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1 .

Class: Science     Date: 2023/6/17

What Should You Do If You Find a Baby Bird Out of the Nest?
IF the bird is HURT:
Call the animal center(0-123-4567).
Carefully pick the bird up and take it to an animal hospital.
(Keep it warm and don’t give it any Food!)
If the bird is NOT HURT:
You CAN reach the nest
Put the bird back.
IF you CAN’T find or reach the nest
Call the animal center.
Just leave it there!
(It’s learning how to fly!)
People believe birds will give up their babies if they have the smell of people on them. WRONG! Birds don’t care!

1. Which is the WRONG way to help a baby bird that is out of its nest?
A.Feed it before you take it to a hospital.
B.Leave it alone if it is not hurt and has feathers.
C.Call the animal center if you can’t find its nest.
D.Put it back in its nest if it is not hurt and has few feathers.
2. What do birds do if their babies have the smell of people on them?
A.They leave the babies behind and move to a new nest.
B.They clean the babies until the smell goes away.
C.They push the babies out of the nest.
D.They keep taking care of the babies.
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确选项。

Bats search for food in the dark using echolocation (回声定位), but that doesn’t mean that they can’t see, though they’re often wrongly thought to be blind. Research shows that many bats actually have good eyesight (视力) and use it to help them find food.

There are over 1,300 different kinds of bats in the world. Some feed on flowers, others on insects, and a few even feed on blood. Different kinds have developed different visual (视觉的) abilities. Many bats use both eyesight and echolocation when looking for food. Fruit bats, for example, don’t echolocate at all and actually have better eyesight than most humans. Even bats that eat insects prefer using eyesight when possible. Far from being useless, bats’ eyes are used to the dark environment to better help them look for small animals. Also, the eyes are improved by their great hearing power.

In a word, bats are not blind. They have different degrees of visual abilities and use them along echolocation to look for food. So now, being “as blind as a bat” doesn’t sound so bad, does it?

1. Which type of bat does NOT use echolocation?
A.Fruit bats.B.Blood-feeding bats.C.Insect-eating bats.D.Flower-feeding bats.
2. What do all bats use to search for food?
3. According to the article, which statement is True?
A.There are about 1,200 kinds of bats.B.All bats have the ability to echolocate.
C.Some bats use eyesight and echolocation together.D.Only fruit bats have good eyesight, while others do not.
4. Which one can be the best title (标题) ?
A.Why are Bats Special?B.Are Bats Really Blind?
C.What Great Powers Do Bats Have?D.Are Men as blind as a bat?
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区喀什市中考二模英语试题

3 . Humans and dogs have been living and working together for thousands of years. Because of their protective (保护的) and playful nature, people often get dogs as pets for children. Today, because of their natural curiosity and excellent sense of smell, many dogs are being trained to help with different kinds of search and rescue (救援) jobs, for example, when a skier is lost in a snowy wilderness area or a child disappears in a forest.

The first known use of dogs to help rescue people took place in the Great St. Bernard Pass, a route (路线) in the mountains between Switzerland and Italy. There, hikers often became lost during bad winter weather. For many centuries, a group of monks (僧人) ran a small hotel there where travelers could spend the night. In the 17th century, the monks began taking dogs with them when they went out to rescue lost travelers. They knew the dogs could use their sense of smell to find people, but they soon discovered that the animals also had an excellent sense of direction, even when it was impossible to see anything through the heavy snow. Using dogs for search and rescue jobs became common during the First World War.

They have to go through strict training. The training can last up to two years, and trainers look for four qualities in the animals they choose: being able to communicate well with humans; focusing on one thing for a long time; enjoying playing games since the training includes doing the same thing over and over again; finally, it must follow orders all times or it might fight back. Dogs with these have become a valuable part of many life-saving teams around the world.

1. Dogs are chosen as pets because they ________.
A.are easy to be trainedB.have good sense of smell and direction
C.can protect and have fun with ownersD.are useful when go hunting
2. According to the writer, which event happened first?
A.The monks discovered that the dogs had a good sense of direction.
B.The monks began taking dogs with them to rescue hikers.
C.The monks opened a hotel in the Great St. Bernard Pass.
D.The monks discovered that the dogs had an excellent sense of smell.
3. Which of the following can be best put in ?
A.Not every dog can do this difficult and challenging job.
B.Dogs are born to be rescue and research helpers.
C.Since then, dogs have been playing an important role in life-saving.
D.Dogs can only be trained at special schools or centers.
4. Which dog might be chosen as a rescue dog?
A.Dog Lucky likes to play ball games for a short while every day.
B.Dog Jacky often helps his owner take out rubbish when asked to.
C.Dog Jojo loses herself in cartoons and turns a deaf ear to her owner.
D.Dog Puppet follows the strangers home as offered some chicken.
5. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.help choose the best rescue dog
B.show how rescue dogs are trained
C.raise children’s interest in keeping pet dogs
D.introduce the qualities and history about rescue dogs
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市江汉区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know very much about them. For example, there are 350 types of sharks and all of them are meat eaters. Some sharks are very big. The whale shark is 50 to 60 feet long. But some sharks are very small. The dwarf (侏儒) shark is only 6 inches (英寸) long.

