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题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.65 引用次数:190 题号:19515189

If you were a little screw, could you stick to your post (岗位) forever? Lei Feng answered this question with his service to his country.

Lei Feng was a Chinese soldier. During the 22 years he was alive, he helped many people. He carried luggage for the elderly and gave food to children. He once gave all his money to his friend’s sick parents. He darned pants and socks for other soldiers.

Lei Feng seldom spoke about what he did. After he died in 1962, people found his diary and learned about him. He became a symbol of the giving spirit. “There is a limit to one’s life, but no limit to serving the people,” Lei Feng said.

In 1963, Chairman Mao Zedong called on the nation to learn from Lei Feng, and each year’s March 5 has been named as “Lei Feng Day”. On that day, students do all kinds of volunteer work to learn from the role model. This year, some fifth graders in Shijiazhuang put the shared bikes along the road in order. Students from a primary school in Dalian told Lei Feng’s stories to others. “I learn from Lei Feng’s selflessness and want to help others by doing small things,” said Li Huaye, one of the students.

Lei Feng passed away more than 60 years ago, but the “Lei Feng spirit” still leads Chinese people to do volunteer work. President Xi Jinping said, “Lei Feng is the backbone (脊梁) of our nation. Let the ‘Lei Feng spirit’ settle down roots here. We should start from the baby to carry forward the spirit. The ‘Lei Feng spirit’ in the whole society can become common practice and then be carried forward from generation (一代人) to generation.”

1. Lei Feng was a soldier and he ____________ during the 22 years he was alive.
2. People learned about what Lei Feng did from ______________ after his death.
3. On “Lei Feng Day”, students learn from the role model Lei Feng by __________.
4. The underlined phrase “carry forward” means _________________ in Chinese.
5. What can you learn from the “Lei Feng spirit”? _________________________


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When 8-year-old Lilly Bice heard families in Texas lost everything because of a hurricane (飓风), she made a decision to help them with her parents.

Lilly’s parents experienced another hurricane years ago themselves, so they knew people in Texas had difficulty rebuilding their homes after the hurricane. One day, when they discussed how to serve food to the people, Lilly heard their talk. She wanted to play a part in helping those people, too. She decided to give away her toys to the children. “If they have toys to play with, they may feel much better,” she thought.

Then Lilly started to put her toys in a bag. One of them was her favorite doll. Lilly also wrote something on a piece of paper: “Dear little girl, are you excited about getting the doll? I hope you like her. She was a good friend to me and she will be a great friend to you.”

At last, the bag of toys went to Texas with the food.

“Though Lilly is a little girl, she always shows kindness to others. She tells us something important—Even little kids can make a difference. ______________,” Lilly’s mother said with a smile.

1. How did Lilly’s parents help the families in Texas? (不超过10个词)
2. What is Lilly like? (不超过5个词)
3. What would Lilly’s mother probably say in the end? (不超过10个词)
2024-04-28更新 | 33次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

Have you had a pet? Did it get sick or even die? How did you feel about it? Now let me share my story.

My family is always poor, but we are a close family. We love our pets above anything else. Last December, things got even worse for our family because of the terrible snow. We went from just being poor to being homeless and finally, we lost everything except for (除了) our two German shepherds(德国牧羊犬).

It was a cold winter, but luckily we found an old house where our two beautiful dogs could live with us. Unluckily, all of our money was gone and our dog food was running out.

We called all over the town, trying to find someone to help. But nobody would give a hand. I was afraid that our dogs would die because they didn’t eat anything for 3 days. I called one last place in town—a small pet food shop.

There, a young girl answered the phone. I told her about what we were going through. Then, this sweet girl told me that she would get the dog food for us for free.

Hearing this, I started crying. My fears went away. I knew that our dogs would have food, all because this young girl paid for it out of her own pocket. She didn’t know me, but she would help my dogs.

This young girl, whose name I don’t even know, will always be an angel(天使) to me, and an angel to my dogs as well.

1. Why did things get even worse for the writer’s family?
2. How many dogs did the writer’s family have after the snow?
3. Where did they live in a cold winter?
4. How did the writer feel when knowing the dogs could die of being hungry?
5. What do you think of the young girl?
2021-07-20更新 | 69次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

If you take a look at your closet (壁橱), how many of the clothes in it do you actually need or use? Many people often buy clothes in a hurry but they may just wear them for a short time. What do you do with them? Each year, people throw away many clothes and most of people just put them into the rubbish bags. So why don’t you give away the old clothes to the people in need? Here are some steps for you to do it.

Clean out your closet regularly. This makes it easier for you to find which clothes you want to give away.

Find the places that need the clothes. Look for their phone numbers and all the other information you need online.

You can also organize a party so that all of your friends can bring their old clothes. Then you will be able to help more people.

Take the clothes to the places. And you can also do a lot of volunteer work there if you are interested.

Please remember sometimes the small things we do for others may make a great difference. And we should do this more often to make the world a better place.

Give Away Your Old Clothes
Reasons◆We don’t actually     1     many clothes in our closet now.
◆It is a big waste for us to     2     the old clothes.
Steps◆Clean out     3     regularly to find out which clothes to give away.
◆Use your computer to find the information about the places that need them.
◆Organize a party to get more     4     in order to help more people.
◆Take the clothes to the places and do some volunteer work there if you are interested.
5. Would you like to give away your old clothes? Why or why not?
2024-05-14更新 | 12次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般