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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.15 引用次数:341 题号:20592877

Vaccines (疫苗) may soon make their first film appearance. Led by expert Maria A. Croyle, researchers have developed a thin sheet that preserves vaccines for long periods without using the cooling system. This means the carefully cooled small bottles now used to ship vaccines could potentially be replaced by lightweight films that can be mailed in an envelope and stored on a shelf.

Croyle’s laboratory began developing the technology in 2007. Inspired by amber’s ability to preserve the DNA of insects, the researchers set out to create their own version of the substance by mixing “a lot of sugar and a little bit of salt, much like hard candy,” Croyle explains. The vaccine-containing film is administered by mouth—sweet news for many who dislike needles.

The film is tailored to suit each specific vaccine candidate and provide a protective coating. “We’ve learned over time that the key to really stabilizing whatever the film holds is to have it intermixed with all the components,” Croyle says, adding that the process is quick and uses affordable, standard equipment. “We really wanted to come up with something that would be transported to developing countries.”

Immunization (免疫) programs depend heavily on keeping vaccines cold (2℃—8℃) as they are transported, sometimes over thousands of kilometers to far-away locations. Delivery can be difficult and costly, and transport delaying can cause the vaccines to be ineffective.

But this new product can store live viruses, bacteria and antibodies for several months at 20℃. In a paper published in Science Advances, the scientists show that the live viruses in one vaccine were preserved in the film even after 36 months. They also find that a flu vaccine suspended in their film compares favourably with a traditional flu shot. “The study demonstrates early proof of concept for an exciting platform for vaccine product development,” says Lisa Rohan, who was not involved in the study. She also notes that each vaccine type would need a custom formulation (配方) for future stages of development.

“Finding partners to mass-produce for clinical trials is the researchers’ most pressing problem,” Croyle says. They are also exploring packaging methods to keep their films stable up to 40℃.

Size is a major advantage—a letter-sized sheet of the film can carry more than 500 doses (剂) of vaccine, about 1/900 the weight of the same amount of traditional doses. “By making it easier and cheaper to ship and preserve vaccines efficiently,” Croyle says, “the technology could vastly improve immunization rates the world over, particularly in middle-to-low income countries.”

1. What can we learn about the film?
A.It contains animal’s DNA.B.It will replace vaccines.
C.It comes in different flavours.D.It can hold bio-products.
2. According to Paragraph 3, we can learn about the film’s _____________.
A.development scheduleB.possible advantages
C.key componentD.transportation requirements
3. The author mentions Lisa Rohan’s words to _____________.
A.advise personalizing vaccinesB.stress the functions of a new platform
C.suggest the product is promisingD.prove the study is supported widely
4. What will be the next urgent task for Croyle’s team?
A.Reducing the shipping cost.B.Seeking ideal producers.
C.Improving the film’s capacity.D.Advertising the film worldwide.


阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 困难 (0.15)

You may drink water in a bottle when you are thirsty. But plastic bottles are bad for the environment. Is there a way not to use a bottle?

Try the Ooho bubble. It is a small ball of water. The water is in a soft container(容器). People use it instead of a water bottle. It has no colour, no smell and no taste. It is made from seaweed(海藻) and is safe for people to drink.

You can make a hole in the container to drink water from it. Or you can just put the whole thing into your month.

Three creators from the Imperial College London made the Ooho bubble. It is good for the environment. And people can only spend 0.14 yuan buying one container. It is much cheaper than plastic bottles. So many people like it.

________. For example, each water ball doesn’t hold much water. You may have to drink a lot of them before you are not thirsty any more. Or some may feel it’s not clean to hold the water bubble in their hands. What do you think about it?

1. The Ooho bubble is ___________.
A.a kind of water in soft bottlesB.a small ball of water in a container
C.bad for our environmentD.made from sea seaweed

2. If you have 0.7 yuan, you can buy ___________ of the seaweed containers.

3. Which of the following can be put at the beginning of the last paragraph(段落)?
A.The Ooho bubble has other good ways.B.But there are still many problems.
C.All of the people will like the Ooho bubble.D.Some people wonder if it is clean.

4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A new way to drink waterB.Bottled water is bad for the environment
C.Drink before you are thirstyD.The Ooho bubble is safe to drink
2022-10-17更新 | 187次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 困难 (0.15)


China’s flying cars take wing on world stage

BY TOM GREEN|WORLDDAILY|Updated:2024-01-1708:31

With innovative (革新的) technological experience, Chinese high-tech products, from new robots, electric cars, to smart phones and so on, have shown a strong ability on the international stage and become the new favourites of CES participants.

