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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:21213514

Do you dream of being a soldier when you grow up?

Zou Aimin is a border defense soldier (边防战士). He is stationed (驻扎) on top of Changbai Mountain in Jilin province.

When Zou got his PhD (博士学位) from Jilin University in 2011, this 29-year-old young man applied (申请) to come to the outpost (前哨). He is one of the few soldiers in the province with such a high level of education.

The weather there is very terrible. It often has heavy snow. And the weather can be very cold—the coldest temperature was -47 C. There are around 260 days a year when the wind speed is above 11.7 meters per second.

“It is very difficult to fall asleep at the beginning, because the wind outside cried like a wolf,” Zou said.

They can’t go down the mountain because of heavy snow. There is never enough drinking water on the mountain top. The soldiers have to melt (融化) snow for water to drink, cook and wash with. They can only take a bath once a month.

While most of the soldiers were born between 1990 and 1999, Zou said that they were not “spoiled” (溺爱). He said the difficulties were valuable experiences and he could share their stories with their friends at home.

1. How old was Zou Aimin in 2011?
2. Why was it difficult to fall asleep at the beginning for Zou?
3. How can they get enough drinking water?
4. How often can they take a bath?
5. What does Zou Aimin think of the difficulties?
【知识点】 其他人 记叙文 叙事忆旧


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

Remark for Flight CF4168

Dear passengers,

Here is the remark board(留言板) of this flight! To provide you a better flight experience, we warmly welcome your remarks here.

I’ve been a doctor for almost 20 years, and it is my first time to give a remark here, for I really want to record this touching experience!

When our flight was about to land and all passengers were required to be seated well, a teenage boy with Down syndrome(唐氏综合症) suddenly became very nervous because of the sense of weightlessness(失重感), and he left his seat and lay down on the ground. Though the crew(空乘人员) asked him to go back to his seat for several times, the boy didn’t move at all. His parents also tried many ways to comfort him, but it still didn’t work. It seemed that nobody could help. As a result, the plane had to circle above the airport, which made some passengers very impatient and angry.

Minutes later, a lady, said to be a teacher, stood up, and slowly walked to the boy. She lay down beside him, smiling to him. “Hey, boy! Are you looking for something on the ground?” No reply. “Did you have a good time during the flight?” No reply. “Are you afraid of something?” The boy turned to her… I didn’t hear what they said very clearly, but later, the boy went back to his seat happily.

Doctors always treat their patients with medicine, but facing with the boy, I felt so helpless. However, a teacher made it!


Actually, it is the worst flight I have ever taken! I felt very angry about it! I didn’t know why the airplane circled over the airport for such a long time. All the passengers had to sit still to wait for nothing! I am so busy today, and my business partners are waiting for me for lunch? Why do I have to waste time here?


Dear passengers,

I am the mother of the boy with the Down syndrome.



1. Is it the first time for Edem to give a remark on the remark board of a flight?
2. How did Tim feel about the flight?
3. How did the lady help the boy go back to his seat?
4. According to the passage, please finish the remark of the boy’s mother.(about 30 words)
2023-11-27更新 | 173次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

There was once a boy who was out playing in a field with his friends. As they were playing, the boy came across a stone that looked interesting. It wasn’t as dull (黯淡无光的) as the other stones. It was a little bit shiny. But it was still quite dirty. The boy picked it up and decided to polish (擦亮) it.

His friends laughed at him for this. They said, “Why are you polishing that old dirty stone? You are so stupid.” But every day, when they went out to play, the boy would bring the stone with him, polishing it no matter when they took breaks.

This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy left his home to join his friends as usual. He had quite a surprise for them. When he showed them the stone, they were amazed. It was, in fact, not a common stone at all—it was a beautiful diamond. The boy had stayed up all night, polishing it until it was completely clean.

There will be times in your life where people will try to discourage you. They will tell you that you’re wasting your time on some meaningless task. But when they do this, the best thing you can do is to pay no attention to them and continue to work toward your goal. You can turn a rough (粗糙的) stone into a diamond if you have persistence(毅力) and courage.

Finding diamonds in the rough


While playing in a field with his friends, a boy     1     an interesting stone by accident, which was dirty but a bit shiny.

Main body

The boy polished the old dirty stone     2     his friends were having a rest, even though they laughed at him. To everyone’s surprise, the stone     3     out to be a beautiful diamond.


In our life, sometimes, people around us may tell us it’s just a     4     of time. But we should stick to our goal. Because the more courage and persistence we have, the     5     we’ll be to our goal.
2022-03-22更新 | 301次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

I'm David. I live on the coast of Portugal where there are lots of beautiful sandy beaches and warm sunny days. It's the perfect location for my favorite hobby- making sand sculptures(沙雕). I'd never actually thought of making sand sculptures until my friends and I discovered some fantastic ones near my home. I couldn't believe that such beautiful model buildings were all made out of sand. From that moment, I knew that this was something I just had to do.

In fact, anyone can create a sand sculpture, but it's much harder than it looks as I soon discovered. The first sand sculpture I ever tried making was a two-meter-long dolphin(海豚). I was making great progress on it until quite suddenly the head started to break off. I tried everything to fix it, but it was hopeless. Soon the whole thing was just a big pile of sand on the beach. Some people nearby seemed to think this was very funny, but that just made me want to keep trying even more. I wish I'd listened to an expert on You Tube who advised digging up wet sand and using it to build sculptures because it sticks together better. So, I did that for my next sculpture of an elephant and I managed complete it in about four hours!

Many people don't understand that even a light touch to a sand sculpture can make a whole section(部分)fall off, which can take ages to rebuild. of course, heavy rain can do some damage (损坏), but not as much as you might think. As long as you build far enough up the beach, the water won't wash a sand sculpture away either. So when you re next to the seas make one yourself- you'll get a great sense of achievement.

1. When did David decide to start making sand sculptures?
2. What was David's first sand sculpture?
3. Whose advice did David think of when his first sand sculpture failed?
4. How long did it take David to make his second sand sculpture?
5. What will you get if you make one sand sculpture yourself, according to David?
2020-10-18更新 | 110次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般