组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 人与动植物
题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:76 题号:19761163

When concert pianist Paul Barton moved to Thailand, little could he have expected where life would take him. Instead of performing for classical music lovers on stage, Barton’s audience are old and injured elephants. He spends his time playing everything from Bach to Beethoven to these huge animals.

The idea first came to Barton while he made a YouTube video in Thailand. It was there that the elephant-lover found out about ElephantsWorld. This sanctuary(保护区)cares for old, injured and disabled elephants. After contacting the manager, Barton decided to give his first concert. What happened was something he would never forget. “The first time I played the piano at ElephantsWorld, a blind elephant called Plara was having his breakfast. But when he heard the music, he suddenly stopped eating his food and stayed still all through the music. Plara was not the only one,” shares Barton.

The piano “concerts” are held in the open. Elephants are not forced to listen. In fact, Barton notes that the music itself appears to attract them, as many come closer for a listen. Some move slowly to the song. Some hold their trunk in their mouth as they listen, and others even put their thunk on the piano and begin to sing along.

For Barton, this work is part of an effort to care for these huge animals. Their stress and pain will disappear as they listen to music. “All I can think of is that we work to make the lives of elephants better in the ways we can,” explains Barton. “Elephants are emotional animals. There’s a special connection between us. We’re communicating with each other in a different language.”

Barton has posted videos of these amazing moments to his YouTube, which has over 300, 000 followers. Each of the videos is a moving look at how music influences these animals. Barton’s work is a bridge that brings together humans and animals.

1. Who did Barton perform for in Thailand?
2. Where did Barton give his concert in Thailand?
3. What does Plara look like?
4. How does Barton’s music help the elephants?
5. What do Barton’s followers think of Barton’s videos?


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Monkey City

There are many cities in the world. Some people like to visit cities. They like to see what is special in them. One city in Thailand has monkeys. There are over 1000 monkeys in this city. The monkeys are everywhere. They are even on cars and trains. A big group of monkeys live by an old building. Many people come to see this building and the monkeys!

This is a very busy city and a lot of traffic (交通) is a problem for the monkeys. Another problem is that monkeys can get sick (生病的). When one monkey is sick, other monkeys can get sick, too. Besides (此外), some monkeys fight with each other. Then, they can get injured (受伤的).

The monkeys are very important for this city because they help to bring (带来) visitors. The city has to find a way to take care of them. There is a hospital for the monkeys in the city. When the sick and injured monkeys are better, they go back to the street.

Every year the city has a large meal for the monkeys. The monkeys walk all over the food. They take food from each other. Many visitors come to watch the large meal. It is to say thank you to the monkeys for bringing people to the city.

1. How many monkeys are there in the monkey city?
2. Are there any problems for the monkeys in the city?
3. Why are the monkeys important for this city?
4. How does the city take care of the monkeys? What do you think of it?
2023-10-13更新 | 159次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

Protecting wild animals is protecting ourselves

Covid-19 outbreak in China was caused by a new coronavirus that we have never seen before. In China, it was first found in the Hunan Seafood Market.

Scientists have found that the virus likely came from bats and then spread to humans. According to Live Science, bats can carry and spread more than 60 viruses that can infect(感染) humans. Other wild animals like snakes are also hosts of many viruses.

There have been calls for people to stop eating wild animals. However, the danger is not just in eating them, but also in touching them. People who hunt, kill, sell or eat these animals run the risk of becoming infected.

Keeping wild animals as pets or selling parts of their bodies as animal products also creates risks for humans.

“Trade and consumption(消费) of wild animals of all kinds should be banned(禁止).” Zeng Guang told China Daily. “Otherwise people will suffer.”


        Let’s protect wild animals together

As we all know, Covid-19 spreads across China and the world. It was     1     by a new coronavirus that we haven’t seen before. The virus probably came from     2     and some other animals are also hosts of many viruses. So people should stop     3     wild animals and they should not hunt, kill, sell wild animals. Trade and consumption of wild animals shouldn’t be     4    , either. In a word, let’s try our best to protect wild animals together.

    5    What can we do to protect wild animals?
2021-10-15更新 | 86次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

A group of friends from India wanted to do something different for their vacation. They decided to drive through Australia. The journey was a real adventure (冒险), but sometimes the long hours on the road made them tired.

It was Bill’s turn to drive. Tony, Allan and Jeff were sleeping. Bill was thinking of the cool drink and shower in the next town when suddenly something jumped in front of the car. Bill tried to stop the car, but it was too late, he hit it. When the four friends got out, they saw a kangaroo (袋鼠) lying on the road. They thought that it was dead. What could they do? It wasn’t their fault (过失). It was an accident.

The friends were sad, but they wanted to have a photo of the kangaroo to show everyone back home. Jeff got his camera, and the others picked up the kangaroo and stood it up against the car. The boys decided to dress up the kangaroo. They put a cap, sunglasses and a jacket on him. They took several photos with the kangaroo.

Suddenly, to their surprise, the kangaroo moved its head ... its body, and jumped away with Bill’s cap, Allan’s sunglasses, and Tony’s jacket—with his passport (护照) and one thousand dollars.

1. Which country did the four friends come from?
2. How did they feel when they hit the kangaroo?
3. What did they do after they thought the kangaroo was dead?
4. 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。
5. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。
2024-07-27更新 | 13次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般