Sharks are 100 million years old. In fact, they lived at the same time as dinosaurs. Today sharks live in every ocean on the earth, but most sharks live in warm water. They keep the oceans clean because they eat sick fish and animals.

Most sharks have four to six rows of teeth. When a shark’s tooth falls out, another tooth moves in from behind. Sharks do not have ears. However, they “hear” sounds and movements in the water. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrate. This helps sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food, too. Most sharks see best in low light. They often hunt for food at dawn (黄昏), in the evening or in the middle of the night.

Scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example, cancer is common in many animals, including people. However, it is rare (罕见的) in sharks.. Scientists want to find out why sharks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too.

1. Where do most sharks live according to the text?
A.In very deep water.B.In warm water.
C.Near the surface of the ocean.D.In cold water.
2. Why do sharks keep the oceans clean?
A.Because they do well in cleaning water.B.Because they eat sick fish and animals.
C.Because they can get cancer like humans.D.Because they can produce a kind of chemical.
3. What does the underlined word “vibrate” mean in Chinese?
4. What can we know about the shark from the text?
A.The dwarf shark is only 6 feet long.B.The whale shark is 50 to 60 feet long.
C.Sharks only use large eyes to find food.D.Sharks and dinosaurs lived in different times.
昨日更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年辽宁省朝阳市建平县部分学校中考一模英语试题
短文填空-首字母填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。

Do you know that Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo has asked for public help by “adopting (领养)” zoo animals since (自从) years ago? In February 2024, Miss Chen from Beijing paid 2,000 yuan and “adopted” a lesser panda (or red panda) at the zoo. The zoo would use the m    1     to buy food for its animals. If the animals don’t feel well, it will be paid for their medical c    2    .

As for Chen, she could get a certificate and l    3     about the lesser panda’s daily life online. She can go to the zoo for f    4    , she can also have the chance to feed (喂养) the animal and clean its living space.

Animals l    5     golden monkeys, koalas and tigers are all on the adoption list, according to the zoo’s WeChat account. E    6     animal has its own profile (简介) including a photo, its a    7     and personality (性格). For example, it shows that a 7-year-old golden monkey named “jinxiaomeng” is bold (勇敢的) and s    8    .

Online adoption is one of the ways the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo gets h    9     to get through hard times. More than 80 percent of the zoo’s income (收入) comes from v    10     tickets (门票).

昨日更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京玄武外国语学校2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Every spring, thousands of fish swim through Utrecht, a city in the Netherlands, to find a place to lay their eggs. In this process, they help eat insects and keep the waterways clean. However, there is one problem. They have to wait at the Weerdsluis lock (水闸), which is usually closed at this time of year.

After knowing that, local ecologist Mark van Heukelum decided to help the fish. He learned that the lock keeper didn’t know when there were fish waiting at the lock. Mark set up an underwater camera at the lock and connected it to a computer and an online doorbell. When someone sees fish waiting to pass, they press the doorbell and the lock keeper will open the lock to let the fish through.

But Mark couldn’t keep watching the doorbell day and night. He reached out to the public to see how many people would like to lend a hand. He was surprised. In its first spring in 2021, the Fish Doorbell was rung more than 100,000 times by people all around the world.

This spring, people’s interest didn’t seem to wane. On the website, the number of visitors was always over 100 and could go as high as 500, depending on the time of day. Politely holding a door open for the friends of humans in the water is a feel-good act of kindness.

Some people are thinking of ways to automate (使自动化) the doorbell. But Mark thinks takes a different view. “I hope when spring comes, people will be excited to ring the doorbell again.”

