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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:41 题号:21467146

Thomas Suarez is a 12-year-old schoolboy. He is now in the 6th grade at a middle school in Los Angeles. While most children of Thomas’ age are playing basketball or watching the Disney Channel, he’s creating apps and giving talks at TED (美国一家私有非营利机构).

Thomas is not even old enough to have a Facebook account (脸书网账号), but he has been strongly interested in computers and technology since before kindergarten (幼儿园 ). He’s established (建立) his own company, Carrot Corp, and has made two popular apps that are now sold in the App Store.

“A lot of kids these days like to play games, but now they want to make them,” he says. “And it’s difficult because not many kids know where to go to find out how to make a program. And not many parents have written apps.” So Thomas starts an App Club at school. Any student can come to learn to design (设计) an app. He says he is inspired (启发) by Steve Jobs.

In the future, Thomas wants to create more apps and more games. He also plans on continuing his App Club and finding other ways for students to share knowledge with each other.

1. What do children of Thomas’ age usually like to do?
2. Does Thomas have a Facebook account?
3. Since when has Thomas been strongly interested in computers and technology?
4. Where did Thomas start his App Club?
5. Who inspired him?


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Nobody knows who invented the pencil or when it was invented. A Swiss described a pencil in a book in 1565. He said it was a piece of wood with lead (铅) inside it. Pencils weren’t popular at that time, and people continued to write with pens.

In 1795, someone started making pencils from graphite (石墨) and they became very popular. They put graphite inside a piece of wood. Today, people still make pencils in the same way. (A) ________

When people wrote with pens, they had to put the (B) penpoint into ink (墨水) after writing every few litters. Later someone invented a fountain pen (自来水笔) and this kind of pen could hold ink inside it. A fountain pen can write several pages, (C) ________ then you need to fill it again.

Two brothers, Ladislao and Georg Biro, invented the ballpoint pen that we all use today. They left their country Hungary and started producing ballpoint pens in England in 1943 during World War Ⅱ.Later, a French company called Bie bought the Biro brothers’ company. Someone calls ballpoint pens “Bics”. Australians call them biros. (D) Whatever they are called. we use them every day. They make our life more convenient.

1. 下面选项中适合填入(A)处划线部分,使文章意思连贯的是 ________
A.Pens are used till now.
B.One pencil can make a line as long as 55 kilometers.
C.The ballpoint pen became more and more popular.
2. 文中(B)处划线单词的意思应该是 ________
3. 请在文中(C)处填写一个单词,使该句完整。________
4. 请将文中(D)处划线的句子翻译成汉语。
5. 请在文章最后一段找出与以下释义相匹配的一个单词。
useful, quick or easy to do : ________
2022-04-25更新 | 44次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

As we all know, robots can do a lot of things for people. But have you ever seen a “Robocop (机器人警察)”? Recently the world’s first Robocop has already started working in Dubai. The city is planning to let more robot policemen work around.

The Robocop went on duty on Sunday. He is making a name for himself and many people are interested in him. He is about 1.65 meters tall and weighs 100 kilos. It’s amazing that he can speak six languages. And he’s designed (设计) to be able to read expressions on people’s faces. The robot police officer has the ability of scanning (扫描) faces from 20 meters away to tell whether or not someone is bad. Besides, the robot police officer has a touch screen so people can use it to pay traffic fines (罚款) or report crimes, and even contact (联系) the local police station.

He is an understanding policeman. He can talk with you, reply to some of your questions and even greet you by shaking hands. He also has a microphone which is directly connected with the Dubai police call centers.

Such a robot police officer was first seen at the Dubai World Center in October, 2016. In fact, his early use was to offer help to tourists on the streets and in shopping centers in Dubai.

According to the latest report, robots will make up a quarter of the city’s police force by 2030.

1. Where has the world’s first Robocop started working?
2. How many languages can he speak?
3. How can the Robocop tell if a person is a bad one?
4. Is the Robocop designed to work for people in many ways?
5. When did people first see the Robocop?
2021-04-30更新 | 90次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

Pillows have been used in China for thousands of years. It is interesting to explore what ancient Chinese people used as pillows. Let’s discover more.

According to historical records, the development of pillows in China can be understood through different materials such as stone, wood, bamboo, copper, cotton, and silk. Stone and wooden pillows appeared earliest in history.

The earliest pillow discovered in China is a wooden one from a Chu state tomb,in the Warring States Period, in Jiangling City of Hubei Province. It has simple decorations.

Silk pillows appeared in the Western Han Dynasty. From the Warring States Period on, hard and soft pillows became the two main types of sleeping aids.

Porcelain (瓷) pillows were the most widely used in ancient China. They were first produced in the Sui Dynasty, became popular in the Tang Dynasty, and experienced a flourishing period in the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty reached a high level of porcelain pillow production. There is a famous porcelain pillow made in the Ding kiln (定窑) during the Northern Song Dynasty. The pillow is shaped like a baby lying in a prone (俯卧的) position on the bed. It is completely covered with white glaze, displaying a slightly yellow color and a smooth texture. As one of the representative works of that period, the pillow is housed in the Palace Museum in Beijing now.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, porcelain pillows became less and less popular, gradually giving way to the preference for softer pillows. Various materials such as cloth, cotton and leather were used. Some cloth pillows were decorated with embroidered (刺绣的) patterns on the surface.

Today, Chinese pillows continue to be made with great care, combining traditional designs with modern materials, to make sure a comfortable sleeping experience.

1. What were the earliest pillows made of according to historical records?
2. Which pillows were the most widely used in ancient China?
3. When did porcelain pillow production reach a high level?
4. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, did people prefer hard pillows or soft ones?
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
2024-05-29更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般