks and 16 chairs in it.
A: Oh! Are there 17 students in your class?
B:     4     There are 16 students in my class. One is for our teacher.
A: Well, is there a library in your school?
B:     5     But there is one near my school. We often read books there after school.
A.How many classrooms are there in your school?
B.No, there aren’t.
C.There are a lot of books in the library.
D.What’s your new school like?
E.No, there isn’t.
F.What’s in your classroom?
2023-06-10更新 | 46次组卷
补全对话-5选5 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】A: Hello,Bob!
B: Hi,Jenny!    1    
A: OK!Bob.    2    
B: Chinese.
A    3    
B:Yes,I do.It's my favorite subject.
A:Really?I like Chinese,too.
B    4    
A:Mrs.Smith.Who is your Chinese teacher?
B:Oh,my Chinese teacher is Ms.Brown.
A:Do you like her?
B: Yes, I do.    5     And she is kind to us.
A.What's your first class in the morning?
B.I think her classes are very interesting.
C.Who is your Chinese teacher?
D.Do you like it?
E.Let's go to school!
2017-12-09更新 | 90次组卷
补全对话-填写句子 | 适中 (0.65)
(Li Ming and Kangkang are in the school library.)
Li Ming:     1    ?
Girl: Of course. Many students are using them.
    2     .
Girl: Here you are.
Li Ming: Great!     3     ?
Girl: Two weeks.     4     .
Li Ming: Sure, I will. Thank you.
Girl: You’re welcome
Kangkang: Excuse me, do you have any English newspapers?
Girl:     5    .
Kangkang: Thank you all the same. Bye!
Girl: Bye!
2022-05-14更新 | 97次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般