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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:630 题号:19997533

Sending astronauts to Mars is a big challenge. Astronauts will have to take everything they need, including food, air and water. The room inside the spaceship is too limited to hold many things. So packing a spaceship is a huge challenge for a trip to Mars.

Six astronauts on an eight-month trip to Mars will need at least 18,000 kilograms of water for drinking and washing. They’ll also need water to protect themselves from space rays which can pass right through spaceship walls and harm astronauts’ living cells. But a layer of water placed around the ship can stop the harm.

That’s a lot of water. And sending water into space is too expensive. It costs $33,000 to send one cup of water to Mars. The more you take, the more it costs. We have the technology to get to Mars, but the problem is that it’s too expensive.

But Flynn, an engineer at NASA, thinks he has a way of solving the problem. Instead of building a heavy spaceship and packing it full of stuff (物料), why not use the stuff as part of the spaceship?

Imagine a spaceship that blows up like a balloon. Inside, the walls have pockets like a big honeycomb (蜂巢). These hold lots of plastic bags filled with water, dried food and algae (水藻). All these make hard walls and great radiation (辐射) protection. And stopping radiation doesn’t influence the food or water itself—it’s safe to eat and drink. And what if the same water could be reused again and again? Flynn and his team call their packed-pocket idea Water Walls.

Making oxygen and taking away CO2—the waste gas you breathe out—is another problem in space. “Water Walls will take away CO2 the same way it’s done here on our Earth—with living plants,” Flynn says. Living plants take in CO2 to make their food, and give off oxygen. “Plants are hard to grow in a spacecraft, so we use algae,” he says.

Algae are tiny plants that live in water. The algae will live in bags in the walls too, fed by human waste and sunlight, eating up CO2 and making oxygen for the astronauts to breathe.

Flynn thinks his onboard recycling system has many advantages. He hopes it will help make flying to Mars a reality very soon.

1. What does the underlined phrase “packing a spaceship” in paragraph 1 most probably mean?
A.repairing things in a spaceshipB.recycling things in a spaceship
C.checking things in a spaceshipD.putting things into a spaceship
2. What is the advantage of Flynn’s system?
A.Cost is saved.B.Travelling time is saved.
C.Plastic bags are saved.D.Food is saved.
3. What is one purpose of Flynn’s idea of Water Walls?
A.To prevent space rays during the space trip.B.To make the whole spaceship stronger.
C.To control the temperature in the spaceship.D.To produce water in the spaceship.
4. Why are algae put in the plastic bags?
A.To prevent water from being polluted.B.To serve as food for astronauts.
C.To provide oxygen for astronauts.D.To help other plants grow in a spaceship.
2023九年级·全国·专题练习 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】As a 16-year-old boy looked closely at a mouse, it ran around an enclosed area in a lab. “Hi, Jakob. I’m Jake.”

Jake Litvag named the mouse, but they share more than just names. Scientists genetically engineered (基因改造) Jakob, the mouse, to be similar to Jake in one important genetic way. That mouse and its relatives are the first in the world to have the same missing gene that scientists say may cause Jake’s condition—autism (自闭症).

Scientists at Washington University in St. Louis raised the mice from stem cells (干细胞) that came from Jake’s blood. They wanted to study his condition. Jake’s parents, Joe and Lisa Litvag, visited the lab back in December 2021. They thought that meeting the scientists and the mice would help Jake understand his important part in the research. He now considers autism something to be proud of rather than something that makes him different from others.

“Oh wow. Cool!” Jake said as he watched the research mice. Walking out of the lab, Lisa Litvag cried as she thought about her son’s cells helping others. After meeting the mice, the family visited another lab, where Jake looked through a microscope at his own stem cells. “That’s me! How cool! I never saw anything like that in my life,” Jake said, as his dad pulled him close.

Jake’s father Joe Litvag said that he and his family are “deeply proud” to be part of the research. He added, “What do we live this life for? It’s to try to—in one way, shape or form—be of service to others.”

