组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人兴趣 > 爱好
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:21469599

People in different countries have different hobbies.

Japanese like reading. We can see them read everywhere, in the station, on the bus, in the subway and in other public places. Japanese read 40 books on average (平均) every year, while the number in China is only 7.

American people’s hobby is watching TV. When they are free, a family often stay at home and watch TV together. Americans watch TV at least one hour each day. And about 96% of Americans take watching TV as their first hobby.

When you visit England, you may see many people wearing scarves (围巾) with different colors and patterns (图案) in the street and on the bus. They are always talking about a coming soccer game. Watching a soccer game is their common hobby. And different scarves stand for different soccer teams they like.

People in France like music. When they have time, some will stay at home to listen to music. Some choose to go to the theatre to enjoy an opera or a concert.

1. We can always see people ________ in the subway in Japan.
2. The American family prefer to stay at home to ________ together on weekend.
A.clean the houseB.read newspapersC.watch TVD.work in the garden
3. People in England wear scarves with different colors and patterns to ________.
A.keep warmB.take a bus easily
C.make them look more beautifulD.support (支持) the soccer team they like
4. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Chinese read 7 books on average every year.
B.People in the USA watch TV at least one hour each day.
C.France people like going to the movie when they’re free.
D.Watching a soccer game is people’s common hobby in England.
5. The passage is mainly about ________ in different countries.
A.different eating habitsB.people’s hobbies
C.people’s favorite musicD.different sports
【知识点】 爱好 文化差异 说明文


阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Different students like different things. Some like movies, some like games, and some like sports. Now let’s take a look!

The app Forest helps me pay attention to what I am doing. For example, if I want to read a book for an hour, I “plant” a seed in the app. During this time, I can’t use my phone. As time goes by, the seed will grow into a tree. But if I use my phone, the tree will die.

—Betty King

What was the hottest movie last summer? I would say it was Ne Zha.

The movie shows Ne Zha in his present life. Since he was a demon in his past life, people in his village think he is still bad. Ne Zha believes he can choose to be good or bad.

In both the old and new stories, Ne Zha keeps fighting and never gives up. That’s why people still love him today.

—Anna White

My favourite book is The Likeness. It tells the story of five students. And they live together happily in Ireland.

But one day, one of them betrays the others. The story becomes sad from there.

I learned a lot from this book, such as the key to making friends.

—James Smith

1. From the passage we know ________ can improve people’s attention.
A.the app ForestB.the book The Likeness
C.the movie Ne ZhaD.the story Five Friends
2. Anna likes the movie Ne Zha because it shows ________.
A.he always plants treesB.he never gives up
C.he always makes friendsD.he never feels sad
3. The passage above might be from the “________” part of a newspaper.
A.Music CornerB.Story GardenC.Language WorldD.Student Square
2021-10-29更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Today, many students take hobby classes (兴趣班) like dancing and painting after school. But you can also learn a hobby by yourself. Interest makes everything possible.


Playing the piano

I taught myself playing the piano! As I began to take up this hobby, I found it difficult to start with it. But because of my big interest, I didn’t give up. So I bought some piano books. I also watched some piano-teaching videos. Later, I could play some easy songs. I am proud (自豪的) of myself.



I love music for a long time. When I was in primary school, I started learning to sing. At first, I sang badly. Then, I met some people who could sing very well on singing apps. I wanted to be like them, so I tried to look for videos about how to sing well and practiced often. Now every time I hear my own beautiful voice, I can’t tell you how excited I am!


Playing basketball

I was interested in basketball after I came into junior high school. So I started training (训练) every Friday. At first, I felt really tired after training and I was poor at shooting (投篮). But I believed that “where there is a will, there is a way.” Then I went to ask my P.E. teacher for advice (建议) and played basketball with friends a lot. Day by day, I was surprised to find that I became more powerful (有力量的). My skills (技术) in shooting also improved.

1. What is the reading material about?
A.Ways to relax.B.Children’s hobbies.C.Healthy life style.D.After-school classes.
2. How did the children learn their hobbies?
A.They taught themselves.B.Their parents could teach them.
C.They took lessons in clubs.D.Their teachers were good helpers.
3. When did the boy practice basketball?
A.On weekends.B.On weekdays.C.In vacation.D.Every Friday.
4. What do the children think of themselves after learning the skills?
A.They surprised others.B.They made many new friends.
C.They think they are great.D.They found videos were useful.
5. What's the Chinese meaning of the sentence “where there is a will, there is a way.” ?
2024-06-09更新 | 68次组卷
阅读理解-匹配(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
    1     John is a football fan. He likes playing football with his friends after school. When he gets home, he likes to know more about football from TV.
    2     May is five years old. She likes the stories her mother told her. She also enjoys the cartoons and comedies on show from TV.
    3     Anna is a middle school student. But she often sees films in the cinema with her friends. It costs her a lot of money. Now she likes to enjoy them on TV.
    4     Grandpa Lu reads newspapers to learn the latest news every day. He finds it interesting. But he can’t see many pictures about the news. He wants to know the details from TV.
    5     Rose is a university student. She is majoring (主修) in music and dance. She’d like to know the latest songs and dances around the world from TV.
A. In this channel, you can enjoy the latest news with pictures or videos that happened around the world. You don’t need to read the newspapers. We will give you a full report.
B. Do you want to know whether your stocks (股票) are going up or going down? We will report the information you want every 30 minutes. Just keep an eye on it.
C. Are you interested in music? If your answer is “yes”, this is the channel for you. We will provide you with the latest songs and dances around the world.
D. Cartoons and comedies are on show in this channel. So it’s the children’s favorite. Welcome to join us to enjoy the famous cartoons made by Disney and some other companies.
E. Sports are the main programs in our channel. You can watch basketball, football or some other sports here. And we will also teach you to learn some sports skills.
F. Maybe most people like this channel. We will offer you many new movies every three hours. You can see them without ads.
G. This channel will tell you some news about traveling. You can know more about the travel agency and the routes you are going to take. We will also give you the price to the hot spots.
2024-03-18更新 | 17次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般