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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:44 题号:21040594

The United Nations has 6 official (官方的) languages. Each of them has their own days with the aim to show the rich history and culture (文化) of each language. UNESCO first created (创造) Chinese Language Day in 2010 to celebrate Chinese as one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

The first Chinese Language Day was on November 12th. But since 2011, it has been on the April 20th. The date was chosen from Guyu to remember Cangjie. Cangjie is very important in Chinese culture. People believed he created Chinese words 5,000 years ago. In old stories, it’s said that Cangjie had 4 eyes and he was good at observing (观察). He often watched the sun and the moon with his upper 2 eyes, and mountains and rivers with the lower 2 eyes. His long-time observation made him create the earliest written words according to the shape of things.

On Chinese Language Day, there are different activities to celebrate the Chinese language and the theme (主题) is different each year. In 2022, “China Chic” was chosen as the theme. Chen Xu, an officer said, “Choosing this theme, we hope to spread what most of Chinese people like today so that foreigners can know more about Chinese culture and have a better understanding of China.” A video festival called “Foreigners look at China Chic” was held. In the videos, foreigners showed their love of Chinese fashion.

Chinese Language Day is an important carrier for Chinese learners, lovers, and users from all over the world to get close to Chinese. Nowadays, more than one sixth of world’s population speak Chinese as their first language—that’s more than any other population in the world! Learning Chinese is more like a key to knowing China and feeling the beauty of Chinese culture.

1. The Chinese Language Day was first created _______.
A.in 2011B.13 years agoC.to celebrate GuyuD.to remember Cangjie
2. According to the old stories, how did Cangjie obseve to create the words?
3. What does the underlined word “spread” in Paragraph 3 possibly mean?
A.Make something cheap.B.Make something beautiful.
C.Make something popular.D.Make something traditional.
4. Why does the writer write the passage?
A.To tell some facts about a language day.
B.To make foreign people love to visit China.
C.To tell stories about a famous man Cangjie.
D.To show the history of the language of Chinese.


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Perhaps you have seen some strange English before, like “big meter” for dami and “small buy” for xiaomaibu in Chinese. These are examples of incorrect translations (翻译) in China. They can be seen everywhere.

       While many people find this “Chinglish” to be funny, it also confuse (使困惑) English speakers. On Dec 1, China carried out its first national standards (规范) for the use of English in public service areas. The standards include more than 13 areas, including transportation, sports and education. This means that many Chinese words will now have standard English names.
       For example, the English words for the Chinese dishes huntun and lamian are “wonton” and “lamian noodles”. For kaochuan and mixian, the English names are “barbecue” and “rice noodles”.
       As for places, shaoniangong is called “children’s palace”. The entertainment activity nongjiale that we enjoy in rural areas is called “agritainment”. There are also many English warning (警示) phrases.
       The standards are part of efforts China has made in past years to fix incorrect English. Many cities have already fixed signs with poor English translations. Shanghai opened a 12345 hotline to encourage people to report incorrect translations.
1. Which of the following is correct about the national standards? ________
A.They was carried out on Jan 1, 2017.
B.They are China’s first translation dictionaries,
C.They have 3, 500 English-to-Chinese translations.
D.They give many Chinese words standard English names.
2. Which is the translation for “spicy hot pot”? ________
3. We can tell from the story that “agritainment” is   ________.
A.a rural placeB.an entertainment activity
C.a warning signD.a place for kids
4. Why did China come out with these standards? ________
A.To fix incorrect English.
B.To teach English speakers.
C.To improve other countries’ images.
D.To help more people learn English.
5. The last paragraph shows that   ________ .
A.some cities have already corrected all the signs
B.all the cities have corrected lots of signs
C.lots of wrong English translation signs have been fixed in many cities
D.correct translations in China can be seen everywhere
2023-03-28更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you find it hard to describe a person? Don’t worry. These characters from famous books will help you.


Meaning: A persevering person never gives up his or her dream in spite of (尽管) difficulties.

Example: In the book The Old Man and the Sea, the old fisherman Santiago doesn’t catch any fish in 84 days, but he doesn’t give up. Finally he succeeds in catching a big marlin.


Meaning: An adventurous person is brave and willing to take risks.

Example: In the book The Wizard of Oz, the girl Dorothy takes the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Lion to the Land of Oz. Their journey is full of adventure.


Meaning: If someone is isolated, he is used to living alone.

Example: In the book Heidi, Uncle Alp lives alone in the mountains before the lovely girl Heidi comes here. Others don’t like to meet and speak to him.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The marlin is Santiago’s pet.
B.Dorothy is brave enough to take adventure.
C.Heidi is too shy to speak to Uncle Alp.
2. What does the writer want to do by writing the text?
A.To show a way to learn words.
B.To share some famous books.
C.To give examples on personalities.
3. In which part of an English-learning newspaper can we read the passage?
2023-12-23更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

NEW word in 2020

Coronavirus is this year’s Children’s Word of the Year. This is very interesting given that the 500 Words competition closed on 27 February 2020, the day before the first case was documented in the UK. This shows the influence of important events around the world on children’s creativity.


The word coronavirus appeared for the first time in the 500 Words stories in 2020. It is not a word that has been used before.

The word has been used 459 times in the stories in 2020, with 287 of them as coronavirus, 168 as corona virus, and 4 as corona-virus.

It is amazing that many of the themes young writers explored in fiction soon became a reality with the world in lockdown.


The nurses came running over. I felt a pain in my neck, I started to gasp for air. My body started shaking I couldn’t control myself. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, a mask covered my mouth, my temperature raised and I have the coronavirus.

(The Ex, girl 13)

A few years later he finally landed on earth ... but when he landed he found out a deadly virus had struck earth, the corona virus ...

(Bob’s Trip Around the Universe, boy 10)

1. This passage is most probably part of ________.
A.a language reportB.a science report
C.a book reviewD.a film review
2. The result is based on the findings from ________.
A.a 2019 surveyB.a 2020 survey
C.a 2019 competitionD.a 2020 competition
3. What can we learn about the word coronavirus?
A.Most children like the word very much.B.Most children use the word very often.
C.Children first used it in stories this year.D.Children first used it in stories years ago.
2020-07-29更新 | 533次组卷
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