组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:短文填空-语法填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:121 题号:22175460

Emperor penguins (帝企鹅) are the world’s largest penguins. Now, there     1     (be) over 600,000 of them worldwide. But a new study says that because of global warming, 70 percent of the penguins may become endangered (濒危的) by 2050.

Stephanie Jenouvrier is a penguin expert. She says that global warming is harmful to the penguins’ sea ice environment. Emperor penguins need sea ice to produce babies (生宝宝), find food and keep away     2     other animals.     3     the world’s temperature continues to rise, more sea ice will be damaged (损坏). And emperor penguins may     4     (appear) in the future.

Emperor penguins produce babies only in winter. Temperatures are low and winds are strong then. Newborn penguins have to stay together to keep     5     (they) warm. But in 2006, the sea ice in Halley Bay broke up much     6     (early) than usual. As a result, about 10,000 baby birds     7     (die) in the water that year.

    8     (lucky), experts have already been aware (意识到) of the problem. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service recently made a plan to put emperor penguins on the list of the Endangered Species Act. “The listing of emperor penguins serves as     9     alarm bell, but also a call to action. It is necessary for us     10     (take) action now to protect the penguins,” one expert says.

【知识点】 常见动物


短文填空-汉语提示填空(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Hooray! Here comes 2023, the Year of the Rabbit! Rabbits are gentle and smart. They are very     1     (受欢迎的) with people from all over the world.

In China, the rabbit stands for the moon. Ancient Chinese people     2     (相信) a rabbit was living on the moon. The rabbit is called the Moon Rabbit and helps Chang’e, a goddess who is widely known in China, to make     3     (药). Besides, rabbits can have many babies in the nature,     4     (甚至) in terrible conditions. In the past, people thought the more children they had, the     5     (更好的) their life would be. These can tell why rabbits     6     (认为,考虑) to be a lucky sign in China.

Similarly, rabbits are seen to be lucky in Western culture. There are some traditions about how to gain the rabbit’s good luck for     7     (你自己). For example, a rabbit’s foot is one of the most famous     8     (象征) of good luck and its holder is supposed to be lucky. In North     9     (美国), people usually say the word “rabbit” on the first morning of every month. They’re looking forward to     10     (带来) them a good luck for this whole month.

Now it’s the Year of the Rabbit. Hope you will be blessed with a good luck this year!

2023-03-24更新 | 175次组卷
短文填空-语法填空(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

Lions will die out from many countries in West Africa(西非). They can't live in 99% of their places. The     1    (number)of the lions will become smaller and smaller. In 20 years Africa will lose half of the lions. Lions will die out     2     the earth,too.

Lions can't live in Africa. It's    3     we don't have enough food and places for lions. There are too many people on the earth,so we need more food and more clothes. And we need    4    (make)money and keep     5    (health). We go into forests and grassland. Lions have to find another place but people's footprints are here and there. Lions can’t find any    6    (place)or enough food. Lions will die out because of no food. There    7    (be)only a few lions in West Africa now. People are     8    (kill)lions.

It's time    9     people to help lions. But how can we help them?It's a big problem for     10    (we).

2020-03-05更新 | 28次组卷
短文填空-汉语提示填空(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Nurse Charlie

Several months ago, I had a car accident and required an operation. My wife Geraldine, told me that for the three days I was in hospital, our black dog, Charlie,     1     (躺) at the door waiting for my return.

Charlie is     2     (六) years old. Whenever I go out and can’t take him with me, he patiently waits at the     3     (前面) door for me. Geraldine says that at times he will not leave his place even when facing delicious food — very     4     (不寻常) for a dog.

After I returned home, Charlie must have sensed that there was something different about me. For my     5     (安全), he did not jump up to greet me, although his moving tail     6     (清晰) showed that he was happy to see me. Instead, he waited till I could comfortably     7     (休息) in bed. Then he hesitantly (踌躇地) came close to me and sat at the foot of my bed.

As I started to become more mobile, he played with me in a more gentle way. I am now much healthier and     8     (有时) we go for walks together. Charlie does not     9     (拉) hard on the lead. Besides, his steps try to suit     10     (我的).

I could not have asked for a more careful nurse.

2022-06-18更新 | 675次组卷
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