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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:210 题号:22562763

ChatGPT is back! OpenAI, the company behind the popular chatbot, has now introduced a powerful new language model: GPT-4.

On March 14, GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than the GPT-3.5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger (充电器), GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange.

But GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there. The new language model can code (用代码编写) classic games in a few minutes, and produce the code and layout (布局) for a website based on a hand-made drawing. GPT-4 is much better than the older GPT at passing tests. According to CNN, GPT-4 did really well on a law school test, with a score in the top 10 percent of test takers. ButGPT-3.5 only got a score in the bottom 10 percent.

GPT-4 will also power other apps and services. For example, the language learning app Duolingo plans to use GPT-4 in their coming products. Users can learn languages by talking with AI. Another app, Be My Eyes, will have a digital assistant (数字助手) to help blind people better understand the world around them. The government of Iceland also plans to use GPT-4 to protect the Icelandic language.

There are still problems with the new language model, however. GPT-4 still tries hard to get completely correct answers. And it will sometimes insist that wrong information is true.

1. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.OpenAI.B.GPT-3.5.C.GPT-4.D.A chatbot.
2. Why is GPT-4 considered much better than GPT-3.5?
A.Because GPT-4 is much new er than GPT-3.5.
B.Because GPT-4 can spend less time coding games.
C.Because GPT-4 got better scores than GPT-3.5 at tests.
D.Because GPT-4 powers other apps and services.
3. The app, Be My Eyes, uses GPT-4 to ________.
A.let users learn language by talking with AI
B.help blind people understand the world better
C.give support to the Icelandic language
D.earn much money by selling services
4. How is the text organized?
(①=Paragraph 1, ②=Paragraph 2, … )
【知识点】 科学技术 说明文


阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】People expect living, breathing fish when they visit an aquarium (海洋馆). So, visitors to a Shanghai aquarium were surprised to see a robot shark instead. CGTN reported the electric-powered “whale shark” showed up in Shanghai in January.

Developed by Chinese researchers, the 4.7-meter -long “shark” has mechanical fins (机械鳍). It can swim, turn and dive (潜水) like a real shark. It swims as fast as 0.7 meters per second and can go as deep as 10 meters underwater.

Bionic (仿生的) fish like this are not just for pleasing aquarium visitors. They can also be used in other fields.

The bionic whale shark, for example, with different sensors (传感器) will check water quality and take photos of underwater animals and plants, CGTN reported.

According to iMedia News, military (军事的) uses are also likely. Bionic fish produce almost no noise. They will not be found by people, meaning they can swim around submarines (潜水艇) unnoticed. Compared to anti-submarine aircraft (反潜艇飞机), anti-submarine “fish” are cheaper and can work better.

Along with military and research uses, underwater rescue (救援) and archaeology (考古) can also use bionic fish. Smaller robots can swim in and around sunken (沉入水底的) ships, sending all kinds of data (数据) back to people. With a 3D scanner (扫描仪), people may even make models of sunken ships.

Maybe most exciting, these fish can swim among real fish. With sensors and cameras, we can learn more about fish behavior, such as schooling—how small fish swim together to avoid being eaten and breeding (繁衍). If robotic fish are good at mixing in, we may also learn what it’s like to get eaten by sharks!

1. What do we know about the robot shark?
A.It swims just like a real shark.
B.It swims as fast as 4.7 meters per second.
C.It can’t go as deep as 10 meters underwater.
D.It was just for pleasing aquarium visitors.
2. How can bionic fish help with rescues in paragraph 6?
A.They can bring things back from sunken ships.
B.They can collect data of sunken ships for people.
C.They can save the people in sunken ships.
D.They can make models of a 3D scanner.
3. The structure of the passage may be ________.
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A.The development of bionic fish
B.The uses of bionic fish
C.Bionic fish, humans’ new helper
D.Bionic fish, the sea’s new animal
2023-01-01更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B” 。

A recent report from a United Nations group warns that using technology in classes may not help. The report suggests that technology should be used less in schools, and that smartphones should not be allowed to use in classrooms.

Over the last 20 years, technology has been used more and more in schools. These days, it’s common for students to use computers or tablets. In many places, it’s normal for students to look up information on the Internet instead of using books.

UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) knows that technology can help in many ways. But they said it can also be a bad thing. One study that was carried out in 14 countries showed that even just having a smartphone nearby can bring the bad influence to kids. Even so, UNESCO says that less than 25% of the world’s countries mustn’t use phones in schools.

The report suggests that the best way to learn is still to work closely with teachers. Working with other classmates also helps students learn. UNESCO says that most schools should spend more money on things like books, classrooms, and teachers.

1. A recent report says that technology should not be used in classrooms.
2. Nowadays it is normal for student to search information on the Internet.
3. UNESCO said that technology can have influence both in good and bad ways.
4. One study showed that over a quarter of the world’s countries mustn’t use phones in schools.
5. The report says that the best way to learn is to work with teachers instead of working with classmates.
2024-02-21更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you find that it’s hard to look at your phone without getting discouraging looks from teachers and parents?What if using social media was an assignment?

In America,the push for more technological classrooms comes from things like smart boards and online textbooks.Some feel that interaction between students and teachers over social media is a bad thing,but others see the benefits.Barrington history teacher Robert Seidel uses the social networking website Twitter to interact with his class.He said technology is a valuable tool in his classroom.

“What matters most is how the teacher is using technology,and I have found that technology can help me increase the number of students who actively participate in my course,”said Seidel.

Humanities(人文学科)and media teacher Scott Glass from Glenbrook South High School in Illinois believes that social media like Twitter can connect students to the professional world and give them a chance to get their names out there as soon as they can.

“I think students are sometimes surprised by how easy it is to connect with professionals,”Glass said.“A simple Google search for any profession will turn up many individuals and organizations that are active on platforms like Twitter.”

However,there are problems with putting class work on social platforms.Many teachers,including Seidel,believe that social media and technology in general can easily distract students.However,they hope they can find a way to use it properly.

“For teachers and students,technology has become both a powerful tool for learning and a potential distraction in the classroom,”Seidel said.“Not only can it improve cooperation,communication and creation in endless ways,but it can also serve as an infinite(极大的)distraction.Properly using technology in the classroom requires additional management from the teacher as well as a great deal of self-discipline from the students.”

Glass believes it’s very important for schools to teach students how to use social media.“As a teacher,I think part of my job is to help students understand how best to make use of it as thoughtful learners and creators,”said Glass.

1. According to the history teacher Robert Seidel,by using social media,
A.teachers will observe students’ performance more easily
B.students will become more actively involved in courses
C.students will become independent learners
D.fewer students will attend the class
2. According to the passage,Glass probably believes that social media
A.is a good platform for students to share their class work
B.can help students to contact professionals more easily
C.offers students the latest knowledge in real world
D.makes it much easier for students to get jobs
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Social media should not be used in the classroom as it distracts students.
B.Students will become less creative if they always use technology for study.
C.Humanities teachers can make fuller use of social media than science teachers.
D.Both teachers and students need to work hard in order to use social media properly.
4. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Social media is popular.B.Classes use social media.
C.Technology distracts students.D.Technology is important.
2019-11-05更新 | 26次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般