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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:74 题号:20532601

A duck is very sad because he is the ugliest among his brothers and sisters. But to his surprise, when he grows up, he finds that he has become a handsome young swan (天鹅)! This is the story of The Ugly Duckling (丑小鸭) by Danish (丹麦) writer Hans Christian Andersen.

In fact, Andersen was an “ugly duckling” himself. In 1805, he was born into a poor family in Odense, Denmark. As a young boy, Andersen was tall, ugly and had a very big nose. His friends always made jokes about his big nose. During his school life, young Andersen spent most days dreaming about the stories he imagined (想象) in class.

Later, because of his father’s death, Andersen had to make a living (谋生) by himself. He once worked as a tailor (裁缝) and made money in a theater. The difficulties helped him write his fairy tales (童话). Andersen began his writing by writing plays and poems for some small magazines. He talks about love and sacrifice (牺牲) in The Little Mermaid (美人鱼), and makes fun of authority (权威) in The Emperor’s New Clothes.

Andersen wrote for 43 years until the end of his life in 1875. He finished 168 works and we can read them in about 150 languages. They never stop bringing happiness to kids around the world.

1. Who wrote the story of The Ugly Duckling?
2. Did Andersen study hard at school?
3. Why did Andersen have to make a living by himself?
4. How did Andersen begin to write?
5. How long did Andersen write in his life?


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Once there were two little ducks, Quick and Quack. They didn’t feel lonely, because they were good brothers and they often ate and played together.

One day, they hung out everywhere happily as usual. Soon they came to a big river. To show who swam faster, they decided to have a race. The two ducks swam quickly down to the river. Both of them knew the way very well. But Quack wanted to try a much quicker way. He knew that currents (水流) in the middle of the river were faster and they would help him.

However, their parents had told them never to swim in the middle of a river. Quack thought about it for a moment, but he finally decided to try it. “I’m old enough now to swim there,” he thought.

It didn’t take Quack much time to be the faster one. Suddenly, Quack was caught by a big whirlpool (漩涡). He wasn’t strong enough to get away from it. Luckily, a cow passed by and saved him.

After that, Quack realized he should have followed his parents’ advice.

1. The passage mainly talks about ________. (10个词以内)
2. The two little ducks often did something together like ________. (列举两项,5个词以内)
3. In order to ________ the two little ducks had a race. (5个词以内)
4. Who saved Quack in the end? (5个词以内)
5. What can you learn from the passage? (10个词以内)
2024-05-24更新 | 11次组卷
任务型阅读-信息摘录(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

A spider was looking for a place to make a web. He wanted a suitable place where there were lots of insects. In this way, he could spend his life eating, drinking and relaxing with pleasure.

Soon the spider found a corner in a room. Just when he started making a web, a cat saw him and laughed loudly. The spider asked, “Why are you laughing?” “Can’t you see how clean this corner is? No insects will come here. They like dirty places,” the cat replied. Hearing this, the spider gave up the idea of making a web in that corner. Then he decided to make a web on a window. When he had prepared half of the web, a bird came and said, “Have you lost your mind? A strong wind will blow away your web.”

The spider stopped working. He started looking for another place. The whole day passed. He was tired, hungry and thirsty. He didn’t have any energy left to make a web. Just then an ant went to him and said, “I’ve been watching you since morning. You started making a web and left it incomplete after listening to others, so you didn’t complete your web.”

The spider realized his mistake and started regretting it. He said to himself, “I should have done my work with confidence (自信) and determination (决心).”

1. The spider was looking for a place where there were ________ insects to make a web.
2. The cat said the corner was so ________ that no insects would come.
3. The bird didn’t think it was a good idea to make a web on a(n) _______.
4. The whole day passed and the spider ________ any energy left to make a web.
5. From the story, we can learn that we shouldn’t be easily ________ by what others say.
2024-04-30更新 | 17次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

Jessie had gone to the woods with Jamie and Joe to get green branches to decorate the house for Christmas. She wore her little cap, her white furs, and her red socks.

She was a happy little girl, but she felt sad this morning because her mother had said, “The children will all have Christmas presents, but I don’t expect any for myself. We are too poor this year.”

When Jessie told her brothers this, they all talked about it. “Such a good, kind mother, and no Christmas present ! It’s too bad.”

“I don’t like it,” said little Jessie, with a tear in her eyes.

“Oh, she has you,” said Joe.

“But I am not something new,” said Jessie.

“Well, you will be new, Jessie,” said Joe, “①当你回家时,她得有一个小时没见到你呢。

Jessie jumped and laughed. “Then put me in the basket, and carry me to Mother, and tell her I am her Christmas present.”So they put her in the basket, and put green branches all around her. They put her down on the doorstep, and went in and said, “There’s a Christmas present out there for you, Mother.”

Mamma went and looked, and there, in a basket of green branches, sat her own little laughing girl.

“②Just the very thing I wanted most.” said Mother.

“Then, dear Mother,” said Jessie, jumping out of the basket, “I should think it would be Christmas for mothers all the time because they see their little girls every day.”

1. 请将①处画线句子译为英语。
2. 请将②处画线句子译为英语。
3. 请在文中找出与所给句子含义相同的句子。
All of you will have Christmas present but me.
4. Finally, the brothers put ________ in the basket.
5. What’s the passage mainly about?
2019-07-14更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般