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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:16 题号:22125664

Zhang Peng checked how well he mastered listening, reading, speaking and writing by himself. His English teacher would give him some advice according to his self-check.

Self-check List
Name: Zhang Peng             Score:25/32
I can listen for the useful information in the listening tasks. 
I can take some notes while listening.
I can talk about the history of inventions.
I can use the passive voice correctly.
I can find out the main ideas of the passages quickly.
I can draw mind-maps according to the passages.
I can write a description of an invention with the help of the mind-map.
I can use the passive voice correctly in the writing.
28~32 Excellent!          24~27 Very Good!          15~23 Not bad!        Below 14 Work harder!
1. Which skill is Zhang Peng really good at from the chart?
2. What comment can Zhang Peng get according to the checklist?
A.Excellent!B.Very Good!C.Not bad!D.Work harder!
3. What would Zhang Peng’s teacher most probably ask him to do?
A.Practice writing more often.B.Draw more mind-maps.
C.Learn more grammar rules.D.Memorize more English words.


阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

#198: Describe your feelings in English (By Annemarie)
When someone asks how you feel, you certainly know words like happy, sad, angry, tired, and so on. But do those words perfectly describe your feelings? Or are your feelings sometimes more complex (复杂的)? In this video, you’re going to learn 23 new ways to talk about how you feel.

Lorette | France 3 days ago
I don’t have much time to practice English, but I find all the lessons interesting and Annemarie’s voice sweet. It’s a pleasure to learn this way.
Peter | China 7 days ago
It’s such a great lesson, Annemarie! I feel really lucky that I can have the most humorous English teacher on the Internet. Look forward to your next lesson.
Alvin | Australia 20 days ago
Thank you for the excellent lesson, Annemarie. It’s fun and educational.
Ls Vivian | China 1 month ago
Thank you so much, Annemarie. I’ve been working very hard to learn English and this lesson has certainly helped me a lot.
1. The video is about ways to ________.
A.practice EnglishB.describe feelings in English
C.learn English wellD.remember English words
2. The latest comment comes from ________.
3. In Peter’s eyes ________.
A.Annemarie is humorousB.Annemarie’s voice is sweet
C.Annemarie is nice and hard-workingD.Annemarie’s class is easy to understand
4. What does Vivian think of the lesson?
5. What can we learn from the comments?
A.The lesson came out last week.B.Peter wants to take more lessons.
C.Alvin is too busy to practice English.D.Lorette and Vivian are from the same country.
2022-11-10更新 | 191次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】I’d give anything to draw horses the way my friend Euphemia Tucker does. They’re always running wild and free with their manes(鬃毛) flying over the paper like clouds across the sky. Euphemia’s horses look so real that you can almost feel their breath.

Today I took a piece of paper. I closed my eyes and planned to draw one of Euphemia’s horses. I could see it so clearly that I was sure I’d be able to draw it this time.

I started with a big mane. Next I drew most of the body and a long tail. It wasn’t too bad before I got to the front legs, which looked more like two noodles with wrong hooves(蹄).

I tried again, but the hooves still didn’t seem right. I erased(擦掉) them and went on to the head. That was when I really ran into trouble. First I drew some great donkey ears, followed by sheep ears, pig ears... everything except horse ears. I erased what I drew again and again until I got a hole in the paper.

I was still upset when I got off the bus. I walked past the neighbors’ horses standing in the field. They’d been in that field for so long. Their manes never floated into the sky. Their tails hung straight down to the ground. They never be free spirits like Euphemia’s horses, but they seemed patient and strong. Their colors reminded me of chocolate.

An idea came into my mind. I started to draw a picture. The picture came out right for the first time, even the legs and ears! Drawing horses is easier when they’re right in front of you. It doesn’t look exactly like one of Euphemia’s horses, of course. But I know that when this drawing is finished, it will look great.

1. What can we know from the words “their manes flying over the paper like clouds across the sky” in Paragraph 1?
A.The manes are drawn terribly.
B.The manes look like they are moving.
C.The manes are getting mixed together with each other.
D.The manes look like clouds.
2. Why did the writer write the second paragraph?
A.To show the writer’s problem.
B.To show the writer’s being useless.
C.To compare the writer’s abilities with Euphemia’s.
D.To show the writer’s determination(决心) to draw a nice horse.
3. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
A.Some situations take time to change.B.Practice can help natural talents to develop.
C.New ideas will finally be accepted.D.Ideas may come in unexpected ways.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The writer couldn’t draw well at first, but later he found a great way to draw.
B.The writer wanted to become an artist like Euphemia Tucker.
C.The writer’s neighbors helped him a lot with his paintings.
D.Drawing horses was so difficult that the writer couldn’t do it easily.
2023-07-01更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Like many foreigners, I only knew two words of Chinese (“hello” and “thank you”) when I came to China in 2009. As you can probably guess, my life was difficult for a while after I arrived. Simple tasks like ordering food or taking a taxi were quite stressful.

I knew I had to learn more Chinese, so I signed up for classes. My teacher was very helpful, although I didn’t learn enough to have a real conversation. Later, I studied on my own as well, but my progress was still slow. I became very frustrated.

Finally, I found that the best way to learn Chinese is to make friends with native speakers and spend time with them. Around this time, I started playing in a band with a Chinese girl who became one of my best friends in Beijing. I learned a lot of Chinese by hanging out with her. For example, she taught me a lot of words about music. She also learned a lot of English from me in return, so it was a good way to exchange language and culture.

I’ve learned enough Chinese to take care of a few difficult tasks, such as booking train tickets and speaking with my friends. However, visits to the bank and anything else about technical language are still not easy for me.

These days, there are more foreigners than ever who are studying Chinese. I can understand why: It’s a fascinating language and there are always new words waiting to be discovered.

1. Why was the writer’s life difficult when he came to China in 2009?
A.Because he didn’t speak much Chinese.B.Because he didn’t have enough money.
C.Because he couldn’t find a job.D.Because he failed to get into college.
2. What does the underlined word “frustrated” mean in the second paragraph?
3. According to the writer, what’s the best way to learn Chinese?
A.Sign up for classes.B.Study by yourself.
C.Make friends with native speakers.D.Play music in a band.
2022-03-01更新 | 77次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般