At the CES 2024 in Las Vegas, which is the most powerful tech event in the world, China’s flying cars attracted media and people from all over the world.

According to the vice-president of a Hi-tech company, their flying car is for both road, driving and flying and has completed its first flight.“Drivers can easily switch between flying and driving modes,” he said. “When you’re driving on the road, it operates as an intelligent car. It’s about the size of a regular car. In flight mode, it can take off and fly over traffic jams and rivers.”

During the research and development process of flying cars, Chinese super-car companies have faced various challenges and difficulties. These challenges could be either good or bad, but they are normal. Challenge is a natural part of operating in any country. “Facing the challenges,” the manager of a super-car company said, “Our first method is to stick to our goal: Developing products to solve problems for human beings and consumers and building a new mode of transportation for the future—giving cars wings. Second, in key technologies, we insist on complete self-development. In this way, we not only can better control our costs and quality, but also improve our competitive strength.”

The influence of flying cars on human life could be great, affecting everything from daily routines to global transportation networks. However, achieving smarter travel will require further efforts.

1. Which of the following shows China’s progress in the field of high-tech?
A.Chinese Hi-tech products have received much attention from CES.
B.Hi-tech companies have made a lot of money from selling their products.
C.Chinese tech companies have invented a lot of intelligent robots.
D.Buyers around the world are satisfied with the price of Chinese products.
2. What is the advantage of the flying car in flight mode?
A.It can run at a high speed on land.
B.It can help drivers save much time.
C.It can switch into an intelligent car.
D.It is more convenient than a plane.
3. How do the super-car companies deal with the problems they meet?
A.They reduce the price of the products so that they can sell more.
B.They ask other super-car companies from abroad for some help.
C.They try to avoid the difficulties when developing their products.
D.They stay focused on their goals and insist on self-development.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To discuss the challenges that super-car companies faced.
B.To explain the importance of the flying car in people’s life.
C.To show China’s high technology has achieved great success.
D.To let readers know more about the flying cars in Las Vegas.
2024-04-26更新 | 226次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐3】High-speed trains, Alipay ( 支付宝), shared bikes and online payment are seen as the new Four Great Achievements of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by the Silk Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video, young people from 20 countries along Belt and Road Routes were asked to name great inventions that had influenced their lives in China. The following is what they said from 4 young people of them.

“I’m Yala. I'm Nepal. I always go out by bike. Bicycle-sharing system allows people to borrow a bike from point “A” and return it at point “B”. It’s not only cheap but also a low-carbon and healthy way of life. I like it very much.”

“I’m Justin. I’m from Romania. China is really a great country and it’s high-speed railways are very fast, convenient and tidy. It takes me only about 6 hours from Beijing to Shanghai by train. It serves a lot of time and it’s cheaper than airplane. I wish we would have high-speed railways in our country someday.”

“I’m Archana. My life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. Here in China, I seldom take money with me when I go out. I can pay for almost everything by Zhi Fu Bao. Oh, it's amazing. However, in India, if you don't take a wallet with you, you'll be in a tough spot. ”

“I am Bond. You can find many wonderful things that we don’t have in Thailand. We don’t have Alipay or other online payment Apps with which I can go shopping without stepping out of the doors. If only I could bring them back to my country.”

1. What does Yala think of the bicycle-sharing system in China according to his words?
A.Convenient and relaxing.B.Healthy and amazing
C.Fast and tidy.D.Cheap and low-carbon
2. The underlined phrase "be in a tough spot" means_________in the passage.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the above information?
A.Bicycle- sharing system provides bikes for free.
B.Zhi Fu Bao is the only way of paying for things.
C.There is no Alipay in Thailand now.
D.There are high-speed railways in Romania.
4. What conclusion (结论)can we draw about the new four great achievements?
A.They are the signs that China is improving rapidly.
B.They were created by young foreign people.
C.They were brought to the countries along Belt and Road Routes.
D.They are great inventions outside China.
5. The writer writes this passage mainly to_________
A.introduce some wonderful things in China
B.teach us how to use the new great inventions
C.tell us the differences among the new Four Great Achievements
D.show the new Four Great Achievements that influence people’s lives
2020-02-24更新 | 391次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般