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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:13 题号:22209031

One evening, Anne was at home doing her homework. Matthew was home, but Marilla went to town with the Barrys and Mrs. Lynde. Suddenly, Anne looked up and saw Diana standing at the door. She looked very worried.

“What is the matter, Diana?” cried Anne.

“Oh, Anne,” said Diana nervously. “Minnie May is ill!”

Matthew knew Diana’s father and mother were away in town. He quietly got his cap and coat and went for the doctor. The two little girls ran to Diana’s house hand in hand. Minnie May was Diana’s three-year-old sister. She was very sick. Anne saw her and immediately (立即) went to work. She looked after many children before and knew what to do.

“First we must have lots of hot water. Put the fire on. I’m going to give her some medicine (药).” Minnie May did not like the medicine, but Anne did not give up. All night, Diana and Anne stayed with Minnie May. It was three o’clock when Matthew came with the doctor. But by then, Minnie May was sleeping. Anne told the doctor what she did. He was very impressed. Later on, he told Mr. and Mrs. Barry, “That little red-headed girl is very smart. She saved that baby’s life.”

The next day at dinner, Marilla had something important to tell Anne.

“Mrs. Barry was here this afternoon, Anne. She says thank you, and she is very sorry she acted as she did about the wine (酒).”

That night, Anne was invited to the Barry’s for a lovely dinner. They all said wonderful things about her, and she felt very special.

1. What made Diana worried and nervous?        ____________
2. When did Matthew come back with the doctor?       ____________
3. Who saved Minnie May’s life according to the doctor?     ____________
4. Why did Mrs. Barry come to Anne’s home this afternoon?   ____________
5. What do you think of Anne according to the passage?     ____________


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held a sign which said, "I am blind. Please help me."
There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.
Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized(认出) his footsteps and asked, "Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning? What did you write?"
The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said, but in a different way."
What he had written was, "Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it."
Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.
1. What was wrong with the boy?

2. How did the man help the boy get more money?

3. Do you think the second sign is better than the first one? Why or why not?
2018-04-28更新 | 40次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

Two Words that Changed Many Lives

Often when we’re going through a hard time, we feel alone, and just having someone notice and understand is enough to make us feel loved and supported. Sherry was once upset and disappointed while working on a hard job. Then her boss gave her a card. The card with just two little words was what made her realize she wasn’t alone.

The two words?

You Matter.

Sherry said she almost cried when she read the message. “I’ve fought at times with my own self-worth, and when I received the card, it felt like a question I carried around with me had been answered—I matter.”

Sherry was so touched that she ordered 100 of her own cards to give away.

“I met a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When I asked her how she was doing, the woman said, ‘Not so good. My husband just lost his job. The truth is, I don’t know how I’m going to get through the holidays.’ My heart ached, I wanted to help but didn’t know how. Then I remembered something in my hag that might help her. ‘It sounds like you’re going through a really hard time. I’d like to give you something.’ And I handed her a ‘You Matter’ card. When she read it, she began to cry. ‘You have no idea how much this means to me.’ she said thankfully.”

“Without that card, I wouldn’t have gone up to that woman and said anything,” she says. Sherry thought the experience was so powerful that she decided to send sets of 30 “You Matter” cards free to anyone who signed up online as long as the person promised to give the cards away. She called the event the “You Matter Marathon (马拉松)” because the cards can pass on people’s kindness and care about each other.

The idea was more successful than she’d expected and the cards have changed many people’s lives. Julie, a participant (参与者), says, “Having the ‘You Mater’ cards ready to hand out has allowed me to really look at people. This is making me a much more connected human.”

1. Who gave Sherry a card when she was working on a hard job?
2. How did Sherry help the old woman?
3. Why did Sherry call the event the “You Matter Marathon”?
4. What do you think of Sherry? Why?
2024-02-02更新 | 28次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文讲述Leanne Carrasco举办一个披萨派对而不是毕业派对,并通过派对帮助无家可归的人。并介绍她以后要学习护理来帮助更多的人。

It’s a tradition for American teenagers to hold a big party when they graduate (毕业) from high school. However, one Texas girl didn’t feel like celebrating with a traditional party. Instead, she decided to hold a pizza party for homeless women and children.

Her name is Leanne Carrasco. She held the special party at the Star of Hope Mission, Houston, a community(社团) to help homeless people. The girl explained why she chose to think of others instead of(而不是) just herself. “Because I can do many things for homeless people, and being able to help other people means a lot to me.” “However, parties don’t last long and I probably won’t even remember that,” she said.

Carrasco has volunteered at the Star of Hope with her family over the years. This time she decided to ask her friends to join her. Carrasco and her friends not only provided(提供)90 pizzas, they also prepared 400 personal care bags for those in need. They served lunch to about 200 people during their pizza party. “It was a very magical day, someone from the Star of Hope said. “It gives you a hope for the youth of today.”

Carrasco plans to go to Briar Cliff University, and she plans to study nursing there. She hopes to help more people in the future. “I think you should always know you’re lucky to have what you have,” she said. “Don’t take that for granted and continue to help others.”

1. Who did Carrasco hold the pizza party for?
2. Where did Carrasco hold the pizza party?
3. Why did Carrasco choose to hold the party for others instead of herself?
4. How many pizzas did Carrasco and her friends provide for the party?
5. What does Carrasco plan to study at Briar Cliff University?
2022-08-29更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般