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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:47 题号:22057796

In the modern world, being able to speak English is often a way to get power. However, this is not true for English speakers in Cameroon. To know why things are different in this African country, we need to go back one hundred years.

In 1919, Kamerun (the name of Cameroon at the time) was cut into two parts: one belonged to France, and the other belonged to the UK. In 1960, the French Cameroon became the Republic of Cameroun, and the UK’s part joined it in 1961. The new country changed its name to the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Although both French and English are Cameroon’s official languages, only around 20% of its people speak English. Also, the government has been in French speakers’ hands since the two parts became one country.

For a long time, Cameroon’s English speakers have felt they are not welcome in their own country. For example, it is very difficult for them to find jobs in the government, and they are often asked to speak French in business and at official events. They have become angry at the government and decided to fight for themselves. Since 2016, the English speakers have tried to build their own country. They said in a public meeting in October 2017, that they were not part of Cameroon any more and they were a new country, “Ambazonia”. When the police tried to stop the meeting, at least eight people were killed.

1. Which map is most likely the map of Cameroon in 1962?
2. What can we learn about Cameroon?
A.It’s a small country in America.B.Ambazonia is its another name.
C.French is used more in this country.D.Most people there speak English.
3. The writer mainly wants to tell us __________.
A.how the two parts of Cameroon became one country
B.why English speakers in Cameroon have less power
C.how English speakers in Cameroon fight for themselves
D.why only 20% of the people in Cameroon speak English


阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

A tree has roots. People have roots, too. If you get to the root of a problem, you will solve it. It’s the same thing with words. Dig deeply into a big, unfamiliar (不熟悉的) word and you will understand where it came from.

Prefix, Suffix & Root Words

As readers, especially those reading in a second language, we need to deal with the text as if we were detectives (侦探) looking for information to unlock the unknown. Like any good detective arriving on the crime scene, the first thing to do when meeting a new and difficult word is to judge (判断) the situation, to look at everything that is known and see if it helps us to understand what means.

As you know, prefixes (前缀) and suffixes (后缀) can be added to the beginning or end of words to change the meaning. Know them, and you will have the word building power. But root words are the key. Take time to learn a few of these, put them in your memory, and you will become a master word detective.

Let’s look at one common root word used in English. “Alter” from the Latin word means “other”. When you meet this root word, you know that the bigger word has something to do with “other”. Examine the word “alternate”. Can you find the Latin root in it?

If you and your friend like to eat out. first you pay and the other pays the next-time. You are alternating paving.
If you go to the movies on alternate Saturdays, you go on one Saturday, but not the other Saturday.
If you have no alternative, you have no other choice.

Learn as many root words as possible in the language you are studying. Then use your “rooting for words” skills. Like any new skill, practice and hard work are always paid back.

1. If Jim and Lily go to the movies, which one below is “alternating paying”?
A.They each pay half.B.Jim pays every time.
C.They take turns to pay.D.Their parents pay for them.
2. How does the writer explain his ideas about root words?
A.By giving a fact.B.By taking an example.
C.By telling a story.D.By having a discussion.
3. “Sen” from the Latin word means ‘old’. Which word uses this Latin root?
A.My brother is my senior by two years.B.He was ill so he was absent from school.
C.A criminal was sentenced to death by law.D.60 students were present at the sports meeting.
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
(①=paragraph 1 ②=paragraph 2, …)
2023-03-28更新 | 184次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

    1     The five main ones are speaking, reading, writing, listening and grammar, but each one is important to the others. If you need to improve one, keep up your work on the others at the same time. Remember to improve all your language learning with lots of practice!

    2     Do you remember that time when you couldn’t understand anything at all and when you could hardly communicate? Look how much better you are now and how much you have improved! Believing in yourself is so important. Never say die.

    3     You shouldn’t be worried about how much you are learning, you should enjoy learning new words and being able to compare them to your own language. You should be excited about how much you have learned!

    4     Do you feel you are not progressing? Look back on how you learned the language. Set your goals and decide what you want to do in the short, medium and long term. Then start looking at how you achieve these goals.

    5     Why do you want to learn another language well? Do you want to be able to teach that language or travel to that country and be able to communicate? Remember the reasons for learning a language and keep going for it.

A.It is very important not to give up.
B.You need to review how to learn the language.
C.Keep practicing the five main parts of the language.
D.Remind yourself of your reasons for language learning.
E.Language learning should be enjoyable!
2022-10-18更新 | 537次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

Most people of the world do not bow(鞠躬) to each other, but Japanese people do. They often bow when they meet. Men bow to men and to women. Men and women may also bow to each other, but usually only if they do not know each other. The younger, or more junior person bows more deeply than the older, or more senior person. The Japanese also bow to say “thank you” for something, or to apologize for something.

Schoolchildren do not bow to each other. Schoolgirls say goodbye to each other by waving their hands and saying “bye bye”. Schoolboys may copy Westerners and pat each other on the back or make “high fives” with their hands.

Many types of hand gestures(手势) have special meanings. You may see Japanese people put their thumb and index finger together to form a circle. This circle represents(代表) a coin and this gesture is the sign for money. If the Japanese want to indicate(表明) “me” without using words, they point to themselves by putting a finger to their noses, but Westerners would point to their chests. All young Japanese children learn to make a “V” sign with their middle and index fingers when someone takes their photograph. In Japan, this sign means “peace”, but in England this sign means “victory”. To say “No”, “I don’t know” or “I don’t understand”, Japanese people wave their hands in front of their faces, so it may be difficult to understand exactly what someone means.

Nodding of the head may also be confusing. When Japanese people nod their heads, it does not mean they agree with what you are saying. It means that they understand what you are saying. You must also be careful not to misunderstand a smile. When the Japanese smile they may not be happy, in fact they may be embarrassed(尴尬的).

As in most countries in the world, Japanese people use a lot of body language. Some of it you will understand and some of it will be new or confusing to you.

1. Japanese people bow ________.
2. Japanese men and women ________ bow to each other ________.
A.usually; when they know each other
B.always; when they first meet each other
C.usually; when they first meet each other
D.always; when they know each other
3. When Japanese people point to their noses it means ________.
A.they need to blow their nosesB.there is a bad smell
C.they are lyingD.they are talking about themselves
4. When a Japanese person nods, it may mean ________.
A.“I am happy”B.“I agree”C.“I understand”D.“I disagree”
5. Some body language used in Japan is ________.
A.internationalB.ItalianC.childishD.only used at home
6. The Japanese ________.
A.don’t like using body languageB.don’t use much body language
C.only use Western body languageD.use a lot of body language
2023-01-02更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般