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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:22178944

A Driverless Vehicle

A driverless vehicle is a car, truck, bus, van, or taxi that travels on the roads without a human driver. They can guide themselves, avoid obstacles (障碍物), and get from A to B without anybody in it. Driverless cars can go wherever a traditional car with a human driver goes.

Driverless vehicles, also known as autonomous (自动化的) vehicles, robotic vehicles, and self-driving vehicles, can sense and get to know what is happening around them with the help of modern technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer software that makes smart machines think and act like humans. In this way, driverless cars can avoid obstacles and find the best road map for the vehicle.

Levels of the Driving Automation

Today, there are six main kinds of vehicles, from No Automation, Driver Support, Partial Automation, Conditional Automation, High Automation, to Full Automation. The sixth level, Full Automation, means a completely driverless vehicle that can drive in all situations completely on its own.

Safety of the Driverless Cars

Many people are scared about the thought of traveling in a car with no human driver. However, the artificial intelligence and sensors in a driverless vehicle do not get tired, angry, or sleepy. They do not make the trip dangerous because of high speed or drinking too much. Most experts agree that autonomous vehicles will become much safer than human drivers, especially when all the basic problems in the early period have been solved.

With Driverless Cars, Traveling Will Be Relaxing

Can you imagine what our roads will be like when all vehicles are driverless? They will be connected to a traffic control center with information about all the roads. The driverless vehicles will be able to make sure that traffic jams never happen. In this way, it will give you a comfortable trip. Humans will be able to read, write, watch movies, eat, play games, and even sleep in their cars.

Many people say that there are many problems about driverless vehicle. Maybe human beings still have a long way to go to make the driverless vehicle much safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable.

1. What is a driverless vehicle?


2. What dangers can driverless cars avoid?


3. What can people do in a driverless vehicle according to the passage?


4. Would you like to try a driverless vehicle? Why or why not?


【知识点】 科学技术 说明文


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

Future clothes won’t just be for wearing. They will do more things from sending messages to giving directions. Some may even wash themselves!

Be a screen

What can a cyclist do if he or she is lost? A coat made with electronic textile(电子织物)may help. It can work like a screen. Wear it and you can send messages, check directions or read the news. Such textile has been made by Chinese scientists. The coats may not be far away.

Clean itself

You might say goodbye to the washing machine in the future. Scientists are studying clothes with a special nanostructure(纳米结构). You just need to put them under sunlight or a light bulb. The nanostructure can break down dirt like paint and even tomato sauce.

Power up

Your mobile phone is going to die? No worries. You can charge it with your coat! Scientists are inventing clothes with solar panels (太阳能板)inside. When people wear the clothes, the solar panels can get energy from sunlight. They can store power and charge (充电)the phone later.

Other wearable technology

An umbrella can tell you the weather. Glasses can take photos. Shoes made from plants are friendly to Earth.

1. A coat made with electronic textile can ________ like a screen.
2. When people wear the clothes, the solar panels can get ________ from sunlight.
3. What do you need to do if you want clothes to wash themselves?
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
2023-05-20更新 | 92次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

What do you use the Internet for? According to a recent national report, the top three purposes of using the Internet for Chinese children are “learning”, “listening to music” and “playing games”. As many as 88.9 percent of children said they often use the Internet to study.

How are today’s young people using online resources (资源)? We talked with some teenagers and found the young people are really good at improving themselves by looking up the online world.

“I love using Duolingo to learn different languages,” said 14-year-old Zhang Enqi from Tianjin. Duolingo is an App where users can learn foreign languages in a fun way. “The teachers are very cute cartoon figures (人物), which makes the learning process fun. They encourage me to learn and compete with friends, just like playing a game,” Zhang said.

Li Shuhe, a 14-year-old from Shanxi, used wikiHow a lot. “The website has over 160,000 articles that teach you how to solve all kinds of problems. It even teaches you how to have fun by yourself, which I find quite creative and useful,” Li said.

In the face of the rich learning materials (材料), you could be easily distracted (注意力分散的)when you study online. So self-control is really important. At the same time, the school and parents need to pay attention to developing the children’s digital literacy (数字素养). That will stop the young people from being misled (误导) by wrong or harmful information.

1. About 88.9 percent of children often use the Internet to ________________.
2. What does Zhang Engi use Duolingo to do?
3. What does Li Shuhe think of wikiHow?
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
2023-04-26更新 | 77次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Crew members of Shenzhou XII mission gave a science lecture(讲座)400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students on Thursday afternoon, December 9, 2021 in the Tiangong space station.

The three astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu greeted students, teachers and other viewers when the lecture started in the afternoon. They explained their life and work inside the space station.

The astronauts made scientific experiments to display interesting physical phenomena(现象)in space, for example a “water ball”. They also invited young viewers to do similar experiments along with them to see the differences between space and land environments to experience the fun of exploration. Besides, they answered questions from students during the lecture.

Tens of millions of teachers and students across China, including Hong Kong and Macao watched the hour-long televised event. They were excited to have such a chance to understand more about biology, physics and chemistry through the experiments in space.

The activity showed the nation’s technology development, and our students have learned some new things that we could not teach in a class. It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class and more lectures will be held. Such activities will help spread knowledge about space and increase the love for science among young people.——Rinchen Drolkar, a teacher

The astronauts’ experiments really surprised me. I would like to take part in our country’s space exploration program in the future——Wang Yihan, from Tibet 5th-grade student

1. When was the science lecture given about space?
2. What did the astronauts do during the lecture?
3. What do the students and teachers learn through the experiments?
4. What’s the purpose of the activities according the teachers’ words ?
5. What do you expect from the next lecture? Why?
2022-07-06更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般