1. What challenge are the fish in Utrecht facing?
A.They have no place to lay eggs.
B.They can’t find enough food.
C.A lock gets in their way.
D.The water is dirty.
2. Paragraph 2 doesn’t tell us ________.
A.who came up with the Fish Doorbell idea
B.when Mark talked to the lock keeper
C.how the Fish Doorbell works
D.where the camera is
3. The underlined word “wane” in Paragraph 4 means “________”.
A.startB.continueC.get weakerD.get deeper
4. What can we learn from the Fish Doorbell project?
A.Many hands make light work.
B.Well begun is half done.
C.Fact speaks louder than words.
D.Rome wasn’t built in a day.
5. Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Join an online project to watch fish in spring
B.Robot changes the life of fish in the Netherlands
C.Ecologist in the Netherlands makes friends with fish
D.Ring the doorbell to help fish in Utrecht
昨日更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省揭阳市揭西县五校中考一模英语试题(含听力)
书面表达-看图作文 | 适中(0.65) |

7 .    请仔细观察下面图片并发挥想象,用英语写出一篇涵盖每张图片内容且结局完整的故事。故事的开头已经给出。

1. 文中不得出现真实姓名学校名称;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 词数80左右。

Millie is a middle school student who loves playing with little animals. One day, when she was on her way to school, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8 . Sally is a girl. She likes animals very much. Her favorite animal is pandas, and she goes to the zoo to see them every month.

One Sunday afternoon, Sally went to the zoo. When she arrived there, she ran to the pandas’ house quickly.

But when Sally got to the pandas’ house, she saw lots of people talking in front of the house. And it was kind of noisy. “What’s wrong with the pandas?” Sally asked anxiously (焦急地).

“Oh! Don’t worry (担心), little girl. The pandas are healthy,” an old woman answered.

Then Sally looked into the house. There were two pandas. Lucy and Lily were in the house. They were playing with a ball. And she also found another panda in it.

“Who is he?” she asked.

“He’s Peter. He comes from another zoo,” a man in uniform (制服) said. “Next year, you may see a small panda here.”

“A small panda! I love that,” Sally said happily.

1. Sally goes to the zoo to see pandas every week.
2. Sally ran to see the pandas when she arrived at the zoo.
3. There was kind of noisy because pandas were fighting.
4. Peter was a new member which came from another zoo.
5. A baby panda will be born in this zoo next year.
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Childhood is always full of love and fun. But sometimes there are growing pains. We grow a little bit every day. What about animal babies? Are they close to their parents? What problems do they face?

Go to the kindergarten

Emperor penguin dads take care of their babies when they are eggs. As the babies grow, their dads and moms leave them in groups and go fishing. It’s like sending them to the kindergarten. There, the babies eat, learn and play together. An adult penguin looks after them.

Happy with Mom

These baby polar bears have a very good mom. She teaches them everything, including how to walk, swim and hunt. The babies will stay with their mom for two and a half years. They travel around and share their food.


Life is not easy for baby butterflies. Their parents leave them when they are caterpillars inside eggs. Later, they turn in top up as. Then, they try their best to get out and turn into beautiful butterflies. No one helps them. They are strong enough to do it on their own.

Hard from the start

On the day of their birth, the barnacle geese face a test of life and death. They have to jump from high cliffs. This is because their parents build their nests up high to keep them safe. Luckily the baby geese are light, so they don’t usually die when they hit the ground. But it is still dangerous.

1. Who take(s) care of the emperor penguins when they are eggs?
A.Their moms.B.Their dads.C.Their brothers.D.The kindergarten.
2. How long can baby polar bears stay with their mom?
A.Twenty months.B.Twenty-five months.C.Thirty months.D.Forty months.
3. Which is the best for “▲”?
A.Lonely kidsB.The caterpillarsC.The pupasD.The butterflies
4. Which of the following is NOT right about the barnacle geese?
A.They build their nests in a high place.
B.The baby geese have to jump from high cliffs.
C.The baby geese don’t usually die when they falloff the cliffs.
D.It is always safe for baby geese to live on the cliffs.
5. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Different baby animals’ childhood.B.Many animals are living hard.
C.The growing pains in childhood.D.A lonely and funny childhood.
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省开封市金明中学2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题
补全对话-5选5 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是Scott和Beauty之间的对话。Scott想把White Fang从Beauty那里买过来,他们在谈论价格。
10 . 补全对话
(Matt throws a rope around White Fang’s neck. Beauty stands up. )
Beauty: I’ll tell the police what you’ve just done to me.
Scott: If you do, I’ll tell them what you were doing to your dog.     1    
Beauty: Three hundred dollars.
Scott:     2    
Beauty: He’s a good sled dog. His name is White Fang.     3    
Scott: I’ll give you a hundred and fifty dollars for him.
Beauty:     4    
Scott: It’s all you are going to get. (He throws the money at Beauty then turns to Matt.) Come on, Matt. Bring the dog.     5    
A.That’s too much.
B.That’s not enough.
C.He’ll lead the others.
D.We’ve nothing more to say to this man.
E.How much do you want for him?
昨日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省盐城市东台市第二教育联盟中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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