1. What can we know about Jakob?
A.It is the pet of Jake Litvag.B.It is the first mouse with autism.
C.It was raised in the lab for research.D.It has the same genes as Jake Litvag.
2. What did Jake do for the research?
A.He helped raise the mouse Jakob.B.He offered his stem cells for the research.
C.He carried out the research by himself.D.He provided an enclosed area for Jakob.
3. What is the purpose for Jake’s parents to visit the lab?
A.To let Jake forget his illness.B.To take Jake out of the lab.
C.To stop their son’s autism treatment.D.To help Jake know his role in the research.
4. How did Jake feel according to Paragraph 4?
5. We can infer (推断) from the last paragraph that _________.
A.Jake took pride in what he had done
B.Jake hoped to help others in the future
C.Joe Litvag deeply understood the meaning of life
D.Joe Litvag had different ideas about the autism research
2023-12-09更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】Look, robots(机器人) are having a party!
Last month, more than 2.000 robots came to Beijing for a big “party”. It was the 2016 World Robot Conference(WRC).
Robots today can do many jobs. They are very clever.

Some robots help people in everyday life. For example, Pepper is a Japanese robot. It can understand your feelings from your face, voice(声音)and body. It gets along with you like a friend. Some robots can help with housework. They can clean floors and windows. Some robots play sport. Robomintoner is from China.
It can play badminton(羽毛球)with you.
Other robots can work for businesses (商业). Baxter is a robot from the United States. It has long arms. It made coffee for people in the 2016 WRC. Another robot, called Alan, can work in shops. It can guide you and help you choose what to buy.
1. When did over 2000 robots come to Beijing for WRC?
A.Next year.B.Last month.C.In 2000.D.In 2017.
2. Where does Pepper come from?
A.China.B.The United States.C.Japan.D.Germany.
3. What do you think Robomintoner can do?
A.It can understand your feelings.B.It can clean floors and windows.
C.It can become your good friend.D.It can play badminton with you.
4. Who did Baxter make coffee for?
A.All the people in the USA.B.People in the 2016 WRC.
C.People in the shops.D.A robot called Alan.
5. What does the underlined(划线的)word “guide” mean in Chinese?
2019-02-15更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle university has turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named "DriveLAB" in order to understand the challenges faced by older driver. So that they can discover what the old really need while driving. Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a tall in health and happiness among older people. It may make them become more lonely.

Led by Professor Phil Blythe, the Newcastle team is developing some new technologies that are used inside cars. They want to make it possible to help older drivers to continue driving into later life. These technologies include custom-made navigation (定制导航) tools, night vision (可视) systems and intelligent speed systems. Phil Blythe explains: For many older people, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for keeping their independence, giving them the freedom to get out without having to depend on others. But we all have to accept that fact: as we get older, we do everything more and more slowly. As a result, it's difficult for older people to avoid any possible dangers while they are driving. And many of them will lose confidence in their driving skills. The result is that people stop driving before they really need to."

Dr Amy Guo, the leading researcher on the older driver study, explains, "The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to solve these problems." For example, most of us would expect older drivers to go slower than everyone else. but surprisingly, we found that in 30mph zones (区域), they try to keep at a constant speed. Some of them even break the speed limit (限制) and face to be punished. We're going out of our way to set up systems which can control their speed as a way of preventing that.

"We hope that our work will help with technological solutions to make sure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel."

1. What is the purpose of the DriveLAB?
A.To repair some old carsB.To design new types of cars.
C.To find out older driver's problems.D.To teach people traffic rules.
2. Why is driving important for older people according to Phil Blythe?
A.It keeps them independent.B.It helps them save time.C.It builds up their creativity.D.It is good for their health.
3. What do researchers hope to do for older drivers?
A.Improve their driving skills.B.Help them continue to drive cars.
C.Recycle iron from their old cars.D.Organize a driving club for the old.
4. The expression "constant speed" in Paragraph3 probably means "________" in Chinese.
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.A New Model Electric CarB.A Solution To Traffic Problem
C.Service From DriveLABD.Keeping Older Drivers On The Road
2021-01-19更新 | 175次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般